How to play Gangplank
Gangplank – the Saltwater Scourge – is based on our LoL Top Tier List on patch 14.12 a C-Tier
Top champion. Based on ranked matches from summoners with a PLATINUM+ tier,
Gangplank has a win rate of 47.7%, a pick rate of 2.9%, a ban rate of 1.2% and an average KDA Ratio of 0.0, which shows that the
Fighter is in a bad spot in the current meta of season 14. If you want to learn how to play Gangplank on your matches, keep in mind that this champion is mechanically complex to play in LoL. This Gangplank guide will give you also an understanding on how to beat Gangplank. The upcoming LoL Gangplank Top Build is the most popular build picked by many Pros.
Pregame Build
In champion select you need to choose your Gangplank runes and summoner spells. The best Gangplank Top Runes 14.12 are
Precision as the primary path and
Inspiration as the secondary path. The most supportive
Gangplank keystone rune is
Fleet Footwork.
Flash and
Teleport are the summoner spells, which fits this LoL Gangplank Build the most.
Item Build on Gangplank
The starter items for the best Gangplank Build on patch 14.12 are Doran's Blade,
Health Potion, and a
Stealth Ward as the trinket. As the game progresses, the most popular
Gangplank items are
Trinity Force and
The Collector.
Plated Steelcaps are the most bought
Gangplank boots by Pros. This Gangplank Build will seriously increase your chances to gain LP and to climb the leaderboard in LoL.
Gangplank Abilities
At the beginning of a match start to skill the ability Powder Keg on
Gangplank. As the match progresses, it is best to maximise
Parrrley into
Powder Keg and at last
Remove Scurvy.
Parrrley is a very strong ability of
Gangplank in order to build up a lead and dominate your opponents. The passive is called
Trial by Fire and there is no need to set it manually on a Gangplank Build.

Every few seconds, Gangplank's melee strike will set his opponent on fire.
Read Gangplank's bioAs unpredictable as he is brutal, the dethroned reaver king Gangplank is feared far and wide. Once, he ruled the port city of Bilgewater, and while his reign is over, there are those who believe this has only made him more dangerous. Gangplank would see Bilgewater bathed in blood once more before letting someone else take it—and now with pistol, cutlass, and barrels of gunpowder, he is determined to reclaim what he has lost.
Available Gangplank Skins
Besides the Gangplank build you can select a skin for Gangplank. The best Gangplank skins you can find below.

Short Story: Blood in the Water **
The massive Noxian war captain shuddered and dropped his axe as Gangplank rammed his cutlass deep into the man’s gut. Blood bubbled from the warrior’s tattooed lips as he mouthed an unheard curse. -
Short Story: Burning Tides by Scott Hawkes, George Krstic, Anthony Reynolds, and John O'Bryan
The Rat Town slaughter docks; they smell as bad as their name suggests. -
Short Story: Shadow and Fortune by Graham McNeill
The Butcher Blades had hung the Jackdaw from a rusted marlinspike through his jawbone and left him for the quayside scavengers. This was the seventeenth murdered ganger the hooded man had seen tonight. -
Featured Link: The Art of League of Legends
The original version of Gangplank was loved by many players, but even his most steadfast fans had to admit he felt a little stereotypical. Folks around the office regularly referred to him as “Piratey McPirate,” in reference to his somewhat-lacking personality. Reworking the Saltwater Scourge allowed us to evolve him from caricature to character. Artists and storytellers worked hand-in-hand through an intense adventure of mayhem and chaos to color Gangplank’s broad strokes with nuance. Now, the once-tropey pirate is a barbaric, wild-card captain who clawed his way back from certain death with nothing but salt in his wounds. -
Featured Link: Champion insights roundtable: Gangplank
Featured Video: Gangplank: Login Theme