All Star Tower Defense Codes: Redeem Active ASTD Codes

Codes in All Star Tower Defense (ASTD) hold the key to enhanced gameplay. In this guide, we unravel the mystery behind these codes, guide you on how to find and redeem them, and walk you through the importance of ASTD in the gaming world.

Welcome to our blog post about All Star Tower Defense or ASTD, a popular game on Roblox. This game has a unique feature: the use of All Star Tower Defense codes, also known as ASTD codes.

What are these codes for All Star Tower Defense? They are special gifts given by the game's developer. These codes usually contain gems, the game's currency. Gems are extremely beneficial as they can be used to summon new characters in the game.

Here's the cool part: the characters you can summon vary in power. Therefore, the more gems you have, the stronger you can potentially become. It's a fun and exciting way to enhance your gameplay!

Another fun fact? These ASTD codes are often released after updates or when a certain social target is reached. So, it's a good idea to keep an eye out for these new releases!

Active ASTD Codes (March 2025)

Now, let's dive into the world of All Star Tower Defense codes. These codes are a big deal in the game. They can give you extra rolls for better units. This is especially helpful for new players who are just starting their journey.

Usually, these codes provide at least 100 or 150 Gems. That's enough for two or more hero summons. Who wouldn't want a chance to summon more heroes?

Active ASTD Codes
superluffysubcountStardust and Gems (NEW!)
superdaydaykid100ksubsStardust and Gems (NEW!)
omgupdate2024Stardust and Gems (NEW!)
sbrupdateStardust and Gems (NEW!)

Remember, new codes pop up regularly, usually monthly or after major updates. So, it's a smart move to check back for these codes from time to time. Also, be aware that some of the codes are released by game developers and others by popular ASTD YouTubers like SnowRBX and NavyXFlame.

Whether you're an old hand at All Star Tower Defense or a new player, these codes are a fantastic way to boost your game. Keep an eye out for them, and you'll be on your way to becoming a master at All Star Tower Defense!

How to Redeem ASTD Codes

Redeeming All Star Tower Defense codes is simple and straightforward. Even if you're new to the game, you'll get the hang of it quickly. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you out.

  1. First, look for the settings symbol. You'll find this icon in the top left corner of your screen.
  2. Once you've clicked the settings symbol, you'll notice a large box. This is where you'll type your code. Type the code exactly as it appears, mistakes can stop the code from working.
  3. After typing the code, hit the Enter key. Now, you can claim your reward and enjoy!

Remember, if a code doesn't seem to work, don't worry. You might be in an older server that doesn't recognize new codes. Try again in a new or VIP server. VIP servers are free, so using them can make your gaming experience even better!

Expired ASTD Codes

Just as there are active All Star Tower Defense codes, there are also expired ones. These are codes that were once usable but are no longer valid. The bad news is, you can't use these codes anymore.

animecardbattleegoupdatefraudkunaupdate300ksubscribersonyoutube300kcongratulations2kingluffyminiupd393HunterStarPasstradingupdatehope2024thankyoufor6bvisitsanimeroulette1Tsukuyomi202424hoursupdateEnumaElish2024videocode12135blamspot500kcodeunitreleasetournamentstartnewupdate1121sorry4delayUpdateThisWeekhappyholidays2happyholidays1newstarpass69PreChriistmas2023happy3yearanniversarysrry4delayhappyspookymonthnewupdatecodeUniverseResetNewWorld2TheDrumsOfLiberation2TheDrumsOfLiberation6billionvists6billionvisitsNavyXFlame130kNoLeak navyxflameyt80kmerrychristmas2k21NavyXFlameOtherCodeabouttimesnowrbx2023sorryfordelayupdate2july4threalupdatehappylatemothersdaynavyxflamelate200kcodeomgrolerewardcodeASTDEggOpenedFinallyBlamsdefnotlate300kcodeChainsmoke91youtubekingluffy350kdonemelonmen1newupdcode2newupdcode3blamspongediablo12maintenacecode15sorryforlongdelaythankyoufor5bvisitsnavyxflame170kyoutuberealdelayplvlreqnyhappyholidaysworld3isherewinterguy19mbshutdownbigwinterupdatesoon2milfavoriteup2yearanniversaryduoHalloween2022SubscribeToBlamSpotOnYoutube200k2yearanniversarytimechamberfixnewstarcodestardustupdategoldgemgold4partyrockinghappyhalloween2021robloxyayanniversaryastdNavyxFlame80Ksubsstarshipway100ksubnavyxflameigot2looknovemberupdatethecityofangelseatlotsonthanksgivingdecember2021SUBTOBLAMSPOT100kBOAKingLuffyFan200kwinterbreakwhenastdx2022world2comingsoonworld2ishere-ASTDDevsthemadao1mgroupmemberssuperwoopcongratulations2kingluffy300ksubscribersonyoutube300kultramoveallstarspringastd1millikesnewaprilupdate

Examples of expired codes include 'happylatemothersday' and 'navyxflamelate200kcodeomg'. These codes, at one time, offered players great rewards. Now, they serve as a reminder of past events and rewards in the game.

It's a good idea to keep track of these expired codes. This way, you can avoid trying to use them in the game. Always check the latest active codes for All Star Tower Defense to ensure you're not missing out on any goodies!

What is ASTD

When we talk about All Star Tower Defense or ASTD, we're referring to a popular game on Roblox. Like many games, it has its own system of codes. These codes, released by the game's developer, often contain gems.

About the game

All Star Tower Defense pulls you into a world full of strategies and characters. Characters can vary in power, and this is where gems play a key role. You can use gems to enhance your strength, which makes playing the game more thrilling.

What are ASTD codes?

ASTD codes are more than just random characters. They are gifts from the developer. Usually, they release these codes when a social target is reached or after an update. Each code can provide a bunch of gems and sometimes even more.

Why the interest in ASTD?

There's a huge fan base for games like ASTD, including fans of Final Fantasy, JRPG, Pokémon, platformers, Coin Master, and Roblox. With its fascinating gameplay and rewarding system of codes, All Star Tower Defense is a game that keeps its players engaged and always eager for more.


From all the information gathered, it's clear that the world of All Star Tower Defense and its codes is expansive and exciting. These codes provide players with gems and rewards that enhance gameplay. This is why understanding them, how to find them, and how to redeem them is crucial for all players.

Keeping up-to-date with new All Star Tower Defense codes is key. You can join the official Discord server or regularly check blogs that update their lists with every new code release. There are also resources for other games, like Roblox, Starving Artists, Shindo Life, Blox Fruits, and Anime Fighting Simulator.

Whether you're a seasoned player or a newcomer, being in the loop with ASTD codes can greatly enhance your gaming experience. It's not just about the gameplay but also the community built around it. So, get ready to dive in and remember to have fun!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are All Star Tower Defense codes?

All Star Tower Defense (ASTD) codes are special phrases or combinations of characters generated by the game developers. They usually contain rewards like gems or coins that can enhance your gameplay experience.

How can I find the latest ASTD codes?

The latest ASTD codes are often announced by the game developers on official channels, such as their Discord server, Twitter account, or the game's Roblox page. Players can also find up-to-date lists of active codes on this article.

How do I redeem ASTD codes?

To redeem ASTD codes, click on the gear icon in the game interface, enter the code into the input field, and click 'Enter'. The rewards associated with the code will then be added to your account.

Why do some codes not work?

Codes may not work for a variety of reasons. They could be expired, typed incorrectly, or you might be in an older server that doesn't recognize new codes. If a code doesn't work, you can try joining a new or VIP server and enter the code again.

How do I access banner Z in ASTD?

Eight distinct Banners exist in the game: X, Y, Z, G, W, F, N, and E. Banner X is perpetually unlocked for players. To unlock Banner Y, players must conquer Ant Kingdom in Story Mode. Banner Z is unique to World 2. Meanwhile, Banners W, F, N, and E are exclusively available in World 3.

How do you get zero 2 in ASTD?

Zero Two is a character in ASTD that players can obtain through the game's summoning system. You'll need a certain amount of gems, the in-game currency, to summon characters. Keep in mind that the availability of characters in summons may vary over time.

What is the name of ASTD?

The name ASTD is short for All Star Tower Defense, a popular game on the Roblox platform.