All Zed skins
Take a look at the best Zed skins in League of Legends. Other than counters for Zed a skin is only for the aesthetics. Therefore keep learning how to build Zed.

Utterly ruthless and without mercy, Zed is the leader of the Order of Shadow, an organization he created with the intent of militarizing Ionia’s magical and martial traditions to drive out Noxian invaders. During the war, desperation led him to unlock the secret shadow form—a malevolent spirit magic as dangerous and corrupting as it is powerful. Zed has mastered all of these forbidden techniques to destroy anything he sees as a threat to his nation, or his new order.This is the default Zed skin and is free of charge. The champion Zed costs 880 Riot Points.
Shockblade Zed

An elite operative of the Shockblade order, Zed dives into battle with lightning-fast lethality. Though his former partner Shen hasn't forgiven himself for nearly getting Zed killed, Zed still urges him to return to the front lines; and yet the Storm rages on, whether or not the duo are reunited. Zed will bring its fury to bear alone if he must.The price for the Shockblade Zed skin is 975 Riot Points. Shockblade Zed is part of the theme Shockblade. Other skins of the theme set:
- Shockblade Kassadin
- Shockblade Shen
- Shockblade Qiyana
SKT T1 Zed

Honoring Faker's winning performance as Zed during the 2013 World Championship.The price for the SKT T1 Zed skin is 750 Riot Points. SKT T1 Zed is part of the theme World Champions: 2013. Other skins of the theme set:
- SKT T1 Jax
- SKT T1 Lee Sin
- SKT T1 Vayne
- SKT T1 Zyra

Rising from the Command Line, Zed is a leader within PROJECT's counter-espionage units. He seeks out the G/NETIC rebels with split high frequency blades and molecular “solid smoke” projectors, favoring close-proximity and multiple angle target laceration.The price for the PROJECT: Zed skin is 1350 Riot Points. PROJECT: Zed is part of the theme PROJECT. Other skins of the theme set:
- PROJECT: Warwick
- Prestige PROJECT: Irelia
- PROJECT: Irelia
- PROJECT: Katarina
- PROJECT: Renekton
- PROJECT: Vayne
- PROJECT: Mordekaiser
- PROJECT: Akali
- PROJECT: Leona
- PROJECT: Varus
- PROJECT: Sejuani
- PROJECT: Fiora
- PROJECT: Yasuo
- PROJECT: Senna
- PROJECT: Lucian
- Prestige PROJECT: Zed
- Prestige PROJECT: Sylas
- PROJECT: Sylas
- PROJECT: Gangplank
- PROJECT: Naafiri
Worlds 2016 Zed

Celebrating Worlds 2016 in North America.The price for the Worlds 2016 Zed skin is 975 Riot Points. Worlds 2016 Zed is part of the theme World Championship. Other skins of the theme set:
- Worlds 2020 LeBlanc
- Worlds 2019 Ryze
- Worlds 2017 Ashe
- Worlds 2021 Jarvan IV
- Reignited Worlds 2012 Riven
- Worlds 2012 Riven
- Worlds 2014 Shyvana
- Worlds 2018 Kha'Zix
- Worlds 2013 Thresh
- Worlds 2015 Kalista
- Worlds 2022 Azir
- Worlds 2023 Renekton
Death Sworn Zed

Having lived his life in the shadows, Zed's eventual return from the dead should have come as no surprise to anyone. A master of unliving darkness, he is only too happy to spend all eternity spilling mortal blood, as one of the Death Sworn.The price for the Death Sworn Zed skin is 1350 Riot Points. Death Sworn Zed is part of the theme Death Sworn. Other skins of the theme set:
- Reaper Soraka
- Shadow Evelynn
- Death Sworn Katarina
- Underworld Wukong
- Death Sworn Viktor
- Darkrider Sejuani
- Soul Reaver Draven
- Reaper Hecarim
- Gravelord Azir
Galaxy Slayer Zed

Zed was a promising Templar before he became host to the hivemind of ora and imbued with its alien essence. Able to morph his body into living weapons, he now sees himself as the perfect life form, deserving of all ora and destined to cleanse the galaxy of the weak.The price for the Galaxy Slayer Zed skin is 1820 Riot Points. Galaxy Slayer Zed is part of the theme Odyssey. Other skins of the theme set:
- Odyssey Twisted Fate
- Odyssey Sivir
- Odyssey Sona
- Odyssey Karma
- Odyssey Malphite
- Odyssey Ziggs
- Odyssey Kha'Zix
- Odyssey Kayn
- Odyssey Yasuo
- Odyssey Jinx
- Odyssey Aatrox
PsyOps Zed

Known as the “Gas Can Man” in paramilitary circles, Zed is an infamous mercenary picked up by the Black Rose Group during one of their covert actions. His psionic powers are tied to a mysterious oil-like substance he ingests through his mask, allowing him to duplicate himself for assassinations and open combat.The price for the PsyOps Zed skin is 1350 Riot Points. PsyOps Zed is part of the theme Black Rose Group. Other skins of the theme set:
- PsyOps Kayle
- PsyOps Viktor
- PsyOps Samira
- PsyOps Pyke
Prestige PROJECT: Zed

Faced with imminent defeat at the hands of Mordekaiser and the numberless hordes of infected machines, Zed seeks out a dilapidated research facility in the heart of the wasteland, searching for illegal and potentially dangerous upgrades. His return may mark a tipping point in the battle for the City… though he has transformed into something beyond both human and machine.The price for the Prestige PROJECT: Zed skin is 200 Mythic Essences. Prestige PROJECT: Zed is part of the theme PROJECT. Other skins of the theme set:
- PROJECT: Warwick
- Prestige PROJECT: Irelia
- PROJECT: Irelia
- PROJECT: Katarina
- PROJECT: Renekton
- PROJECT: Vayne
- PROJECT: Mordekaiser
- PROJECT: Akali
- PROJECT: Leona
- PROJECT: Varus
- PROJECT: Sejuani
- PROJECT: Fiora
- PROJECT: Yasuo
- PROJECT: Senna
- PROJECT: Lucian
- Prestige PROJECT: Sylas
- PROJECT: Sylas
- PROJECT: Gangplank
- PROJECT: Naafiri
Debonair Zed

The most powerful (and powerfully dressed) man in Nox Vegas, Zed has been dabbling in more than fancy parties and cutthroat dealmaking. A new crowd from Crime City has entered his inner circle, granting this debonair gentleman an unbreakable stranglehold over the strip… and a dreadful new change in both mind and body.The price for the Debonair Zed skin is 1820 Riot Points. Debonair Zed is part of the theme Debonair. Other skins of the theme set:
- Debonair Galio
- Debonair LeBlanc
- Debonair Master Yi
- Debonair Brand
- Prestige Debonair Brand
- Debonair Ezreal
- Debonair Leona
- Debonair Malzahar
- Debonair Draven
- Debonair Jayce
- Debonair Vi
Empyrean Zed

The Foreglow is a power many desire, but Zed resents how it exposes him. His is a strength born from darkness, away from prying eyes. Perhaps in the fallen Husk realm left in Pyke's wake can he build a new domain of shadows, one that no Empyrean can topple.The price for the Empyrean Zed skin is 1350 Riot Points. Empyrean Zed is part of the theme Empyrean. Other skins of the theme set:
- Empyrean Jax
- Empyrean Lux
- Empyrean Zac
- Empyrean Jhin
- Empyrean Pyke
- Empyrean Vex
- Prestige Empyrean K'Sante
- Empyrean K'Sante
- Empyrean Kayle
- Prestige Empyrean Kayle
- Empyrean Nocturne
- Empyrean Brand
- Empyrean Akali
- Empyrean Malzahar
- Empyrean Varus
Immortal Journey Zed

When Zed became immortal and began studying the other realms, a new desire took hold: knowledge was everywhere, so he needed to BE everywhere. Upon discovering his explorations, the Grounded Foresight School banished him. Zed doesn't care, though, for he's found a new demonic power, allowing him to be everywhere and all-knowing.The price for the Immortal Journey Zed skin is 1350 Riot Points. Immortal Journey Zed is part of the theme Immortal Journey. Other skins of the theme set:
- Eternal Sword Yi
- God Staff Jax
- Majestic Empress Morgana
- Divine Sword Irelia
- Sacred Sword Janna
- God Fist Lee Sin
- Enduring Sword Talon
- Prestige Valiant Sword Riven
- Valiant Sword Riven
- Soaring Sword Fiora
- Splendid Staff Nami
- Immortal Journey Kayle
- Immortal Journey Soraka
- Prestige Immortal Journey Sona
- Immortal Journey Sona
- Prestige Valiant Sword Riven (2022)
- Immortal Journey Shyvana
- Immortal Journey Zeri
Blood Moon Zed

As loyalty fractures within the Blood Moon cult, Zed remains Twisted Fate's unshakable right hand and personal power broker. He trades in secrets, shadows, and blood, all while using his mastery over his demon to increase the cult's influence. What Twisted Fate doesn't know is that Zed is also searching for his lost acolyte, stolen by the Snow Moon.The price for the Blood Moon Zed skin is 1350 Riot Points. Blood Moon Zed is part of the theme Blood Moon. Other skins of the theme set:
- Blood Moon Twisted Fate
- Blood Moon Master Yi
- Blood Moon Sivir
- Blood Moon Tryndamere
- Blood Moon Zilean
- Blood Moon Evelynn
- Blood Moon Katarina
- Blood Moon Elise
- Blood Moon Akali
- Blood Moon Kennen
- Blood Moon Talon
- Blood Moon Shen
- Blood Moon Diana
- Blood Moon Yasuo
- Blood Moon Jhin
- Prestige Blood Moon Aatrox
- Blood Moon Aatrox
- Blood Moon Thresh
- Blood Moon Kalista
- Blood Moon Pyke
- Prestige Blood Moon Aatrox (2022)
- Blood Moon Fiddlesticks
- Blood Moon Zyra
FAQ on Zed skins
How many skins does Zed have?
Zed has 13 skins in patch 14.12.
What is the best Zed skin?
The best Zed skin is Galaxy Slayer Zed.