How to play Rakan
Rakan – The Charmer – is based on our LoL Support Tier List on patch 14.23 a A-Tier
Support champion. Based on ranked matches from summoners with a PLATINUM+ tier,
Rakan has a win rate of 49.3%, a pick rate of 5.1%, a ban rate of 0.6% and an average KDA Ratio of 0.0, which shows that the
Support is in a good spot in the current meta of season 14. If you want to learn how to play Rakan on your matches, keep in mind that this champion is moderately difficult to play in LoL. This Rakan guide will give you also an understanding on how to beat Rakan. The upcoming LoL Rakan Support Build is the most popular build picked by many Pros.
Pregame Build
In champion select you need to choose your Rakan runes and summoner spells. The best Rakan Support Runes 14.23 are
Resolve as the primary path and
Domination as the secondary path. The most supportive
Rakan keystone rune is
Flash and
Ignite are the summoner spells, which fits this LoL Rakan Build the most.
Item Build on Rakan
The starter items for the best Rakan Build on patch 14.23 are Health Potion,
Health Potion,
World Atlas, and a
Oracle Lens as the trinket. As the game progresses, the most popular
Rakan items are
Locket of the Iron Solari and
Zeke's Convergence.
Mercury's Treads are the most bought
Rakan boots by Pros. This Rakan Build will totally increase your chances to gain LP and to climb the leaderboard in LoL.
Rakan Abilities
At the beginning of a match start to skill the ability Gleaming Quill on
Rakan. As the match progresses, it is best to maximise
Grand Entrance into
Battle Dance and at last
Gleaming Quill.
Grand Entrance is a very strong ability of
Rakan in order to build up a lead and dominate your opponents. The passive is called
Fey Feathers and there is no need to set it manually on a Rakan Build.

Rakan periodically gains a shield.
Read Rakan's bioAs mercurial as he is charming, Rakan is an infamous vastayan troublemaker and the greatest battle-dancer in Lhotlan tribal history. To the humans of the Ionian highlands, his name had long been synonymous with wild festivals, uncontrollable parties, and anarchic music. But this energetic, traveling showman has left his old life behind, dedicating himself to the cause of his lover, the rebel Xayah. Together, they seek to free Ionia’s wild magic, restoring the vastaya’s birthright.
Available Rakan Skins
Besides the Rakan build you can select a skin for Rakan. The best Rakan skins you can find below.

- Featured Video: Xayah and Rakan: Wild Magic
Restoring the wild magic of Ionia won’t be easy when a deadly enemy lurks in the shadows. - Short Story: A Piece of Shadow Cake by Odin Austin Shafer
Xayah jumped upward into the trees’ foliage, dodging the gunfire that exploded from the temple’s walls. The humans called their weapons “Kashuri rifles”. They were deadly, and the town’s guards were obviously trained warriors. But they were too late. Too late to hit her. Too late to stop the tribesmen she commanded, who had already climbed the ancient temple and reached what it guarded: a quinlon. - Short Story: Nothing Rhymes with Tubebow by Odin Austin Shafer
“Two paths lead to the monastery fortress from the villages below it,” Xayah begins. - Short Story: Eduard Santangelo's Vastaya Field Journal None
Chimeras with human blood? Spiritual magic from an ancient race? In my humble inquiries I have stumbled upon far greater questions...this shall make for quite the chronicle. A best-seller, in fact.“Eduard Santangelo, gentleman of Piltover, explorer of Ionia, who discovered the wondrous vastaya in the wilds of Ionia.” I can already hear them clamoring for the first edition.