Ezreal Skins

Ezreal Skins

Rising Spell Force
Mystic Shot
Essence Flux
Arcane Shift
Trueshot Barrage
Pick Rate
Ban Rate
#Skin Name
Riot Points880
Nottingham Ezreal
Riot Points520
Striker Ezreal
Soccer Cup
Riot Points520
Frosted Ezreal
Riot Points520
Explorer Ezreal
Riot Points750
Pulsefire Ezreal
Riot Points3250
TPA Ezreal
World Champions: 2012
Riot Points750
Debonair Ezreal
Riot Points750
Ace of Spades Ezreal
Riot Points750
Arcade Ezreal
Arcade: Heroes
Riot Points1350

All Ezreal skins

Take a look at the best Ezreal skins in League of Legends. Other than counters for Ezreal a skin is only for the aesthetics. Therefore keep learning how to build Ezreal.



A dashing adventurer, unknowingly gifted in the magical arts, Ezreal raids long-lost catacombs, tangles with ancient curses, and overcomes seemingly impossible odds with ease. His courage and bravado knowing no bounds, he prefers to improvise his way out of any situation, relying partially on his wits, but mostly on his mystical Shuriman gauntlet, which he uses to unleash devastating arcane blasts. One thing is for sure—whenever Ezreal is around, trouble isn’t too far behind. Or ahead. Probably everywhere.
This is the default Ezreal skin and is free of charge. The champion Ezreal costs 880 Riot Points.

Nottingham Ezreal

Nottingham Ezreal

An adventuring elf from the outlying forest kingdoms, Ezreal likes to present himself as a “handsome rogue-paladin” named Jarro Lightfeather. Very few people believe his claims of knighthood, but they serve as a decent enough distraction between his disastrous misadventures.
The price for the Nottingham Ezreal skin is 520 Riot Points. Nottingham Ezreal is part of the theme Albion. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Viridian Kayle
  • Sherwood Forest Ashe
  • Blackthorn Morgana

Striker Ezreal

Striker Ezreal

A young and flashy prodigy, Ezreal is Order United's most popular player. Or at least he was, until a long series of teleportation-related fouls got him in trouble with the oversight committee.
The price for the Striker Ezreal skin is 520 Riot Points. Striker Ezreal is part of the theme Soccer Cup. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Red Card Twisted Fate
  • Sweeper Alistar
  • Sweeper Rammus
  • Goalkeeper Blitzcrank
  • Red Card Katarina
  • Goalkeeper Maokai
  • Playmaker Lee Sin
  • Superfan Gragas
  • All-star Akali
  • Striker Lucian

Frosted Ezreal

Frosted Ezreal

Ezreal occasionally finds himself in the Freljord, searching for such-and-such ancient artifact. But braving sub-zero temperatures, terrifying ice beasts, and angry Freljordian tribes is a tall order, even for him—that's why he goes in disguise. He's practically a different person!
The price for the Frosted Ezreal skin is 520 Riot Points. Frosted Ezreal is part of the theme Freljord. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Tundra Hunter Warwick
  • Freljord Ashe
  • Freljord Rammus
  • Frost Queen Janna
  • Freljord Taliyah
  • Freljord Sylas

Explorer Ezreal

Explorer Ezreal

Ezreal's almost suicidal obsession with braving tombs, ruins, forbidden temples, and abandoned cities has netted him a tidy handful of priceless relics. Most of those relics are sold off to pay exploration-related medical bills, but one of these days…
The price for the Explorer Ezreal skin is 750 Riot Points. Explorer Ezreal is part of the theme Legacy. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Reverse Annie
  • Forsaken Olaf
  • Enchanted Galio
  • The Magnificent Twisted Fate
  • Imperial Xin Zhao
  • Wicked LeBlanc
  • Judgment Kayle
  • Ionia Master Yi
  • Assassin Master Yi
  • Samurai Yi
  • Chosen Master Yi
  • Golden Alistar
  • Warmonger Sion
  • Spectacular Sivir
  • Bandit Sivir
  • Warrior Princess Sivir
  • Badger Teemo
  • Recon Teemo
  • Waterloo Miss Fortune
  • Amethyst Ashe
  • Highland Tryndamere
  • Nemesis Jax
  • Jaximus
  • Temple Jax
  • Masquerade Evelynn
  • Phantom Karthus
  • Nightmare Cho'Gath
  • Ninja Rammus
  • Chrome Rammus
  • Noxus Hunter Anivia
  • Asylum Shaco
  • Royal Shaco
  • Workshop Shaco
  • Mr. Mundoverse
  • Harbinger Kassadin
  • Nightblade Irelia
  • Tempest Janna
  • Minuteman Gangplank
  • Red Baron Corki
  • Sakura Karma
  • Safari Caitlyn
  • Rusty Blitzcrank
  • Marble Malphite
  • Mercenary Katarina
  • Totemic Maokai
  • Darkforge Jarvan IV
  • Bladecraft Orianna
  • General Wukong
  • Rumble in the Jungle
  • Earthrune Skarner
  • Leopard Nidalee
  • Battle Regalia Poppy
  • Hillbilly Gragas
  • Silverfang Akali
  • Swamp Master Kennen
  • Karate Kennen
  • Sanguine Garen
  • Desert Trooper Garen
  • Defender Leona
  • Iron Solari Leona
  • Shadow Prince Malzahar
  • Renegade Talon
  • Monarch Kog'Maw
  • Yellow Jacket Shen
  • Warlord Shen
  • Imperial Lux
  • Runeborn Xerath
  • Ironscale Shyvana
  • Darkflame Shyvana
  • Midnight Ahri
  • Jailbreak Graves
  • Tundra Fizz
  • Night Hunter Rengar
  • Blight Crystal Varus
  • Subterranean Nautilus
  • Major Ziggs
  • Gladiator Draven
  • Forsaken Jayce
  • Special Weapon Zac
  • Hired Gun Lucian
  • Koi Nami

Pulsefire Ezreal

Pulsefire Ezreal

Temporal fugitive and time-hopping explorer extraordinaire, Ezreal leaps across disparate realities searching for interesting technology to acquire. He is responsible for countless paradoxes and is currently wanted by the dystopian Remembrancers, who hunt him relentlessly.
The price for the Pulsefire Ezreal skin is 3250 Riot Points. Pulsefire Ezreal is part of the theme Pulsefire. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Pulsefire Twisted Fate
  • Pulsefire Caitlyn
  • Pulsefire Pantheon
  • Pulsefire Riven
  • Pulsefire Shen
  • Pulsefire Fiora
  • Prestige Pulsefire Lucian
  • Pulsefire Lucian
  • Pulsefire Ekko
  • Pulsefire Thresh
  • Prestige Pulsefire Thresh
  • Prestige Pulsefire Thresh (2022)

TPA Ezreal

TPA Ezreal

Honoring BeBe's winning performance as Ezreal during the 2012 World Championship.
The price for the TPA Ezreal skin is 750 Riot Points. TPA Ezreal is part of the theme World Champions: 2012. Other skins of the theme set:

  • TPA Nunu & Willump
  • TPA Mundo
  • TPA Orianna
  • TPA Shen

Debonair Ezreal

Debonair Ezreal

Tailored suits, fitted vests, and an elegant gauntlet let everyone know the difference between Ezreal and the common rabble is simple. He makes this look good, and they… don't.
The price for the Debonair Ezreal skin is 750 Riot Points. Debonair Ezreal is part of the theme Debonair. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Debonair Galio
  • Debonair LeBlanc
  • Debonair Master Yi
  • Debonair Brand
  • Prestige Debonair Brand
  • Debonair Leona
  • Debonair Malzahar
  • Debonair Draven
  • Debonair Jayce
  • Debonair Zed
  • Debonair Vi

Ace of Spades Ezreal

Ace of Spades Ezreal

First is the Ace, at a hurtling pace,
The price for the Ace of Spades Ezreal skin is 750 Riot Points. Ace of Spades Ezreal is part of the theme Highstakes. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate
  • Wild Card Shaco
  • King of Clubs Mordekaiser
  • Queen of Diamonds Syndra

Arcade Ezreal

Arcade Ezreal

A skilled gamer transported to Arcade World by Veigar, Ezreal holds the world record for speedrunning the original version of Hyper Crystal Dungeon in 45 seconds, using a custom-made mobile controller. Veigar has made a terrible mistake.
The price for the Arcade Ezreal skin is 1350 Riot Points. Arcade Ezreal is part of the theme Arcade: Heroes. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Arcade Miss Fortune
  • Arcade Sona
  • Arcade Corki
  • Arcade Caitlyn
  • Prestige Arcade Caitlyn
  • Arcade Riven
  • Arcade Ahri
  • Arcade Hecarim
  • Arcade Kai'Sa
  • Prestige Arcade Caitlyn (2022)

Star Guardian Ezreal

Star Guardian Ezreal

With a boundless curiosity about the universe, Ezreal is a born explorer, and becoming a Star Guardian only served to fuel his appetite for discovery. Though known to wander off, he always returns when most needed, especially now, as a certain pink-haired Guardian from another team has caught his attention…
The price for the Star Guardian Ezreal skin is 1350 Riot Points. Star Guardian Ezreal is part of the theme Star Guardian Season 2. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Prestige Star Guardian Soraka
  • Pajama Guardian Soraka
  • Star Guardian Soraka
  • Star Guardian Miss Fortune
  • Pajama Guardian Miss Fortune
  • Pajama Guardian Ezreal
  • Star Guardian Ahri
  • Star Guardian Syndra

SSG Ezreal

SSG Ezreal

Honoring Haru's winning performance as Ezreal during the 2017 World Championship.
The price for the SSG Ezreal skin is 1350 Riot Points. SSG Ezreal is part of the theme World Champions: 2017. Other skins of the theme set:

  • SSG Jarvan IV
  • SSG Gnar
  • SSG Taliyah
  • SSG Rakan
  • SSG Xayah

Pajama Guardian Ezreal

Pajama Guardian Ezreal

The First Star has burdened Ezreal with a lot. The responsibility. The hefty weight of destiny. The sparkly outfit (he's used to it). “Attending a slumber party” was definitely not on the list of expected cosmic duties. Not that he minds, really… as long as they don't actually try to braid his hair.
The price for the Pajama Guardian Ezreal skin is 1350 Riot Points. Pajama Guardian Ezreal is part of the theme Star Guardian Season 2. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Prestige Star Guardian Soraka
  • Pajama Guardian Soraka
  • Star Guardian Soraka
  • Star Guardian Miss Fortune
  • Pajama Guardian Miss Fortune
  • Star Guardian Ezreal
  • Star Guardian Ahri
  • Star Guardian Syndra

Battle Academia Ezreal

Battle Academia Ezreal

A young orphan initially thought devoid of any superhuman abilities, Ezreal had resigned himself to a normal life once he graduated middle school. But an encounter with a deadly threat awakened his slumbering potential, and now he finds himself a 1st year at the prestigious Durandal God-Weapon Academy, where he's joined the ragtag Battle Club.
The price for the Battle Academia Ezreal skin is 1820 Riot Points. Battle Academia Ezreal is part of the theme Battle Academia. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Battle Academia Caitlyn
  • Battle Academia Katarina
  • Battle Academia Wukong
  • Battle Academia Garen
  • Battle Academia Leona
  • Prestige Battle Academia Leona
  • Battle Academia Lux
  • Prestige Battle Academia Lux
  • Battle Professor Graves
  • Battle Academia Jayce
  • Battle Principal Yuumi
  • Battle Academia Yone
  • Prestige Battle Academia Lux (2022)

PsyOps Ezreal

PsyOps Ezreal

A young hotshot and the newest recruit in the elite PsyOps unit, Ezreal's raw psychic ability is only matched by his severely over-inflated ego. He has successfully annoyed the rest of his team to the point they just direct him towards hard targets and half-hope he winds up dead.
The price for the PsyOps Ezreal skin is 1350 Riot Points. PsyOps Ezreal is part of the theme PsyOps. Other skins of the theme set:

Prestige PsyOps Ezreal

Prestige PsyOps Ezreal

Ezreal's mastery of psychic military combat has driven him to new heights, attracting the attention of his handlers in High Command. He's calmed down a bit, earning some respect from his squad mates… but not enough. He's never calmed down enough.
The price for the Prestige PsyOps Ezreal skin is 200 Mythic Essences. Prestige PsyOps Ezreal is part of the theme PsyOps. Other skins of the theme set:

Porcelain Protector Ezreal

Porcelain Protector Ezreal

After accidentally unleashing an ancient evil sorceress while doing research in the university archive, Ezreal narrowly escaped certain death when Lux and the spirit of the Tiger Relic stepped in to save him. Though he is new to the world of magic, Ezreal has joined the Protectors— determined to help solve the problem he (inadvertently) caused.
The price for the Porcelain Protector Ezreal skin is 1820 Riot Points. Porcelain Protector Ezreal is part of the theme Porcelain. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Porcelain Amumu
  • Prestige Porcelain Lux
  • Porcelain Lux
  • Porcelain Lissandra
  • Porcelain Kindred
  • Prestige Porcelain Lissandra
  • Porcelain Miss Fortune
  • Porcelain Morgana
  • Porcelain Irelia
  • Porcelain Graves
  • Porcelain Darius
  • Porcelain Protector Aurelion Sol
  • Prestige Porcelain Kindred

Faerie Court Ezreal

Faerie Court Ezreal

Though he is a lord of the Summer Court, Ezreal would much rather be investigating ancient magical history than putting up with all the political drama. When his research reveals something curious about the Faerie queen's line of succession, however, Ezreal discovers that someone may have placed Karma upon the throne for their own purposes…
The price for the Faerie Court Ezreal skin is 1350 Riot Points. Faerie Court Ezreal is part of the theme Faerie Court. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Faerie Queen Karma
  • Prestige Faerie Court Katarina
  • Faerie Court Katarina
  • Faerie Court Fiora
  • Faerie Court Seraphine
  • Faerie Court Kalista
  • Faerie Court Milio
  • Faerie Court Soraka
  • Faerie Court Tristana
  • Faerie Court Lux
  • Faerie Court Lillia



After a manufactured one-hit wonder launched Ezreal into the spotlight, only for him to fall out of it again when the album got panned, Ezreal decided it was time he took some creative control back. Now, having left his old label and lending what star power he has to HEARTSTEEL, Ezreal has found musicians and friends he's ready to make a comeback with.
The price for the HEARTSTEEL Ezreal skin is 1350 Riot Points. HEARTSTEEL Ezreal is part of the theme HEARTSTEEL. Other skins of the theme set:

  • HEARTSTEEL Aphelios
  • Prestige HEARTSTEEL Yone

Heavenscale Ezreal

Heavenscale Ezreal

Wherever chaos is sown, dragons across the kingdom know to listen for Ezreal's mischievous laughter. His japes are harmless, but don't let that merry spirit fool you: he is a shrewd royal scout alongside Kai'Sa who has braved many adventures between bouts of pranking. Dressing up like a human to go party? Now that sounds like his idea of a good time.
The price for the Heavenscale Ezreal skin is 1350 Riot Points. Heavenscale Ezreal is part of the theme Heavenscale. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Heavenscale Master Yi
  • Heavenscale Janna
  • Divine Heavenscale Lee Sin
  • Heavenscale Lee Sin
  • Prestige Heavenscale Ezreal
  • Heavenscale Diana
  • Heavenscale Kai'Sa
  • Heavenscale Smolder

Prestige Heavenscale Ezreal

Prestige Heavenscale Ezreal

Ezreal's gilded gala garb is fit for royalty. Adorned in hand-crafted scales and crystal horns, this tastemaker came to the party with a mission: ring in the New Year not just with a bang, but a roar.
Prestige Heavenscale Ezreal is part of the theme Heavenscale. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Heavenscale Master Yi
  • Heavenscale Janna
  • Divine Heavenscale Lee Sin
  • Heavenscale Lee Sin
  • Heavenscale Ezreal
  • Heavenscale Diana
  • Heavenscale Kai'Sa
  • Heavenscale Smolder

FAQ on Ezreal skins

How many skins does Ezreal have?

Ezreal has 21 skins in patch 14.10.

What is the best Ezreal skin?

The best Ezreal skin is Pulsefire Ezreal.