How to play Swain
Swain – the Noxian Grand General – is based on our LoL Mid Tier List on patch 15.4 a A-Tier
Mid champion. Based on ranked matches from summoners with a PLATINUM+ tier,
Swain has a win rate of 52%, a pick rate of 1.5%, a ban rate of 1.9% and an average KDA Ratio of 0.0, which shows that the
Mage is in a good spot in the current meta of season 15. If you want to learn how to play Swain on your matches, keep in mind that this champion is mechanically advanced to play in LoL. This Swain guide will give you also an understanding on how to beat Swain. Besides the upcoming Swain Mid Build the position Adc is a valid choice as well.
Pregame Build
In champion select you need to choose your Swain runes and summoner spells. The best Swain Mid Runes 15.4 are
Precision as the primary path and
Resolve as the secondary path. The most supportive
Swain keystone rune is
Flash and
Teleport are the summoner spells, which fits this LoL Swain Build the most.
Item Build on Swain
The starter items for the best Swain Build on patch 15.4 are Doran's Ring,
Health Potion,
Health Potion, and a
Stealth Ward as the trinket. As the game progresses, the most popular
Swain items are
Rylai's Crystal Scepter and
Winter's Approach.
Boots of Swiftness are the most bought
Swain boots by Pros. This Swain Build will immensely increase your chances to gain LP and to climb the leaderboard in LoL.
Swain Abilities
At the beginning of a match start to skill the ability Death's Hand on
Swain. As the match progresses, it is best to maximise
Death's Hand into
Vision of Empire and at last
Death's Hand is a very strong ability of
Swain in order to build up a lead and dominate your opponents. The passive is called
Ravenous Flock and there is no need to set it manually on a Swain Build.

Swain's ravens collect Soul Fragments that heal him and permanently increase his maximum health.
Read Swain's bioJericho Swain is the visionary ruler of Noxus, an expansionist nation that reveres only strength. Though he was cast down and crippled in the Ionian wars, his left arm severed, he seized control of the empire with ruthless determination… and a new, demonic hand. Now, Swain commands from the front lines, marching against a coming darkness that only he can see—in glimpses gathered by shadowy ravens from the corpses all around him. In a swirl of sacrifice and secrets, the greatest secret of all is that the true enemy lies within.
Available Swain Skins
Besides the Swain build you can select a skin for Swain. The best Swain skins you can find below.

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Citizens of Noxus, I bring word from the capital!