Tryndamere Skins

Tryndamere Skins

Battle Fury
Mocking Shout
Spinning Slash
Undying Rage
Pick Rate
Ban Rate
#Skin Name
Riot Points585
Highland Tryndamere
Riot Points520
King Tryndamere
Riot Points520
Viking Tryndamere
Wonders of the World
Riot Points750
Demonblade Tryndamere
Riot Points1820
Sultan Tryndamere
Wonders of the World
Riot Points975
Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere
Lunar Revel: Warring Kingdoms
Riot Points975
Nightmare Tryndamere
Riot Points750
Beast Hunter Tryndamere
Prehistoric Hunters
Riot Points750
Chemtech Tryndamere
Silver Age
Riot Points975

All Tryndamere skins

Take a look at the best Tryndamere skins in League of Legends. Other than counters for Tryndamere a skin is only for the aesthetics. Therefore keep learning how to build Tryndamere.



Fueled by unbridled fury and rage, Tryndamere once carved his way through the Freljord, openly challenging the greatest warriors of the north to prepare himself for even darker days ahead. The wrathful barbarian has long sought revenge for the annihilation of his clan, though more recently he has found companionship with Ashe, the Avarosan warmother, and a home with her people. His almost inhuman strength and fortitude is legendary, and has delivered him and his new allies countless victories against the greatest of odds.
This is the default Tryndamere skin and is free of charge. The champion Tryndamere costs 585 Riot Points.

Highland Tryndamere

Highland Tryndamere

The price for the Highland Tryndamere skin is 520 Riot Points. Highland Tryndamere is part of the theme Legacy. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Reverse Annie
  • Forsaken Olaf
  • Enchanted Galio
  • The Magnificent Twisted Fate
  • Imperial Xin Zhao
  • Wicked LeBlanc
  • Judgment Kayle
  • Ionia Master Yi
  • Assassin Master Yi
  • Samurai Yi
  • Chosen Master Yi
  • Golden Alistar
  • Warmonger Sion
  • Spectacular Sivir
  • Bandit Sivir
  • Warrior Princess Sivir
  • Badger Teemo
  • Recon Teemo
  • Waterloo Miss Fortune
  • Amethyst Ashe
  • Nemesis Jax
  • Jaximus
  • Temple Jax
  • Masquerade Evelynn
  • Phantom Karthus
  • Nightmare Cho'Gath
  • Ninja Rammus
  • Chrome Rammus
  • Noxus Hunter Anivia
  • Asylum Shaco
  • Royal Shaco
  • Workshop Shaco
  • Mr. Mundoverse
  • Harbinger Kassadin
  • Nightblade Irelia
  • Tempest Janna
  • Minuteman Gangplank
  • Red Baron Corki
  • Sakura Karma
  • Safari Caitlyn
  • Rusty Blitzcrank
  • Marble Malphite
  • Mercenary Katarina
  • Totemic Maokai
  • Darkforge Jarvan IV
  • Bladecraft Orianna
  • General Wukong
  • Rumble in the Jungle
  • Leopard Nidalee
  • Battle Regalia Poppy
  • Hillbilly Gragas
  • Explorer Ezreal
  • Silverfang Akali
  • Swamp Master Kennen
  • Karate Kennen
  • Sanguine Garen
  • Desert Trooper Garen
  • Defender Leona
  • Iron Solari Leona
  • Shadow Prince Malzahar
  • Renegade Talon
  • Monarch Kog'Maw
  • Yellow Jacket Shen
  • Warlord Shen
  • Imperial Lux
  • Runeborn Xerath
  • Ironscale Shyvana
  • Darkflame Shyvana
  • Midnight Ahri
  • Jailbreak Graves
  • Tundra Fizz
  • Night Hunter Rengar
  • Blight Crystal Varus
  • Subterranean Nautilus
  • Major Ziggs
  • Gladiator Draven
  • Forsaken Jayce
  • Special Weapon Zac
  • Hired Gun Lucian
  • Koi Nami

King Tryndamere

King Tryndamere

A proud king who was once known only as a brutal highland swordsman, Tryndamere rules his people as the martial protector of two great Freljordian houses. Yet every day he resists the pull of an intangible evil at his back, as he has not forgotten a certain blood debt that he vowed to see repaid.
The price for the King Tryndamere skin is 520 Riot Points. King Tryndamere is part of the theme Medieval. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Queen Ashe
  • Medieval Twitch
  • Little Knight Amumu
  • White Mage Veigar
  • Blacksmith Poppy
  • Sorceress Lux
  • Sir Kled

Viking Tryndamere

Viking Tryndamere

Vikings believed that death in battle was a ticket to the eternal realm of Valhalla. Tryndamere's signature ability is being unable to die. You… you're seeing the issue here, right?
The price for the Viking Tryndamere skin is 750 Riot Points. Viking Tryndamere is part of the theme Wonders of the World. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Winged Hussar Xin Zhao
  • Uncle Ryze
  • Panda Teemo
  • Sultan Tryndamere
  • Statue of Karthus
  • Bird of Prey Anivia
  • Festival Queen Anivia
  • Masked Shaco
  • Sultan Gangplank
  • Shamrock Malphite
  • Outback Renekton
  • Muay Thai Lee Sin
  • Oktoberfest Gragas
  • Glaive Warrior Pantheon
  • Myrmidon Pantheon
  • Vizier Malzahar
  • Dynasty Ahri
  • Bear Cavalry Sejuani

Demonblade Tryndamere

Demonblade Tryndamere

Tryndamere's cursed blade corrupted him from a once honorable barbarian into a rampaging monster. Now in a frenzy to sate his endless hunger, this demonic sword drives him to slay all. With each kill another fraction of his humanity is lost and succumbing further into the demonic sword's madness.
The price for the Demonblade Tryndamere skin is 1820 Riot Points. Demonblade Tryndamere is part of the theme Otherroads. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Transcended Kayle
  • Divine Soraka
  • Tyrant Swain
  • Rune Wars Renekton
  • Acolyte Lee Sin
  • Noxus Poppy
  • Redeemed Riven
  • Runeguard Volibear
  • Prototype Viktor
  • Foreseen Yasuo

Sultan Tryndamere

Sultan Tryndamere

Tryndamere is a ruler from a distant land, and tales of his impossible strength and distinctive mustache have reached even the farthest-flung city-states. As is the rule rather than the exception with rulers from distant lands, his hat is exceptional.
The price for the Sultan Tryndamere skin is 975 Riot Points. Sultan Tryndamere is part of the theme Wonders of the World. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Winged Hussar Xin Zhao
  • Uncle Ryze
  • Panda Teemo
  • Viking Tryndamere
  • Statue of Karthus
  • Bird of Prey Anivia
  • Festival Queen Anivia
  • Masked Shaco
  • Sultan Gangplank
  • Shamrock Malphite
  • Outback Renekton
  • Muay Thai Lee Sin
  • Oktoberfest Gragas
  • Glaive Warrior Pantheon
  • Myrmidon Pantheon
  • Vizier Malzahar
  • Dynasty Ahri
  • Bear Cavalry Sejuani

Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere

Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere

Tryndamere is a grand general of the Warring Kingdoms, so deadly and so feared it is said he is the god of war incarnate. Truly a spectacle to behold, it would take a thousand men to kill him in battle, and a thousand more to keep him dead.
The price for the Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere skin is 975 Riot Points. Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere is part of the theme Lunar Revel: Warring Kingdoms. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao
  • Warring Kingdoms Katarina
  • Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV
  • Warring Kingdoms Nidalee
  • Warring Kingdoms Garen
  • Dragonblade Talon
  • Dragonblade Riven
  • Warring Kingdoms Vi
  • Warring Kingdoms Azir

Nightmare Tryndamere

Nightmare Tryndamere

The price for the Nightmare Tryndamere skin is 750 Riot Points. Nightmare Tryndamere is part of the theme Trick-or-Treat. Other skins of the theme set:

  • FrankenTibbers Annie
  • Underworld Twisted Fate
  • Butcher Urgot
  • Ravenborn LeBlanc
  • Nosferatu Vladimir
  • Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks
  • Grim Reaper Karthus
  • Pumpkin Prince Amumu
  • Mundo Mundo
  • Count Kassadin
  • Spooky Gangplank
  • Witch's Brew Blitzcrank
  • Kitty Cat Katarina
  • Haunting Nocturne
  • Haunted Maokai
  • Vindicator Vayne
  • Wicked Lulu
  • Headless Hecarim
  • Haunted Zyra
  • Count Kledula
  • Trick or Treat Ekko

Beast Hunter Tryndamere

Beast Hunter Tryndamere

Tryndamere isn't the smartest beast hunter, but he is the strongest—possessing a stubborn rage that quite literally refuses to let him die. A single swing of his blade can cleave a beast's limb from its body, and he has the hunting trophies to prove it.
The price for the Beast Hunter Tryndamere skin is 750 Riot Points. Beast Hunter Tryndamere is part of the theme Prehistoric Hunters. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Tribal Ryze
  • Huntress Sivir
  • Prehistoric Cho'Gath
  • Prehistoric Anivia
  • Prehistoric Renekton
  • Primal Udyr
  • Boneclaw Shyvana
  • Beast Hunter Sejuani
  • Sabretusk Sejuani
  • Beast Hunter Draven

Chemtech Tryndamere

Chemtech Tryndamere

A monstrous experiment created by the villainous Singed, Tryndamere was irrevocably changed when he fell into a vat of volatile chemicals. Wherever Singed goes, Tryndamere follows—yet another dastardly villain battling against New Valoran's bravest heroes!
The price for the Chemtech Tryndamere skin is 975 Riot Points. Chemtech Tryndamere is part of the theme Silver Age. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Super Teemo
  • Rocket Girl Tristana
  • Feral Warwick
  • Augmented Singed
  • Toxic Dr. Mundo
  • Infiltrator Irelia
  • Superb Villain Veigar
  • Ravager Nocturne
  • Cryocore Brand
  • Deadly Kennen
  • Super Kennen
  • Bioforge Darius
  • Phoenix Quinn

Blood Moon Tryndamere

Blood Moon Tryndamere

The demon Tryndamere has fully assumed control over his twinned human body, using its inhuman strength to slash gaping wounds in the veil between the human and demonic realms. Shrugging off wounds considered fatal even to other demons, his is an unstoppable, unquenchable rage that would see all things consumed by the Blood Moon.
The price for the Blood Moon Tryndamere skin is 1350 Riot Points. Blood Moon Tryndamere is part of the theme Blood Moon. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Blood Moon Twisted Fate
  • Blood Moon Master Yi
  • Blood Moon Sivir
  • Blood Moon Zilean
  • Blood Moon Evelynn
  • Blood Moon Katarina
  • Blood Moon Elise
  • Blood Moon Akali
  • Blood Moon Kennen
  • Blood Moon Talon
  • Blood Moon Shen
  • Blood Moon Diana
  • Blood Moon Yasuo
  • Blood Moon Jhin
  • Prestige Blood Moon Aatrox
  • Blood Moon Aatrox
  • Blood Moon Thresh
  • Blood Moon Kalista
  • Blood Moon Pyke
  • Prestige Blood Moon Aatrox (2022)
  • Blood Moon Fiddlesticks
  • Blood Moon Zyra
  • Blood Moon Zed

Nightbringer Tryndamere

Nightbringer Tryndamere

A fiendish god of rage and battle, Tryndamere embodies the moment when war descends into bloodied frenzy. Peace is anathema, but perhaps Yone's crusade presents an opportunity… After all, to Tryndamere, chaos is best when it is born of order's decay.
The price for the Nightbringer Tryndamere skin is 1350 Riot Points. Nightbringer Tryndamere is part of the theme Nightbringer and Dawnbringer. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Nightbringer Vladimir
  • Nightbringer Soraka
  • Dawnbringer Soraka
  • Dawnbringer Morgana
  • Dawnbringer Karma
  • Prestige Nightbringer Lee Sin
  • Nightbringer Lee Sin
  • Dawnbringer Nidalee
  • Dawnbringer Riven
  • Nightbringer Kayn
  • Prestige Nightbringer Kayn
  • Nightbringer Yasuo
  • Nightbringer Aphelios
  • Dawnbringer Vex
  • Dawnbringer Yone
  • Nightbringer Lillia
  • Dawnbringer Renekton
  • Nightbringer Jarvan IV
  • Dawnbringer Vayne
  • Nightbringer Nasus
  • Prestige Nightbringer Lee Sin (2022)

Victorious Tryndamere

Victorious Tryndamere

Victorious Tryndamere was earned by players who accumulated enough split points in Ranked. The last thing Tryndamere's challengers would ever see was the unbridled wrath in his eyes as he decided they would be the next to meet his blade.
Victorious Tryndamere is part of the theme Victorious. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Victorious Sivir
  • Victorious Morgana
  • Victorious Janna
  • Victorious Blitzcrank
  • Victorious Maokai
  • Victorious Jarvan IV
  • Victorious Elise
  • Victorious Orianna
  • Victorious Graves
  • Victorious Lucian
  • Victorious Aatrox
  • Victorious Sejuani
  • Victorious Anivia
  • Victorious Kog'Maw

FAQ on Tryndamere skins

How many skins does Tryndamere have?

Tryndamere has 13 skins in patch 14.18.

What is the best Tryndamere skin?

The best Tryndamere skin is Demonblade Tryndamere.