How to play Kindred
Kindred – The Eternal Hunters – is based on our LoL Jungle Tier List on patch 14.9 a A-Tier
Jungle champion. Based on ranked matches from summoners with a PLATINUM+ tier,
Kindred has a win rate of 50.7%, a pick rate of 2.4%, a ban rate of 2.8% and an average KDA Ratio of 0.0, which shows that the
Marksman is in a good spot in the current meta of season 14. If you want to learn how to play Kindred on your matches, keep in mind that this champion is moderately difficult to play in LoL. This Kindred guide will give you also an understanding on how to beat Kindred. The upcoming LoL Kindred Jungle Build is the most popular build picked by many Pros.
Pregame Build
In champion select you need to choose your Kindred runes and summoner spells. The best Kindred Jungle Runes 14.9 are
Precision as the primary path and
Domination as the secondary path. The most supportive
Kindred keystone rune is
Flash and
Smite are the summoner spells, which fits this LoL Kindred Build the most.
Item Build on Kindred
The starter items for the best Kindred Build on patch 14.9 are Scorchclaw Pup,
Health Potion, and a
Stealth Ward as the trinket. As the game progresses, the most popular
Kindred items are
Kraken Slayer and
The Collector.
Plated Steelcaps are the most bought
Kindred boots by Pros. This Kindred Build will outstandingly increase your chances to gain LP and to climb the leaderboard in LoL.
Kindred Abilities
At the beginning of a match start to skill the ability Wolf's Frenzy on
Kindred. As the match progresses, it is best to maximise
Dance of Arrows into
Wolf's Frenzy and at last
Mounting Dread.
Dance of Arrows is a very strong ability of
Kindred in order to build up a lead and dominate your opponents. The passive is called
Mark of the Kindred and there is no need to set it manually on a Kindred Build.

Kindred can mark targets to Hunt. Successfully completing a Hunt permanently empowers Kindred's basic abilities. Every 4 hunts completed also increases Kindred's basic attack range.
Read Kindred's bioSeparate, but never parted, Kindred represents the twin essences of death. Lamb’s bow offers a swift release from the mortal realm for those who accept their fate. Wolf hunts down those who run from their end, delivering violent finality within his crushing jaws. Though interpretations of Kindred’s nature vary across Runeterra, every mortal must choose the true face of their death.
Available Kindred Skins
Besides the Kindred build you can select a skin for Kindred. The best Kindred skins you can find below.

Featured Video: Kindred Teaser
Listen to their tale. -
Short Story: Forest for the Trees **
The battle spilled over like a feast before them. Such delicious life—so many to end, so many to hunt! Wolf paced in the snow while Lamb danced lithely from sword edge to spear tip, the red-blooded butchery never staining her pale coat. -
Short Story: Finishing Soates By Matt Dunn
Tarnold knew the performance was doomed when all his playwright’s tricks were exhausted. His players were lost to performance jitters. Perhaps the text was to blame, or the superstitions surrounding the performance of a dead scribe’s unfinished work, but each mummer had succumbed to one form of unprofessionalism or another. -
Short Story: A Good Death by Matt Dunn
Magga was about to die for the fourteenth time. She had bitten into a rotten apple–yet again. Its putrid flesh had, as always, infected her with carrionshade. The actress went through the motions of stumbling to her death while shouting her final words for all to hear. -
Featured Link: Champion Insights: Kindred, the Eternal Hunters
Featured Video: Kindred: Login Theme