Lissandra Skins

Lissandra Skins

Iceborn Subjugation
Ice Shard
Ring of Frost
Glacial Path
Frozen Tomb
Pick Rate
Ban Rate
#Skin Name
Riot Points880
Bloodstone Lissandra
Riot Points975
Blade Queen Lissandra
Omen of the Dark
Riot Points1350
Program Lissandra
Riot Points1350
Coven Lissandra
Riot Points1350
Dark Cosmic Lissandra
Dark Star
Riot Points1350
Porcelain Lissandra
Riot Points1350
Prestige Porcelain Lissandra
Mythic Essence150
Space Groove Lissandra
Space Groove
Riot Points1350

All Lissandra skins

Take a look at the best Lissandra skins in League of Legends. Other than counters for Lissandra a skin is only for the aesthetics. Therefore keep learning how to build Lissandra.



As the reclusive leader of the Frostguard, many believe Lissandra is a living saint whose followers bring healing and wisdom to the tribes of the Freljord. The truth is perhaps more sinister, as she uses her elemental magic to twist the power of True Ice into something dark and terrible, entombing or impaling any who would reveal her deepest secrets. Indeed, the legacy of her past may yet be the beginning of the end for Runeterra.
This is the default Lissandra skin and is free of charge. The champion Lissandra costs 880 Riot Points.

Bloodstone Lissandra

Bloodstone Lissandra

Once a powerful sorceress who sought absolute control over her followers, Lissandra transformed into something altogether different when she finally found the hallowed Bloodstone. The magic she drew from it drove her to slay those who once tended to her every whim. To this day she wanders in search of more mortals to sacrifice to her newfound source of power.
The price for the Bloodstone Lissandra skin is 975 Riot Points. Bloodstone Lissandra is part of the theme Bloodstone. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Blood Lord Vladimir
  • Dark Crystal Ryze
  • Bloodstone Taric
  • Bloodfury Renekton
  • Nightraven Fiora
  • Blood Knight Hecarim

Blade Queen Lissandra

Blade Queen Lissandra

Ruler of a once mighty city, Lissandra was seduced by the promises of a monstrous shadow, whispering of esoteric power and eternal life. For this, she betrayed her people and gave them to darkness, so that in the shadow's womb she would be reborn an ageless monster.
The price for the Blade Queen Lissandra skin is 1350 Riot Points. Blade Queen Lissandra is part of the theme Omen of the Dark. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Spectral Fiddlesticks
  • Iron Inquisitor Kayle
  • Grey Warwick
  • Black Scourge Singed
  • Executioner Mundo
  • Cursed Revenant Nocturne
  • Undertaker Yorick

Program Lissandra

Program Lissandra

Built as an all-seeing security bot, Program Lissandra rose above her initial code to become a self-generating artificial intelligence. She manipulates the technology of augmented humans with her own mimetic commands, so that all will fall before her.
The price for the Program Lissandra skin is 1350 Riot Points. Program Lissandra is part of the theme Program. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Program LeBlanc
  • Program Soraka
  • iBlitzcrank
  • Program Camille
  • Program Nami

Coven Lissandra

Coven Lissandra

They came to Lissandra as if in some waking dream—visions of the Ivory Stag, and the old magics long lost to antiquity. Even now, the ageless witch resides among those twisted shadows of the old growth, awaiting the day her dead gods spill forth from their rotten and accursed graves.
The price for the Coven Lissandra skin is 1350 Riot Points. Coven Lissandra is part of the theme Coven. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Prestige Coven LeBlanc
  • Coven LeBlanc
  • Coven Ashe
  • Coven Morgana
  • Coven Evelynn
  • Coven Cassiopeia
  • Coven Ahri
  • Prestige Coven Zyra
  • Coven Zyra
  • Coven Camille
  • The Thousand-Pierced Bear
  • Coven Elise
  • Old God Mordekaiser
  • Coven Akali
  • Prestige Coven Akali
  • Coven Syndra
  • Coven Nami
  • Coven Nilah

Dark Cosmic Lissandra

Dark Cosmic Lissandra

Once a cosmic entity charged with identifying future threats to the cosmos, her hunger for ever greater knowledge drew her into conflict with the Dark Star, which consumed her. Transformed into a mad doomsayer who sees a “true” universe in the ashes of this one, she has become the very end she once feared.
The price for the Dark Cosmic Lissandra skin is 1350 Riot Points. Dark Cosmic Lissandra is part of the theme Dark Star. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Dark Star Cho'Gath
  • Dark Star Shaco
  • Dark Star Karma
  • Dark Star Malphite
  • Prestige Dark Star Malphite
  • Dark Star Jarvan IV
  • Dark Star Orianna
  • Dark Star Mordekaiser
  • Dark Cosmic Lux
  • Dark Star Xerath
  • Dark Star Varus
  • Dark Star Kha'Zix
  • Dark Cosmic Jhin
  • Dark Star Thresh
  • Dark Cosmic Erasure Jhin

Porcelain Lissandra

Porcelain Lissandra

Long ago, the sorceress Lissandra stole the Snake Relic from the ancient Protectors in a bid to gain immortality. Cast down and sealed away for her crimes, Lissandra spent centuries of solitude scheming a way to take all twelve Zodiac Relics for herself, waiting for the perfect time to strike... And now Ezreal has given her the chance.
The price for the Porcelain Lissandra skin is 1350 Riot Points. Porcelain Lissandra is part of the theme Porcelain. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Porcelain Amumu
  • Porcelain Protector Ezreal
  • Prestige Porcelain Lux
  • Porcelain Lux
  • Porcelain Kindred
  • Prestige Porcelain Lissandra
  • Porcelain Miss Fortune
  • Porcelain Morgana
  • Porcelain Irelia
  • Porcelain Graves
  • Porcelain Darius
  • Porcelain Protector Aurelion Sol
  • Prestige Porcelain Kindred

Prestige Porcelain Lissandra

Prestige Porcelain Lissandra

What is fashion, if not sculpture? Is it not beauty and elegance in physical form? The portrait of glamor in white, blue, and gold, Lissandra is a work of art, on and off the runway.
The price for the Prestige Porcelain Lissandra skin is 150 Mythic Essences. Prestige Porcelain Lissandra is part of the theme Porcelain. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Porcelain Amumu
  • Porcelain Protector Ezreal
  • Prestige Porcelain Lux
  • Porcelain Lux
  • Porcelain Lissandra
  • Porcelain Kindred
  • Porcelain Miss Fortune
  • Porcelain Morgana
  • Porcelain Irelia
  • Porcelain Graves
  • Porcelain Darius
  • Porcelain Protector Aurelion Sol
  • Prestige Porcelain Kindred

Space Groove Lissandra

Space Groove Lissandra

Brutal alien leader of the Harsh Vibes, Lissandra subjugates planets rich in The Groove for her own nefarious purposes—banning disco and steeping the entire galaxy in Muzak. She and her army of roller-skating derby goons will stop at nothing to eliminate disco forever. But for her latest scheme to work, she's going to need an invite to the disco to end all discos: The Jam.
The price for the Space Groove Lissandra skin is 1350 Riot Points. Space Groove Lissandra is part of the theme Space Groove. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Space Groove Nunu & Willump
  • Space Groove Rumble
  • Space Groove Nasus
  • Space Groove Lux
  • Prestige Space Groove Lulu
  • Space Groove Lulu
  • Space Groove Samira
  • Space Groove Gwen
  • Space Groove Gragas
  • Space Groove Nami
  • Prestige Space Groove Nami
  • Space Groove Ornn
  • Space Groove Taric
  • Space Groove Teemo
  • Space Groove Twisted Fate

FAQ on Lissandra skins

How many skins does Lissandra have?

Lissandra has 9 skins in patch 14.12.

What is the best Lissandra skin?

The best Lissandra skin is Program Lissandra.