Abilities of Pantheon
Spell skill priority is an important winning factor for Pantheon. Understanding the abilities of Pantheon in League of Legends is another. Below you can find all the relevant information on Pantheon abilities. In order for item builds you should check the build for Pantheon.
Passive: Mortal Will
Every few spells or attacks, Pantheon's next spell is empowered.
Comet Spear
Pantheon either thrusts his spear or throws his spear in the chosen direction.
Tap: Pantheon thrusts his spear, dealing tapdamagecalc
physical damage to enemies hit. Refunds tapcooldownrefund*100
% of this Ability's Cooldown.
Hold: Pantheon hurls his spear, dealing holddamagecalc
physical damage to the first enemy hit and damagefalloff*100
% less to further targets.
This Ability is enhanced against enemies below crithealththreshold*100
% health to deal executedamagecalcmodified
physical damage instead.
Mortal Will Bonus: Deals an additional empowereddamagecalc
physical damage.
Shield Vault
Pantheon dashes to a target, damaging and stunning them.
Pantheon leaps on his target, Stunning for stunduration
second and dealing maxhealthdamagecalc
max Health physical damage.
Mortal Will Bonus: Pantheon's next Attack strikes empowerednumhits
times, dealing a total of empowereddamagemultcalcmodified
physical damage.
Aegis Assault
Pantheon sets his shield, becoming invulnerable to damage from the front and striking repeatedly with his spear.
Pantheon braces his shield and engages enemies in a chosen direction for shieldduration
seconds, becoming immune to non-tower damage from that direction and dealing damagecalc
physical damage over the duration. After channeling Pantheon slams with his shield, dealing shielddamagecalc
physical damage.
Mortal Will Bonus: When Pantheon slams his shield he gains resistscalc
Armor and resistscalc
Magic Resist for resistsduration
seconds, and speedamount*100
% Move Speed for speedduration
Grand Starfall
Pantheon composes himself and then leaps into the air, landing at a chosen location as a comet.
Passive: Pantheon gains armorpenetration*100
% Armor Penetration.
Active: Pantheon gathers his strength to leap high into the air. He throws his spear from above which in a small area deals spell.pantheonq:holddamagecalc
physical damage and Slows by spearslow*100
% for spearslowduration
Pantheon then crashes down as a meteor at the target area. Deals up to damagecalc
magic damage to enemies in a line (decreased by up to edgedamagereduction*100
% at the edges of the area).
This Ability instantly readies Mortal Will.
FAQ on Pantheon
What do you max first on Pantheon?
Most Pantheon pros max out Comet Spear first.