Nocturne Skins

Nocturne Skins

Umbra Blades
Shroud of Darkness
Unspeakable Horror
Pick Rate
Ban Rate
#Skin Name
Riot Points880
Frozen Terror Nocturne
Riot Points975
Void Nocturne
Curse of the Void
Riot Points520
Ravager Nocturne
Silver Age
Riot Points520
Haunting Nocturne
Riot Points975
Eternum Nocturne
Riot Points1820
Cursed Revenant Nocturne
Omen of the Dark
Riot Points750
Old God Nocturne
Coven, Elderwood
Riot Points1350
Hextech Nocturne
Mythic Essence125
Broken Covenant Nocturne
Broken Covenant
Riot Points1350

All Nocturne skins

Take a look at the best Nocturne skins in League of Legends. Other than counters for Nocturne a skin is only for the aesthetics. Therefore keep learning how to build Nocturne.



A demonic amalgamation drawn from the nightmares that haunt every sentient mind, the thing known as Nocturne has become a primordial force of pure evil. It is liquidly chaotic in aspect, a faceless shadow with cold eyes and armed with wicked-looking blades. After freeing itself from the spirit realm, Nocturne descended upon the waking world, to feed upon the kind of terror that can only thrive in true darkness.
This is the default Nocturne skin and is free of charge. The champion Nocturne costs 880 Riot Points.

Frozen Terror Nocturne

Frozen Terror Nocturne

Somewhere, hidden beneath the enormous ice caps, lurks a demon fueled by the terror of those foolish enough to enter his domain.
The price for the Frozen Terror Nocturne skin is 975 Riot Points. Frozen Terror Nocturne is part of the theme Glacial. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Glacial Olaf
  • Glacial Malphite
  • Frozen Shen

Void Nocturne

Void Nocturne

The price for the Void Nocturne skin is 520 Riot Points. Void Nocturne is part of the theme Curse of the Void. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Pre-Void Kassadin
  • Void Fizz
  • Void Bringer Illaoi

Ravager Nocturne

Ravager Nocturne

The price for the Ravager Nocturne skin is 520 Riot Points. Ravager Nocturne is part of the theme Silver Age. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Super Teemo
  • Rocket Girl Tristana
  • Feral Warwick
  • Chemtech Tryndamere
  • Augmented Singed
  • Toxic Dr. Mundo
  • Infiltrator Irelia
  • Superb Villain Veigar
  • Cryocore Brand
  • Deadly Kennen
  • Super Kennen
  • Bioforge Darius
  • Phoenix Quinn

Haunting Nocturne

Haunting Nocturne

Haunting Nocturne would be a lot less haunting without those huge knife arms.
The price for the Haunting Nocturne skin is 975 Riot Points. Haunting Nocturne is part of the theme Trick-or-Treat. Other skins of the theme set:

  • FrankenTibbers Annie
  • Underworld Twisted Fate
  • Butcher Urgot
  • Ravenborn LeBlanc
  • Nosferatu Vladimir
  • Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks
  • Nightmare Tryndamere
  • Grim Reaper Karthus
  • Pumpkin Prince Amumu
  • Mundo Mundo
  • Count Kassadin
  • Spooky Gangplank
  • Witch's Brew Blitzcrank
  • Kitty Cat Katarina
  • Haunted Maokai
  • Vindicator Vayne
  • Wicked Lulu
  • Headless Hecarim
  • Haunted Zyra
  • Count Kledula
  • Trick or Treat Ekko

Eternum Nocturne

Eternum Nocturne

Your worst nightmare, embodied in the form of organic metal—it lingers, watching and waiting for the right moment to shroud all of existence in eternal darkness.
The price for the Eternum Nocturne skin is 1820 Riot Points. Eternum Nocturne is part of the theme Eternum. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Eternum Cassiopeia
  • Eternum Rek'Sai

Cursed Revenant Nocturne

Cursed Revenant Nocturne

In her dreams, the queen was approached by a great shadow whispering of power and infamy beyond the grasp of mortals. Upon the shadow's third visit, she released it into the waking world—and sure enough, it would come to keep its terrible promises.
The price for the Cursed Revenant Nocturne skin is 750 Riot Points. Cursed Revenant Nocturne is part of the theme Omen of the Dark. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Spectral Fiddlesticks
  • Iron Inquisitor Kayle
  • Grey Warwick
  • Black Scourge Singed
  • Executioner Mundo
  • Undertaker Yorick
  • Blade Queen Lissandra

Old God Nocturne

Old God Nocturne

The great corpses of the Old Gods fed the land, and in time even the Elderwood would come to grow over their putrid rot–hiding it, perhaps, for a time. But the Gods never truly died and, with the resurgence of the Coven, one has risen again–Nocturne, the Eternal Nightmare.
The price for the Old God Nocturne skin is 1350 Riot Points. Old God Nocturne is part of the theme Coven, Elderwood. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Old God Warwick
  • Old God Malphite
  • Old God Ivern

Hextech Nocturne

Hextech Nocturne

Not every part of the Hextech renaissance led to bright innovations. A clandestine experiment to fuse Hextech with demonic energies wrought a living nightmare, a predator rumored to stalk the streets and back alleyways of the city. Authorities report that any such creation would have been terminated along with any such project, and that any missing persons reports are, of course, completely unrelated.
The price for the Hextech Nocturne skin is 100 Mythic Essences. Hextech Nocturne is part of the theme Hextech. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Hextech Annie
  • Hextech Galio
  • Hextech Alistar
  • Hextech Sion
  • Hextech Tristana
  • Hextech Singed
  • Hextech Amumu
  • Hextech Rammus
  • Hextech Anivia
  • Hextech Kassadin
  • Hextech Janna
  • Hextech Swain
  • Hextech Renekton
  • Hextech Jarvan IV
  • Hextech Poppy
  • Hextech Malzahar
  • Hextech Kog'Maw
  • Hextech Sejuani
  • Hextech Ziggs

Broken Covenant Nocturne

Broken Covenant Nocturne

As the oldest member of the Aspirants, Nocturne is content to lead from the shadows, having long ago exchanged their physical form for pure Aspira. Within the catacombs, they jealously guard the vast well of Aspira the congregation has filled over the centuries, toiling away at the unholy weapon that will destroy the Neverghaast once and for all.
The price for the Broken Covenant Nocturne skin is 1350 Riot Points. Broken Covenant Nocturne is part of the theme Broken Covenant. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Broken Covenant Vladimir
  • Broken Covenant Miss Fortune
  • Prestige Broken Covenant Miss Fortune
  • Broken Covenant Cho'Gath
  • Broken Covenant Riven
  • Broken Covenant Rakan
  • Broken Covenant Xayah

Empyrean Nocturne

Empyrean Nocturne

A nightmarish dimensional parasite, Nocturne was drawn to the Foreglow and—as it burrowed its way to the power's raw form—inadvertently created the first dimensional collapse and the first Empyrean, Pyke. With the Foreglow corrupting its original appearance, Nocturne seeks to experiment further with the Foreglow and find new ways to feed its hunger.
The price for the Empyrean Nocturne skin is 1350 Riot Points. Empyrean Nocturne is part of the theme Empyrean. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Empyrean Jax
  • Empyrean Lux
  • Empyrean Zac
  • Empyrean Jhin
  • Empyrean Zed
  • Empyrean Pyke
  • Empyrean Vex
  • Prestige Empyrean K'Sante
  • Empyrean K'Sante
  • Empyrean Kayle
  • Prestige Empyrean Kayle
  • Empyrean Brand
  • Empyrean Akali
  • Empyrean Malzahar
  • Empyrean Varus

FAQ on Nocturne skins

How many skins does Nocturne have?

Nocturne has 11 skins in patch 14.23.

What is the best Nocturne skin?

The best Nocturne skin is Eternum Nocturne.