Vayne Skins

Vayne Skins

Night Hunter
Silver Bolts
Final Hour
Pick Rate
Ban Rate
#Skin Name
Riot Points880
Vindicator Vayne
Riot Points520
Aristocrat Vayne
High Society
Riot Points520
Dragonslayer Vayne
Dragon World
Riot Points975
Heartseeker Vayne
Riot Points975
SKT T1 Vayne
World Champions: 2013
Riot Points750
Arclight Vayne
Riot Points975
Soulstealer Vayne
Mythic Essence125
Riot Points1820
Firecracker Vayne
Lunar Revel: Firecracker
Riot Points1350

All Vayne skins

Take a look at the best Vayne skins in League of Legends. Other than counters for Vayne a skin is only for the aesthetics. Therefore keep learning how to build Vayne.



Shauna Vayne is a deadly, remorseless Demacian monster hunter, who has dedicated her life to finding and destroying the demon that murdered her family. Armed with a wrist-mounted crossbow and a heart full of vengeance, she is only truly happy when slaying practitioners or creations of the dark arts, striking from the shadows with a flurry of silver bolts.
This is the default Vayne skin and is free of charge. The champion Vayne costs 880 Riot Points.

Vindicator Vayne

Vindicator Vayne

The price for the Vindicator Vayne skin is 520 Riot Points. Vindicator Vayne is part of the theme Trick-or-Treat. Other skins of the theme set:

  • FrankenTibbers Annie
  • Underworld Twisted Fate
  • Butcher Urgot
  • Ravenborn LeBlanc
  • Nosferatu Vladimir
  • Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks
  • Nightmare Tryndamere
  • Grim Reaper Karthus
  • Pumpkin Prince Amumu
  • Mundo Mundo
  • Count Kassadin
  • Spooky Gangplank
  • Witch's Brew Blitzcrank
  • Kitty Cat Katarina
  • Haunting Nocturne
  • Haunted Maokai
  • Wicked Lulu
  • Headless Hecarim
  • Haunted Zyra
  • Count Kledula
  • Trick or Treat Ekko

Aristocrat Vayne

Aristocrat Vayne

Vayne never imagined slaying monsters would bring her fame and fortune. Now that she has them, she finds it terribly difficult to return to a life when her crossbow and arrows weren't made from pure gold.
The price for the Aristocrat Vayne skin is 520 Riot Points. Aristocrat Vayne is part of the theme High Society. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Tango Twisted Fate
  • Marquis Vladimir
  • Order of the Banana Soraka
  • Tango Evelynn
  • Gentleman Cho'Gath
  • Archduke Nasus
  • Gentleman Gnar

Dragonslayer Vayne

Dragonslayer Vayne

Many heeded the call of the dragonslayers as they mustered their forces, from common cutpurses to fabled monster hunters. Vayne was one such legendary recruit—for what is a dragon, if not the deadliest beast of all?
The price for the Dragonslayer Vayne skin is 975 Riot Points. Dragonslayer Vayne is part of the theme Dragon World. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Dragonslayer Olaf
  • Dragon Guardian Galio
  • Dragonslayer Xin Zhao
  • Dragonslayer Kayle
  • Dragon Trainer Tristana
  • Dragonslayer Twitch
  • Dragonslayer Trundle
  • Dragon Master Swain
  • Dragonslayer Jarvan IV
  • Dragon Trainer Heimerdinger
  • Dragon Oracle Udyr
  • Scarlet Hammer Poppy
  • Dragonslayer Pantheon
  • Dragon Knight Mordekaiser
  • Dragon Trainer Lulu
  • Dragonslayer Diana
  • Dragon Sorceress Zyra
  • Dragonslayer Braum

Heartseeker Vayne

Heartseeker Vayne

Take a tumble with Heartseeker Vayne, the season of romance's number one exterminator of supernatural horrors! With her trusty crossbow, iron will, and years of brutal training, she'll make sure no heart will ever escape her grasp.
The price for the Heartseeker Vayne skin is 975 Riot Points. Heartseeker Vayne is part of the theme Heartbreakers. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Sweetheart Annie
  • Heartseeker Ashe
  • Sweetheart Sona
  • Heartseeker Orianna
  • Heartseeker Varus
  • Heartpiercer Fiora
  • Heartseeker Quinn
  • Heartseeker Jinx
  • Heartseeker Lucian
  • Heartbreaker Vi
  • Heartseeker Yuumi
  • Sweetheart Rakan
  • Sweetheart Xayah

SKT T1 Vayne

SKT T1 Vayne

Honoring Piglet's winning performance as Vayne during the 2013 World Championship.
The price for the SKT T1 Vayne skin is 750 Riot Points. SKT T1 Vayne is part of the theme World Champions: 2013. Other skins of the theme set:

  • SKT T1 Jax
  • SKT T1 Lee Sin
  • SKT T1 Zyra
  • SKT T1 Zed

Arclight Vayne

Arclight Vayne

Empowered by the Arclight, the slayer Vayne was shown the creeping darkness lurking beneath the foundations of the world. Tasked to fight it back at all costs, she will stop at nothing to drive each new horror from whence it came.
The price for the Arclight Vayne skin is 975 Riot Points. Arclight Vayne is part of the theme Arclight. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Arclight Brand
  • Arclight Yorick
  • Arclight Varus
  • Arclight Vel'Koz

Soulstealer Vayne

Soulstealer Vayne

Once a hunter of all things tainted, Vayne has become the very thing she sought to destroy. Her twisted mind warps her perception, causing her to see an enemy in every living thing. She takes souls with impunity, with no stain of these vile deeds upon her conscience.
The price for the Soulstealer Vayne skin is 125 Mythic Essences. Soulstealer Vayne is part of the theme Soulstealer. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Soulstealer Vladimir



Augmented with classified tech, Vayne was once a member of PROJECT's counter-espionage unit. After she was betrayed by the corporation she served, she now stalks the shadows as a vigilante, searching for ways to break PROJECT and the technology that haunts her soul.
The price for the PROJECT: Vayne skin is 1820 Riot Points. PROJECT: Vayne is part of the theme PROJECT. Other skins of the theme set:

  • PROJECT: Warwick
  • PROJECT: Ashe
  • Prestige PROJECT: Irelia
  • PROJECT: Irelia
  • PROJECT: Katarina
  • PROJECT: Renekton
  • PROJECT: Mordekaiser
  • PROJECT: Akali
  • PROJECT: Leona
  • PROJECT: Varus
  • PROJECT: Sejuani
  • PROJECT: Fiora
  • PROJECT: Yasuo
  • PROJECT: Jhin
  • PROJECT: Jinx
  • PROJECT: Senna
  • PROJECT: Lucian
  • PROJECT: Zed
  • Prestige PROJECT: Zed
  • PROJECT: Ekko
  • Prestige PROJECT: Sylas
  • PROJECT: Sylas
  • PROJECT: Pyke
  • PROJECT: Jax
  • PROJECT: Gangplank
  • PROJECT: Naafiri

Firecracker Vayne

Firecracker Vayne

Vayne has donned her finest Lunar Revel garb in her endless quest to root out evil everywhere, including citywide celebrations. One would assume it's better not to spend holidays around a grown woman shooting firecrackers out of a metal wrist-pig, but it's been that kind of year.
The price for the Firecracker Vayne skin is 1350 Riot Points. Firecracker Vayne is part of the theme Lunar Revel: Firecracker. Other skins of the theme set:

Prestige Firecracker Vayne

Prestige Firecracker Vayne

Vayne has donned her even finer Lunar Revel garb, noting the growing anxiety around her explosive-shooting metal wrist-pig. Fashion upgrades solve all problems.
The price for the Prestige Firecracker Vayne skin is 150 Mythic Essences. Prestige Firecracker Vayne is part of the theme Lunar Revel: Firecracker. Other skins of the theme set:

Spirit Blossom Vayne

Spirit Blossom Vayne

Vayne came from a lost clan of monster hunters, annihilated to the last when the primordial demon of pain chanced upon their hidden village. Unable to let go, and doomed to her own obsessions for eternity, she hunts the creature without end, always unable to catch it.
The price for the Spirit Blossom Vayne skin is 1350 Riot Points. Spirit Blossom Vayne is part of the theme Spirit Blossom. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Prestige Spirit Blossom Teemo
  • Spirit Blossom Teemo
  • Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia
  • Spirit Blossom Riven
  • Spirit Blossom Ahri
  • Spirit Blossom Yasuo
  • Spirit Blossom Kindred
  • Spirit Blossom Thresh
  • Spirit Blossom Yone
  • Spirit Blossom Lillia
  • Spirit Blossom Master Yi
  • Prestige Spirit Blossom Master Yi
  • Spirit Blossom Soraka
  • Spirit Blossom Tristana
  • Spirit Blossom Evelynn
  • Spirit Blossom Yorick
  • Spirit Blossom Darius
  • Spirit Blossom Syndra
  • Spirit Blossom Aphelios
  • Spirit Blossom Sett

FPX Vayne

FPX Vayne

Honoring LWX's winning performance as Vayne during the 2019 World Championship with the help of Lil'Black, Lil'Orange, Firmiana and Lil'White.
The price for the FPX Vayne skin is 1350 Riot Points. FPX Vayne is part of the theme World Champions: 2019. Other skins of the theme set:

  • FPX Gangplank
  • FPX Malphite
  • FPX Lee Sin
  • FPX Thresh

Sentinel Vayne

Sentinel Vayne

Ever striving to become a better monster hunter, Vayne joins the Sentinels primarily to advance her own arsenal and learn from their battle with the Black Mist. It doesn't hurt that she is also defending Runeterra from evil, of course. If she must endure the friendship of a fool like Graves to do so, she will. The cause is worth it.
The price for the Sentinel Vayne skin is 1820 Riot Points. Sentinel Vayne is part of the theme Sentinels of Light. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Sentinel Olaf
  • Sentinel Irelia
  • Sentinel Riven
  • Sentinel Graves
  • Sentinel Rengar
  • Sentinel Diana
  • Sentinel Pyke

Battle Bat Vayne

Battle Bat Vayne

Vayne is Anima Squad's premiere intel expert, infiltrating enemy strongholds to strike first, strike fast, and strike hard. She's willing to do anything it takes to ensure humanity's survival, even if sometimes that means butting heads with the leadership of Commander Fortune.
The price for the Battle Bat Vayne skin is 1350 Riot Points. Battle Bat Vayne is part of the theme Anima Squad. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Battle Bunny Miss Fortune
  • Battle Bunny Prime Riven
  • Battle Cat Jinx
  • Prestige Battle Cat Jinx
  • Battle Wolf Sylas
  • Admiral Battle Bunny Miss Fortune
  • Battle Dove Seraphine
  • Prestige Cyber Cat Yuumi
  • Cyber Cat Yuumi
  • Battle Bat Xayah
  • Battle Bunny Aurora
  • Battle Lion Leona
  • Prestige Battle Lion Leona
  • Battle Wolf Yasuo
  • Primordian Briar
  • Battle Bear Illaoi

Prestige Firecracker Vayne (2022)

Prestige Firecracker Vayne (2022)

Vayne has donned her even finer Lunar Revel garb, noting the growing anxiety around her explosive-shooting metal wrist-pig. Fashion upgrades solve all problems.
Prestige Firecracker Vayne (2022) is part of the theme Lunar Revel: Firecracker. Other skins of the theme set:

Dawnbringer Vayne

Dawnbringer Vayne

An overconfident god keen to show her potential to the Dawnbringers, Vayne ruthlessly hunts the Nightbringers out of her deep fear of the gods' foretold destruction. So violent are her actions that she undermines herself by leaving even more chaos in her wake. Still, she hopes killing Jarvan will be enough to cement her standing within the light.
The price for the Dawnbringer Vayne skin is 1350 Riot Points. Dawnbringer Vayne is part of the theme Nightbringer and Dawnbringer. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Nightbringer Vladimir
  • Nightbringer Soraka
  • Dawnbringer Soraka
  • Nightbringer Tryndamere
  • Dawnbringer Morgana
  • Dawnbringer Karma
  • Prestige Nightbringer Lee Sin
  • Nightbringer Lee Sin
  • Dawnbringer Nidalee
  • Dawnbringer Riven
  • Nightbringer Kayn
  • Prestige Nightbringer Kayn
  • Nightbringer Yasuo
  • Nightbringer Aphelios
  • Dawnbringer Vex
  • Dawnbringer Yone
  • Nightbringer Lillia
  • Dawnbringer Renekton
  • Nightbringer Jarvan IV
  • Nightbringer Nasus
  • Prestige Nightbringer Lee Sin (2022)
  • Genesis Nightbringer Yasuo

Dragonmancer Vayne

Dragonmancer Vayne

Vayne vowed to hunt the blazing, rotting forces that arose from Brand's destruction. She never faltered, even when cornered on a remote coast, where she fought to the brink of death. By fate, her narrow victory coincided with the turn of a new night, and the Midnight Dragon came down to imbue her spirit with blessed darkness, sharp as draconic scales.
The price for the Dragonmancer Vayne skin is 1350 Riot Points. Dragonmancer Vayne is part of the theme Dragonmancers. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Fae Dragon Ashe
  • Tranquility Dragon Karma
  • Eternal Dragon Brand
  • Storm Dragon Lee Sin
  • Prestige Duality Dragon Volibear
  • Duality Dragon Volibear
  • Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol
  • Lagoon Dragon Kai'Sa
  • Truth Dragon Yasuo
  • Dream Dragon Yasuo
  • Steel Dragon Thresh
  • Prestige Obsidian Dragon Sett
  • Obsidian Dragon Sett
  • Dragonmancer Kassadin
  • Dragonmancer Fiora
  • Dragonmancer Rakan
  • Prestige Dragonmancer Rakan

FAQ on Vayne skins

How many skins does Vayne have?

Vayne has 18 skins in patch 14.20.

What is the best Vayne skin?

The best Vayne skin is PROJECT: Vayne.