Lee Sin Skins

Lee Sin Skins

Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike
Safeguard / Iron Will
Tempest / Cripple
Dragon's Rage
Pick Rate
Ban Rate
#Skin Name
Lee Sin
Lee Sin
Riot Points880
Lee Sin
Traditional Lee Sin
Riot Points750
Lee Sin
Acolyte Lee Sin
Riot Points750
Lee Sin
Dragon Fist Lee Sin
Lunar Revel
Riot Points1350
Lee Sin
Muay Thai Lee Sin
Wonders of the World
Riot Points975
Lee Sin
Pool Party Lee Sin
Pool Party
Riot Points975
Lee Sin
SKT T1 Lee Sin
World Champions: 2013
Riot Points750
Lee Sin
Knockout Lee Sin
Crime City
Riot Points1350
Lee Sin
God Fist Lee Sin
Immortal Journey
Riot Points1820
Lee Sin
Playmaker Lee Sin
Soccer Cup
Riot Points975

All Lee Sin skins

Take a look at the best Lee Sin skins in League of Legends. Other than counters for Lee Sin a skin is only for the aesthetics. Therefore keep learning how to build Lee Sin.

Lee Sin

Lee Sin

A master of Ionia’s ancient martial arts, Lee Sin is a principled fighter who channels the essence of the dragon spirit to face any challenge. Though he lost his sight many years ago, the warrior-monk has devoted his life to protecting his homeland against any who would dare upset its sacred balance. Enemies who underestimate his meditative demeanor will endure his fabled burning fists and blazing roundhouse kicks.
This is the default Lee Sin skin and is free of charge. The champion Lee Sin costs 880 Riot Points.

Traditional Lee Sin

Traditional Lee Sin

Every now and then, an upstart martial artist climbs the mountain to the monastery near the peak and challenges the blindfolded master who's made his home there. When that happens, those living at the mountain's base know to ready some clean bandages and hot tea—for it won't be long before the challenger returns, utterly defeated.
The price for the Traditional Lee Sin skin is 750 Riot Points. Traditional Lee Sin is part of the theme Traditional. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Traditional Karma
  • Traditional Trundle
  • Traditional Sejuani

Acolyte Lee Sin

Acolyte Lee Sin

The traditional garb of Shojin acolytes never sat well on the ambitious shoulders of young Lee Sin, who brimmed with more raw potential than any of his fellow acolytes could ever dream of. And yet, he grew into it: both the garb, and the dragon's power.
The price for the Acolyte Lee Sin skin is 750 Riot Points. Acolyte Lee Sin is part of the theme Otherroads. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Transcended Kayle
  • Divine Soraka
  • Demonblade Tryndamere
  • Tyrant Swain
  • Rune Wars Renekton
  • Noxus Poppy
  • Redeemed Riven
  • Runeguard Volibear
  • Prototype Viktor
  • Foreseen Yasuo

Dragon Fist Lee Sin

Dragon Fist Lee Sin

A famed martial artist beloved the world over, Lee Sin prefers to train far away from the public eye, honing his craft in solitude. Rumors claim that he can punch with the fury of a dragon—but if anyone knows for sure, they're not talking.
The price for the Dragon Fist Lee Sin skin is 1350 Riot Points. Dragon Fist Lee Sin is part of the theme Lunar Revel. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Lunar Guardian Warwick
  • Lunar Wraith Morgana
  • Guqin Sona
  • Lunar Wraith Caitlyn
  • Jade Dragon Wukong
  • Radiant Wukong
  • Jade Fang Cassiopeia
  • Lunar Guardian Nasus
  • Lunar Empress Lux
  • Lunar Goddess Diana
  • Coin Emperor Tahm Kench
  • Lunar Wraith Sylas
  • Lunar Empress Ashe
  • Lunar Guardian Kha'Zix
  • Lunar Guardian Malphite
  • Lunar Empress Qiyana
  • Lunar Emperor Thresh

Muay Thai Lee Sin

Muay Thai Lee Sin

Known as “the art of eight limbs”, Muay Thai is a multidisciplinary fighting style practiced by boxers for centuries. Lee Sin, who has mastered many forms of hand-to-hand combat, is among its greatest champions.
The price for the Muay Thai Lee Sin skin is 975 Riot Points. Muay Thai Lee Sin is part of the theme Wonders of the World. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Winged Hussar Xin Zhao
  • Uncle Ryze
  • Panda Teemo
  • Viking Tryndamere
  • Sultan Tryndamere
  • Statue of Karthus
  • Bird of Prey Anivia
  • Festival Queen Anivia
  • Masked Shaco
  • Sultan Gangplank
  • Shamrock Malphite
  • Outback Renekton
  • Oktoberfest Gragas
  • Glaive Warrior Pantheon
  • Myrmidon Pantheon
  • Vizier Malzahar
  • Dynasty Ahri
  • Bear Cavalry Sejuani

Pool Party Lee Sin

Pool Party Lee Sin

Lee Sin loves the feeling of the sand between his toes, the sound of the crashing waves, and the warm sun against his skin. He also loves a strong coconut drink. Lee Sin likes to party.
The price for the Pool Party Lee Sin skin is 975 Riot Points. Pool Party Lee Sin is part of the theme Pool Party. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Pool Party Miss Fortune
  • Surfer Singed
  • Pool Party Mundo
  • Pool Party Gangplank
  • Pool Party Taric
  • Pool Party Caitlyn
  • Pool Party Renekton
  • Pool Party Jarvan IV
  • Pool Party Orianna
  • Pool Party Heimerdinger
  • Pool Party Leona
  • Pool Party Graves
  • Pool Party Fiora
  • Pool Party Ziggs
  • Pool Party Lulu
  • Pool Party Draven
  • Pool Party Syndra
  • Pool Party Zoe
  • Pool Party Zac
  • Pool Party Taliyah
  • Pool Party Braum
  • Pool Party Rek'Sai
  • Pool Party Sett

SKT T1 Lee Sin

SKT T1 Lee Sin

Honoring Bengi's winning performance as Lee Sin during the 2013 World Championship.
The price for the SKT T1 Lee Sin skin is 750 Riot Points. SKT T1 Lee Sin is part of the theme World Champions: 2013. Other skins of the theme set:

  • SKT T1 Jax
  • SKT T1 Vayne
  • SKT T1 Zyra
  • SKT T1 Zed

Knockout Lee Sin

Knockout Lee Sin

'Knockout' Lee Sin is a brutal pit fighter, who made his name in the underground circuit, before leaving the bloody sport for greener, more criminal pastures. He currently sells his services as a “problem-solver” to a select group of monied kingpins.
The price for the Knockout Lee Sin skin is 1350 Riot Points. Knockout Lee Sin is part of the theme Crime City. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Crime City Miss Fortune
  • Crime City Twitch
  • Gragas, Esq.
  • Crime City Graves
  • Crime City Braum
  • Crime City Jinx

God Fist Lee Sin

God Fist Lee Sin

The arrogant wielder of the God Fist was once a mortal boy, tasked by his predecessor to defeat the master of each martial arts school while blindfolded, before facing him at the peak of a treacherous mountain. Emerging victorious, the boy assumed his title—as well as his immortal sight.
The price for the God Fist Lee Sin skin is 1820 Riot Points. God Fist Lee Sin is part of the theme Immortal Journey. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Eternal Sword Yi
  • God Staff Jax
  • Majestic Empress Morgana
  • Divine Sword Irelia
  • Sacred Sword Janna
  • Enduring Sword Talon
  • Prestige Valiant Sword Riven
  • Valiant Sword Riven
  • Soaring Sword Fiora
  • Splendid Staff Nami
  • Immortal Journey Kayle
  • Immortal Journey Soraka
  • Prestige Immortal Journey Sona
  • Immortal Journey Sona
  • Prestige Valiant Sword Riven (2022)
  • Immortal Journey Shyvana
  • Immortal Journey Zeri
  • Immortal Journey Zed

Playmaker Lee Sin

Playmaker Lee Sin

With a sixth sense for openings in any and all situations, Lee Sin can turn the opposing team's sloppy free kick into a once-in-a-lifetime play talked about for generations to come. Though it's his first year in the majors, some are saying there may never be another player like him.
The price for the Playmaker Lee Sin skin is 975 Riot Points. Playmaker Lee Sin is part of the theme Soccer Cup. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Red Card Twisted Fate
  • Sweeper Alistar
  • Sweeper Rammus
  • Goalkeeper Blitzcrank
  • Red Card Katarina
  • Goalkeeper Maokai
  • Superfan Gragas
  • Striker Ezreal
  • All-star Akali
  • Striker Lucian

Nightbringer Lee Sin

Nightbringer Lee Sin

Lee Sin thrives in the heat of combat. An embodiment of passion and fury, he rules over the raw, chaotic emotions of the heart. While his siblings fight for various ideals, Lee Sin fights for the thrill of battle itself, striking with power and unpredictability.
The price for the Nightbringer Lee Sin skin is 1350 Riot Points. Nightbringer Lee Sin is part of the theme Nightbringer and Dawnbringer. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Nightbringer Vladimir
  • Nightbringer Soraka
  • Dawnbringer Soraka
  • Nightbringer Tryndamere
  • Dawnbringer Morgana
  • Dawnbringer Karma
  • Prestige Nightbringer Lee Sin
  • Dawnbringer Nidalee
  • Dawnbringer Riven
  • Nightbringer Kayn
  • Prestige Nightbringer Kayn
  • Nightbringer Yasuo
  • Nightbringer Aphelios
  • Dawnbringer Vex
  • Dawnbringer Yone
  • Nightbringer Lillia
  • Dawnbringer Renekton
  • Nightbringer Jarvan IV
  • Dawnbringer Vayne
  • Nightbringer Nasus
  • Prestige Nightbringer Lee Sin (2022)

Prestige Nightbringer Lee Sin

Prestige Nightbringer Lee Sin

Fully consumed by chaos and his blind devotion to the thrill of battle, Lee Sin has become night incarnate, gilded by his divinity.
The price for the Prestige Nightbringer Lee Sin skin is 150 Mythic Essences. Prestige Nightbringer Lee Sin is part of the theme Nightbringer and Dawnbringer. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Nightbringer Vladimir
  • Nightbringer Soraka
  • Dawnbringer Soraka
  • Nightbringer Tryndamere
  • Dawnbringer Morgana
  • Dawnbringer Karma
  • Nightbringer Lee Sin
  • Dawnbringer Nidalee
  • Dawnbringer Riven
  • Nightbringer Kayn
  • Prestige Nightbringer Kayn
  • Nightbringer Yasuo
  • Nightbringer Aphelios
  • Dawnbringer Vex
  • Dawnbringer Yone
  • Nightbringer Lillia
  • Dawnbringer Renekton
  • Nightbringer Jarvan IV
  • Dawnbringer Vayne
  • Nightbringer Nasus
  • Prestige Nightbringer Lee Sin (2022)

FPX Lee Sin

FPX Lee Sin

Honoring Tian's winning performance as Lee Sin during the 2019 World Championship.
The price for the FPX Lee Sin skin is 1350 Riot Points. FPX Lee Sin is part of the theme World Champions: 2019. Other skins of the theme set:

  • FPX Gangplank
  • FPX Malphite
  • FPX Vayne
  • FPX Thresh

Storm Dragon Lee Sin

Storm Dragon Lee Sin

A warrior ascetic consumed with an electric passion for justice, Lee Sin climbed the mountain of the storm dragon Ao Shin, hoping to receive his blessing. Having returned from the summit as a legendary Dragonmancer, Lee Sin now doles out thunderous punishment to villains everywhere—ever under the watchful eye of his draconic patron.
The price for the Storm Dragon Lee Sin skin is 1820 Riot Points. Storm Dragon Lee Sin is part of the theme Dragonmancers. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Fae Dragon Ashe
  • Tranquility Dragon Karma
  • Eternal Dragon Brand
  • Prestige Duality Dragon Volibear
  • Duality Dragon Volibear
  • Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol
  • Lagoon Dragon Kai'Sa
  • Truth Dragon Yasuo
  • Dream Dragon Yasuo
  • Steel Dragon Thresh
  • Prestige Obsidian Dragon Sett
  • Obsidian Dragon Sett
  • Dragonmancer Kassadin
  • Dragonmancer Vayne
  • Dragonmancer Fiora
  • Dragonmancer Rakan
  • Prestige Dragonmancer Rakan

Prestige Nightbringer Lee Sin (2022)

Prestige Nightbringer Lee Sin (2022)

Fully consumed by chaos and his blind devotion to the thrill of battle, Lee Sin has become night incarnate, gilded by his divinity.
Prestige Nightbringer Lee Sin (2022) is part of the theme Nightbringer and Dawnbringer. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Nightbringer Vladimir
  • Nightbringer Soraka
  • Dawnbringer Soraka
  • Nightbringer Tryndamere
  • Dawnbringer Morgana
  • Dawnbringer Karma
  • Prestige Nightbringer Lee Sin
  • Nightbringer Lee Sin
  • Dawnbringer Nidalee
  • Dawnbringer Riven
  • Nightbringer Kayn
  • Prestige Nightbringer Kayn
  • Nightbringer Yasuo
  • Nightbringer Aphelios
  • Dawnbringer Vex
  • Dawnbringer Yone
  • Nightbringer Lillia
  • Dawnbringer Renekton
  • Nightbringer Jarvan IV
  • Dawnbringer Vayne
  • Nightbringer Nasus

Zenith Games Lee Sin

Zenith Games Lee Sin

Martial artist Lee Sin's focus on overwhelming his opponents before they could react had won him many championships, but also burned him out. Realizing that his strategy had been rooted in fear, he augments his body not to give himself more strength, but to concentrate his mind and senses.
The price for the Zenith Games Lee Sin skin is 1350 Riot Points. Zenith Games Lee Sin is part of the theme Zenith Games. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Zenith Games Blitzcrank
  • Zenith Games Jayce

Heavenscale Lee Sin

Heavenscale Lee Sin

All hail the Prince of Dragons, heir to the throne of the heavenly Kingdom of Dragons! A noble and just prince, Lee Sin is deeply devoted to his people. When he hears the telltale crackle of fireworks just below the clouds, he knows it's time to learn more about his human subjects—and how they greet the New Year with a bang!
The price for the Heavenscale Lee Sin skin is 1820 Riot Points. Heavenscale Lee Sin is part of the theme Heavenscale. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Heavenscale Master Yi
  • Heavenscale Janna
  • Divine Heavenscale Lee Sin
  • Heavenscale Ezreal
  • Prestige Heavenscale Ezreal
  • Heavenscale Diana
  • Heavenscale Kai'Sa
  • Heavenscale Smolder

Divine Heavenscale Lee Sin

Divine Heavenscale Lee Sin

All hail the Prince of Dragons, heir to the throne of the heavenly Kingdom of Dragons! A noble and just prince, Lee Sin is deeply devoted to his people. When he hears the telltale crackle of fireworks just below the clouds, he knows it's time to learn more about his human subjects—and how they greet the New Year with a bang!
Divine Heavenscale Lee Sin is part of the theme Heavenscale. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Heavenscale Master Yi
  • Heavenscale Janna
  • Heavenscale Lee Sin
  • Heavenscale Ezreal
  • Prestige Heavenscale Ezreal
  • Heavenscale Diana
  • Heavenscale Kai'Sa
  • Heavenscale Smolder

T1 Lee Sin

T1 Lee Sin

Honoring Oner's winning performance as Lee Sin during the 2023 World Championship.
The price for the T1 Lee Sin skin is 1350 Riot Points. T1 Lee Sin is part of the theme World Champions: 2023. Other skins of the theme set:

  • T1 Orianna
  • Prestige T1 Jayce
  • T1 Jayce
  • T1 Jinx
  • T1 Bard

FAQ on Lee Sin skins

How many skins does Lee Sin have?

Lee Sin has 19 skins in patch 14.18.

What is the best Lee Sin skin?

The best Lee Sin skin is God Fist Lee Sin.