Abilities of Xerath
Spell skill priority is an important winning factor for Xerath. Understanding the abilities of Xerath in League of Legends is another. Below you can find all the relevant information on Xerath abilities. In order for item builds you should check the build for Xerath.
Passive: Mana Surge
Xerath's basic attacks periodically restore Mana. Whenever Xerath kills a unit, this cooldown is reduced.
Fires a long-range beam of energy, dealing magic damage to all targets hit.
magic damage. The range increases with time charged.
Eye of Destruction
Calls down a barrage of arcane energy, slowing and dealing magic damage to all enemies in an area. Targets in the middle receive additional damage and a stronger slow.
Xerath calls down a blast of arcane energy, dealing totaldamage
magic damage and Slowing them by slowamount*100
% for slowduration
seconds. Enemies in the center take sweetspottotaldamage
magic damage instead and are Slowed by sweetspotslowamount*100
%, decaying over slowduration
Shocking Orb
Deals magic damage to an enemy and stuns them.
Xerath fires an orb of raw magic, Stunning the first enemy hit for up to maxstunduration
seconds based on distance travelled, and dealing tooltiptotaldamage
magic damage.
Rite of the Arcane
Xerath immobilizes himself and gains numerous long-range barrages.
Xerath ascends to his true form and channels for e1
seconds. During this time he may Recast up to e2
Recast: Xerath launches a magical artillery, dealing tooltiptotaldamage
magic damage. For each champion hit, the artillery deals an additional rampdamagecalc
magic damage.
FAQ on Xerath
What do you max first on Xerath?
Most Xerath pros max out Arcanopulse first.