Talon Skins

Talon Skins

Blade's End
Noxian Diplomacy
Assassin's Path
Shadow Assault
Pick Rate
Ban Rate
#Skin Name
Riot Points880
Renegade Talon
Riot Points520
Crimson Elite Talon
Crimson Elite
Riot Points750
Dragonblade Talon
Lunar Revel: Warring Kingdoms
Riot Points975
SSW Talon
World Champions: 2014
Riot Points750
Blood Moon Talon
Blood Moon
Riot Points1350
Enduring Sword Talon
Immortal Journey
Riot Points1350
Talon Blackwood
Rift Quest
Riot Points1350
Withered Rose Talon
Withered Rose
Riot Points1350
High Noon Talon
High Noon
Riot Points1350

All Talon skins

Take a look at the best Talon skins in League of Legends. Other than counters for Talon a skin is only for the aesthetics. Therefore keep learning how to build Talon.



Talon is the knife in the darkness, a merciless killer able to strike without warning and escape before any alarm is raised. He carved out a dangerous reputation on the brutal streets of Noxus, where he was forced to fight, kill, and steal to survive. Adopted by the notorious Du Couteau family, he now plies his deadly trade at the empire’s command, assassinating enemy leaders, captains, and heroes… as well as any Noxian foolish enough to earn the scorn of their masters.
This is the default Talon skin and is free of charge. The champion Talon costs 880 Riot Points.

Renegade Talon

Renegade Talon

The price for the Renegade Talon skin is 520 Riot Points. Renegade Talon is part of the theme Legacy. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Reverse Annie
  • Forsaken Olaf
  • Enchanted Galio
  • The Magnificent Twisted Fate
  • Imperial Xin Zhao
  • Wicked LeBlanc
  • Judgment Kayle
  • Ionia Master Yi
  • Assassin Master Yi
  • Samurai Yi
  • Chosen Master Yi
  • Golden Alistar
  • Warmonger Sion
  • Spectacular Sivir
  • Bandit Sivir
  • Warrior Princess Sivir
  • Badger Teemo
  • Recon Teemo
  • Waterloo Miss Fortune
  • Amethyst Ashe
  • Highland Tryndamere
  • Nemesis Jax
  • Jaximus
  • Temple Jax
  • Masquerade Evelynn
  • Phantom Karthus
  • Nightmare Cho'Gath
  • Ninja Rammus
  • Chrome Rammus
  • Noxus Hunter Anivia
  • Asylum Shaco
  • Royal Shaco
  • Workshop Shaco
  • Mr. Mundoverse
  • Harbinger Kassadin
  • Nightblade Irelia
  • Tempest Janna
  • Minuteman Gangplank
  • Red Baron Corki
  • Sakura Karma
  • Safari Caitlyn
  • Rusty Blitzcrank
  • Marble Malphite
  • Mercenary Katarina
  • Totemic Maokai
  • Darkforge Jarvan IV
  • Bladecraft Orianna
  • General Wukong
  • Rumble in the Jungle
  • Leopard Nidalee
  • Battle Regalia Poppy
  • Hillbilly Gragas
  • Explorer Ezreal
  • Silverfang Akali
  • Swamp Master Kennen
  • Karate Kennen
  • Sanguine Garen
  • Desert Trooper Garen
  • Defender Leona
  • Iron Solari Leona
  • Shadow Prince Malzahar
  • Monarch Kog'Maw
  • Yellow Jacket Shen
  • Warlord Shen
  • Imperial Lux
  • Runeborn Xerath
  • Ironscale Shyvana
  • Darkflame Shyvana
  • Midnight Ahri
  • Jailbreak Graves
  • Tundra Fizz
  • Night Hunter Rengar
  • Blight Crystal Varus
  • Subterranean Nautilus
  • Major Ziggs
  • Gladiator Draven
  • Forsaken Jayce
  • Special Weapon Zac
  • Hired Gun Lucian
  • Koi Nami

Crimson Elite Talon

Crimson Elite Talon

The Crimson Elite cannot confirm or deny the existence of the agent known as Talon. The bloody trail left behind him serves as a sinister warning to all. Perhaps more disconcerting are the hundreds of undocumented cases that remain undiscovered.
The price for the Crimson Elite Talon skin is 750 Riot Points. Crimson Elite Talon is part of the theme Crimson Elite. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Crimson Elite Riven

Dragonblade Talon

Dragonblade Talon

Legend says that Talon's blades were forged in the fire of a shadow dragon, and that he turned against his corrupt masters, cutting through them one by one before vanishing into the night. Many believe he will appear again whenever the strong take advantage of the weak.
The price for the Dragonblade Talon skin is 975 Riot Points. Dragonblade Talon is part of the theme Lunar Revel: Warring Kingdoms. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao
  • Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere
  • Warring Kingdoms Katarina
  • Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV
  • Warring Kingdoms Nidalee
  • Warring Kingdoms Garen
  • Dragonblade Riven
  • Warring Kingdoms Vi
  • Warring Kingdoms Azir

SSW Talon

SSW Talon

Honoring PawN's winning performance as Talon during the 2014 World Championship.
The price for the SSW Talon skin is 750 Riot Points. SSW Talon is part of the theme World Champions: 2014. Other skins of the theme set:

  • SSW Singed
  • SSW Twitch
  • SSW Rengar
  • SSW Thresh

Blood Moon Talon

Blood Moon Talon

An anarchic demon summoned on the night of the Blood Moon, Talon was once a human assassin who surrendered his flesh during one of the cult's possession rituals. He now kills indiscriminately, relishing the terror in his victim's dying eyes.
The price for the Blood Moon Talon skin is 1350 Riot Points. Blood Moon Talon is part of the theme Blood Moon. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Blood Moon Twisted Fate
  • Blood Moon Master Yi
  • Blood Moon Sivir
  • Blood Moon Tryndamere
  • Blood Moon Zilean
  • Blood Moon Evelynn
  • Blood Moon Katarina
  • Blood Moon Elise
  • Blood Moon Akali
  • Blood Moon Kennen
  • Blood Moon Shen
  • Blood Moon Diana
  • Blood Moon Yasuo
  • Blood Moon Jhin
  • Prestige Blood Moon Aatrox
  • Blood Moon Aatrox
  • Blood Moon Thresh
  • Blood Moon Kalista
  • Blood Moon Pyke
  • Prestige Blood Moon Aatrox (2022)
  • Blood Moon Fiddlesticks
  • Blood Moon Zyra
  • Blood Moon Zed

Enduring Sword Talon

Enduring Sword Talon

A haughty dragon king of the south seas, Talon accepted a duel from the demigoddess Irelia, only to be defeated in his own throne room. Humiliated, he lashed out at her… and she sealed his power within her blade, tasking him with finding new purpose in the mortal realm.
The price for the Enduring Sword Talon skin is 1350 Riot Points. Enduring Sword Talon is part of the theme Immortal Journey. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Eternal Sword Yi
  • God Staff Jax
  • Majestic Empress Morgana
  • Divine Sword Irelia
  • Sacred Sword Janna
  • God Fist Lee Sin
  • Prestige Valiant Sword Riven
  • Valiant Sword Riven
  • Soaring Sword Fiora
  • Splendid Staff Nami
  • Immortal Journey Kayle
  • Immortal Journey Soraka
  • Prestige Immortal Journey Sona
  • Immortal Journey Sona
  • Prestige Valiant Sword Riven (2022)
  • Immortal Journey Shyvana
  • Immortal Journey Zeri
  • Immortal Journey Zed

Talon Blackwood

Talon Blackwood

The sworn brother of Twitch Shadowfoot, dashing assassin extraordinaire Talon Blackwood is one half of an infamous underworld duo and the only advanced class in the entire party. He's also a brooding dark elf antihero with a tragic backstory, who is fated to one day save the world! Probably.
The price for the Talon Blackwood skin is 1350 Riot Points. Talon Blackwood is part of the theme Rift Quest. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Ryze Whitebeard
  • Barbarian Sion
  • Celestine Soraka
  • Demolisher Nunu & Willump
  • Twitch Shadowfoot
  • Karthus Lightsbane
  • Rageborn Mundo
  • Taric Luminshield
  • Veigar Greybeard
  • Gragas Caskbreaker
  • Lord Mordekaiser
  • Rugged Garen
  • Varus Swiftbolt
  • Sejuani Dawnchaser
  • Lord Darius
  • Jayce Brighthammer
  • Braum Lionheart
  • Bard Bard

Withered Rose Talon

Withered Rose Talon

After the alliance his adopted sister Katarina formed at the last festival was broken, Talon swore revenge. He intends to restore their family's honor by exposing and shattering the entire concept of this celebration of glittering finery and sacred vows. Nothing and no one at this year's festival will escape his wrath.
The price for the Withered Rose Talon skin is 1350 Riot Points. Withered Rose Talon is part of the theme Withered Rose. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Withered Rose Elise
  • Withered Rose Syndra
  • Withered Rose Zeri

High Noon Talon

High Noon Talon

“Fate is catchin' up to you, old friend,” Talon says, leaning back in his chair, predator's eyes gleaming under the shadows of his hat. He still moves like a demon, even warped and corrupted by angel blood as he is. His smile, rueful and knowing, has too many teeth: “The end is comin' for us all.”
The price for the High Noon Talon skin is 1350 Riot Points. High Noon Talon is part of the theme High Noon. Other skins of the theme set:

  • High Noon Twisted Fate
  • High Noon Urgot
  • Bandito Fiddlesticks
  • Longhorn Alistar
  • High Noon Sion
  • Cowgirl Miss Fortune
  • High Noon Ashe
  • High Noon Twitch
  • High Noon Irelia
  • Sheriff Caitlyn
  • High Noon Katarina
  • Desperada Cassiopeia
  • Sandscourge Skarner
  • High Noon Mordekaiser
  • High Noon Leona
  • Prestige High Noon Talon
  • Sonoran Kog'Maw
  • High Noon Varus
  • High Noon Viktor
  • High Noon Hecarim
  • High Noon Darius
  • High Noon Yasuo
  • High Noon Jhin
  • High Noon Tahm Kench
  • High Noon Senna
  • High Noon Lucian
  • High Noon Samira
  • High Noon Thresh
  • High Noon Evelynn
  • Prestige High Noon Evelynn
  • High Noon Gragas
  • High Noon Rell
  • Peacemaker High Noon Yone
  • High Noon Yone

Prestige High Noon Talon

Prestige High Noon Talon

Devilishly handsome and wearing the latest in Western chic, Talon is equally ready to rock the runway or ride the open road. Those boots are made for walking, and he'll walk all over anyone standing in his way.
The price for the Prestige High Noon Talon skin is 150 Mythic Essences. Prestige High Noon Talon is part of the theme High Noon. Other skins of the theme set:

  • High Noon Twisted Fate
  • High Noon Urgot
  • Bandito Fiddlesticks
  • Longhorn Alistar
  • High Noon Sion
  • Cowgirl Miss Fortune
  • High Noon Ashe
  • High Noon Twitch
  • High Noon Irelia
  • Sheriff Caitlyn
  • High Noon Katarina
  • Desperada Cassiopeia
  • Sandscourge Skarner
  • High Noon Mordekaiser
  • High Noon Leona
  • High Noon Talon
  • Sonoran Kog'Maw
  • High Noon Varus
  • High Noon Viktor
  • High Noon Hecarim
  • High Noon Darius
  • High Noon Yasuo
  • High Noon Jhin
  • High Noon Tahm Kench
  • High Noon Senna
  • High Noon Lucian
  • High Noon Samira
  • High Noon Thresh
  • High Noon Evelynn
  • Prestige High Noon Evelynn
  • High Noon Gragas
  • High Noon Rell
  • Peacemaker High Noon Yone
  • High Noon Yone

Primal Ambush Talon

Primal Ambush Talon

A ruthless assassin feared and respected by many, Talon roams the world with one goal: eliminate each and every other Favorclaw until only he remains. When he catches wind that a stubborn mercenary was contracted to take down the leader of the Favorclaw before he can complete his mission, he gleefully realizes that a new hunt is about to begin.
The price for the Primal Ambush Talon skin is 1350 Riot Points. Primal Ambush Talon is part of the theme Primal Ambush. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Primal Ambush Sivir
  • Primal Ambush Riven
  • Primal Ambush Vi

FAQ on Talon skins

How many skins does Talon have?

Talon has 12 skins in patch 14.19.

What is the best Talon skin?

The best Talon skin is Blood Moon Talon.