Gnar Skins

Gnar Skins

Rage Gene
Boomerang Throw / Boulder Toss
Hyper / Wallop
Hop / Crunch
Pick Rate
Ban Rate
#Skin Name
Riot Points880
Dino Gnar
Toy Box
Riot Points975
Gentleman Gnar
High Society
Riot Points975
Snow Day Gnar
Snow Day
Riot Points975
El León Gnar
Riot Points750
Super Galaxy Gnar
Super Galaxy
Riot Points1350
SSG Gnar
World Champions: 2017
Riot Points1350
Astronaut Gnar
Riot Points1350
Elderwood Gnar
Riot Points1350
La Ilusión Gnar
La Ilusión
Riot Points1350

All Gnar skins

Take a look at the best Gnar skins in League of Legends. Other than counters for Gnar a skin is only for the aesthetics. Therefore keep learning how to build Gnar.



Gnar is an excitable yordle whose playful antics can erupt into a toddler’s outrage in an instant, transforming him into a massive beast bent on destruction. Frozen in True Ice for millennia, the curious creature broke free and now hops about a changed world he sees as exotic and wondrous. Delighted by danger, Gnar flings whatever he can at his enemies, be it his bonetooth boomerang… or an uprooted tree.
This is the default Gnar skin and is free of charge. The champion Gnar costs 880 Riot Points.

Dino Gnar

Dino Gnar

The price for the Dino Gnar skin is 975 Riot Points. Dino Gnar is part of the theme Toy Box. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Moo Cow Alistar
  • Grungy Nunu & Willump
  • Toy Soldier Gangplank
  • Renektoy
  • Sewn Chaos Orianna
  • Ragdoll Poppy
  • Pug'Maw
  • Toy Terror Cho'Gath
  • Choo-Choo Ornn

Gentleman Gnar

Gentleman Gnar

Some believe Gnar's wealth came from his groundbreaking research into economics and linguistics. Others question whether his investors favor him purely for his undeniable charm. Either way, he now finds himself receiving award after award—the latest being a sculpture of him in ice, rumored to never melt.
The price for the Gentleman Gnar skin is 975 Riot Points. Gentleman Gnar is part of the theme High Society. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Tango Twisted Fate
  • Marquis Vladimir
  • Order of the Banana Soraka
  • Tango Evelynn
  • Gentleman Cho'Gath
  • Aristocrat Vayne
  • Archduke Nasus

Snow Day Gnar

Snow Day Gnar

Gnar can't resist the call of a tussle in fresh powder, but woe to those who forget what they're dealing with. Mega Gnar lurks just beneath the surface, ready to take the snowball fight to the next level... and rip someone in half.
The price for the Snow Day Gnar skin is 975 Riot Points. Snow Day Gnar is part of the theme Snow Day. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Snow Day Singed
  • Snow Day Malzahar
  • Snow Day Graves
  • Snow Day Ziggs
  • Snow Day Syndra
  • Snow Day Bard

El León Gnar

El León Gnar

He's big. He's small. He's throwing pieces of the ring around like it's made of pixie dust and unicorn whispers. He's El León, the eighth wonder of the world, and he's here to say to his opponents: “Gnar!”
The price for the El León Gnar skin is 750 Riot Points. El León Gnar is part of the theme Luchador. Other skins of the theme set:

  • El Macho Mundo
  • El Rayo Volibear
  • El Tigre Braum

Super Galaxy Gnar

Super Galaxy Gnar

Look, Gnar is still figuring out the pistol, okay? Just don't ask him too many questions, or you might have an unexpected Mecha-Gnar on your hands, walloping your face into deep space.
The price for the Super Galaxy Gnar skin is 1350 Riot Points. Super Galaxy Gnar is part of the theme Super Galaxy. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Super Galaxy Annie
  • Super Galaxy Elise
  • Super Galaxy Rumble
  • Super Galaxy Nidalee
  • Super Galaxy Shyvana
  • Super Galaxy Fizz
  • Super Galaxy Kindred

SSG Gnar

SSG Gnar

Honoring CuVee's winning performance as Gnar during the 2017 World Championship.
The price for the SSG Gnar skin is 1350 Riot Points. SSG Gnar is part of the theme World Champions: 2017. Other skins of the theme set:

  • SSG Jarvan IV
  • SSG Ezreal
  • SSG Taliyah
  • SSG Rakan
  • SSG Xayah

Astronaut Gnar

Astronaut Gnar

Gnar knew he should be focusing on the mission at hand, but the strange little creatures he encountered on the planet's surface captivated his attention (and kept his wrath at bay… for now).
The price for the Astronaut Gnar skin is 1350 Riot Points. Astronaut Gnar is part of the theme Astronauts. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Astronaut Teemo
  • Astronaut Rammus
  • Astronaut Corki
  • Astronaut Veigar
  • Astronaut Maokai
  • Astronaut Poppy
  • AstroNautilus
  • Astronaut Bard
  • Astronaut Singed
  • Astronaut Kennen
  • Astronaut Xerath
  • Astronaut Fizz
  • Astronaut Ivern

Elderwood Gnar

Elderwood Gnar

Stories have long been told of a monster that stalks the wood, rending massive oak trees asunder bare-handed—but few realize this titan is also the small, curious creature that collects baubles and bones and chitters through the treetops. The wise leave both to their devices. The foolish? Well, it depends which Gnar they meet.
The price for the Elderwood Gnar skin is 1350 Riot Points. Elderwood Gnar is part of the theme Elderwood. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Elderwood LeBlanc
  • Dryad Soraka
  • Emerald Taric
  • Elderwood Veigar
  • Elderwood Ahri
  • Elderwood Hecarim
  • Elderwood Azir
  • Elderwood Rek'Sai
  • Elderwood Bard
  • Elderwood Rakan
  • Elderwood Xayah
  • Elderwood Ornn
  • Elderwood Karthus
  • Elderwood Wukong

La Ilusión Gnar

La Ilusión Gnar

Abandoned to the streets, Gnar spent years scraping by, snarling at his misfortune, until he was found by a gentle orphaned girl. What started as simple gifts of food blossomed into a loving friendship, only for Gnar to suddenly fall ill and pass. Because of their familial love, Gnar now returns as an Eidola Vida, ready to protect his family from danger.
The price for the La Ilusión Gnar skin is 1350 Riot Points. La Ilusión Gnar is part of the theme La Ilusión. Other skins of the theme set:

  • La Ilusión Nidalee
  • La Ilusión Ziggs
  • La Ilusión Draven
  • La Ilusión Qiyana
  • La Ilusión Renata Glasc
  • Prestige La Ilusión Renata Glasc

FAQ on Gnar skins

How many skins does Gnar have?

Gnar has 10 skins in patch 14.9.

What is the best Gnar skin?

The best Gnar skin is Super Galaxy Gnar.