Kassadin Probuilds explained
Based on our LoL Mid Tier List from pro builds at patch 14.22, Kassadin – the Void Walker – is a B-Tier champion. Among professional League of Legends players, Kassadin is most often selected on the Mid position. This is your source to learn all about Kassadin Probuilds and to learn how to play Kassadin. This page shows you how a pro builds Kassadin in detail. Solo queue and tournament matches played by the best Kassadin players are listed.
On the current patch pros on Kassadin have won 1 out of 1 matches, resulting in a win rate of 100% and a pick rate of <0.1%. In 1.2% of the matches Kassadin is banned, because it can be very unpleasant to have to play against the Assassin. When Kassadin is not banned and only the Kassadin Probuilds are considered, the champion averages a KDA of 0.0 in professional players Solo Queue matches.
A Kassadin probuild is best suited to counter Fizz, to counter Smolder or to counter Katarina on the opposing team. With Kassadin and the available probuilds, it is possible to minimize their strengths and exploit their weaknesses. On the other hand, Lissandra, Anivia or Vex lead to desperation for Kassadin players. Learn from Pros how they counter pick Kassadin.
In regards to runes for Kassadin you can see that Domination and Precision are the rune paths, which are preferred by Pros.
FAQ for Kassadin Probuilds
On which position do the most Kassadin Probuilds exist?
Pros play Kassadin mostly on position Mid.
Do you have some tips besides the Kassadin Probuilds?
Besides checking out the available Kassadin Probuilds here are a few Kassadin tips, if you are an ally or enemy:
- Kassadin has multiple item paths; he can go caster via Mana and Ability Power or anti-caster with Cooldown Reduction and Magic Resist.
- Kassadin's ultimate has many uses and is on a shorter cooldown than most, use it often.
- Try to get the Ancient Golem buff to counteract Riftwalk's increasing Mana cost.
- Kassadin deals mostly magic damage. If he's doing well consider buying magic resist items like Mercury's Treads and Banshee's Veil.
- Each time Kassadin consecutively uses Riftwalk, he pays more and more mana. Keep this in mind as you chase him.
- It takes 6 spell casts for Kassadin's slow, Force Pulse, to become castable. If he levels up that ability, judiciously use your own skills while laning against him.