How to play Gnar
Gnar – the Missing Link – is based on our LoL Top Tier List on patch 14.9 a B-Tier
Top champion. Based on ranked matches from summoners with a PLATINUM+ tier,
Gnar has a win rate of 49.3%, a pick rate of 1.7%, a ban rate of 0.5% and an average KDA Ratio of 0.0, which shows that the
Fighter is in a moderate spot in the current meta of season 14. If you want to learn how to play Gnar on your matches, keep in mind that this champion is mechanically advanced to play in LoL. This Gnar guide will give you also an understanding on how to beat Gnar. The upcoming LoL Gnar Top Build is the most popular build picked by many Pros.
Pregame Build
In champion select you need to choose your Gnar runes and summoner spells. The best Gnar Top Runes 14.9 are
Precision as the primary path and
Resolve as the secondary path. The most supportive
Gnar keystone rune is
Fleet Footwork.
Flash and
Teleport are the summoner spells, which fits this LoL Gnar Build the most.
Item Build on Gnar
The starter items for the best Gnar Build on patch 14.9 are Doran's Blade,
Health Potion, and a
Stealth Ward as the trinket. As the game progresses, the most popular
Gnar items are
Trinity Force and
Black Cleaver.
Plated Steelcaps are the most bought
Gnar boots by Pros. This Gnar Build will immensely increase your chances to gain LP and to climb the leaderboard in LoL.
Gnar Abilities
At the beginning of a match start to skill the ability Boomerang Throw / Boulder Toss on
Gnar. As the match progresses, it is best to maximise
Boomerang Throw / Boulder Toss into
Hyper / Wallop and at last
Hop / Crunch.
Boomerang Throw / Boulder Toss is a very strong ability of
Gnar in order to build up a lead and dominate your opponents. The passive is called
Rage Gene and there is no need to set it manually on a Gnar Build.

While in combat Gnar generates Rage. At maximum Rage his next ability will transform him into Mega Gnar, granting increased survivability and access to new spells.
Read Gnar's bioGnar is an excitable yordle whose playful antics can erupt into a toddler’s outrage in an instant, transforming him into a massive beast bent on destruction. Frozen in True Ice for millennia, the curious creature broke free and now hops about a changed world he sees as exotic and wondrous. Delighted by danger, Gnar flings whatever he can at his enemies, be it his bonetooth boomerang... or an uprooted tree.
Available Gnar Skins
Besides the Gnar build you can select a skin for Gnar. The best Gnar skins you can find below.

- Short Story: Snow Day By Michael Luo
Snow falls all morning, blanketing the earth in fresh coats of white. One by one, feathery flakes trickle from the sky, gently at first, and then rapidly in unison. Soon, the howling blizzard muffles all sounds save for a peculiar racket coming from a nearby cave, where a shock of orange and blue bounces up and down, left to right. - Short Story: The Hunter Hunted by Leslee Sullivant
The jungle does not forgive blindness. Every broken branch tells a story. - Featured Link: The Art of League of Legends
Gnar embodies League’s grim yet whimsical artistic blend. He’s fun and playful, but can erupt into a furious monster at a moment’s notice. - Featured Video: Gnar: Login Theme