All Vi skins
Take a look at the best Vi skins in League of Legends. Other than counters for Vi a skin is only for the aesthetics. Therefore keep learning how to build Vi.

Once a criminal from the mean streets of Zaun, Vi is a hotheaded, impulsive, and fearsome woman with only a very loose respect for authority figures. Growing up all but alone, Vi developed finely honed survival instincts as well as a wickedly abrasive sense of humor. Now working with the Wardens of Piltover to keep the peace, she wields mighty hextech gauntlets that can punch through walls and suspects with equal ease.This is the default Vi skin and is free of charge. The champion Vi costs 880 Riot Points.
Neon Strike Vi

The price for the Neon Strike Vi skin is 975 Riot Points. Neon Strike Vi is part of the theme Demacia Vice. Other skins of the theme set:
- Armor of the Fifth Age Taric
- Demacia Vice Garen
- Demacia Vice Lucian
Officer Vi

After cycling through too many partners to count, the entire department had a bet going about "lone wolf" Officer Vi. But this tempestuous, impetuous officer has finally found her match in Caitlyn, a sharpshooter with a quick wit and soft spot for pink-haired wrecking balls.The price for the Officer Vi skin is 975 Riot Points. Officer Vi is part of the theme Cops and Robbers. Other skins of the theme set:
- Secret Agent Xin Zhao
- Secret Agent Miss Fortune
- Safecracker Evelynn
- Pickpocket Twitch
- Constable Trundle
- Officer Caitlyn
- Captain Volibear
Debonair Vi

Don the yellow power tie and red rose boutonnière of a woman in charge—of herself, her destiny, and the two dozen spines she's going to snap in effortless, elegant style.The price for the Debonair Vi skin is 750 Riot Points. Debonair Vi is part of the theme Debonair. Other skins of the theme set:
- Debonair Galio
- Debonair LeBlanc
- Debonair Master Yi
- Debonair Brand
- Prestige Debonair Brand
- Debonair Ezreal
- Debonair Leona
- Debonair Malzahar
- Debonair Draven
- Debonair Jayce
- Debonair Zed
Demon Vi

One of the great generals of Hell, Vi brutalizes the tormented with acts of martial savagery, arbitrarily raining lazy blows upon the damned. Invoking her in the mortal realm must be done cautiously, as she responds only to a worthy opponent… and only for so long.The price for the Demon Vi skin is 1350 Riot Points. Demon Vi is part of the theme Demonic. Other skins of the theme set:
- Gatekeeper Galio
- Little Devil Teemo
- Little Demon Tristana
- Little Devil Fizz
Warring Kingdoms Vi

Vi is the mighty enforcer of Azir's will—a ferocious, ruthless combatant who thrills in any challenge, no matter how outmatched she may be. Her gauntlets are carved from mystic jade, and each strike connects with the power of a cannon.The price for the Warring Kingdoms Vi skin is 1350 Riot Points. Warring Kingdoms Vi is part of the theme Lunar Revel: Warring Kingdoms. Other skins of the theme set:
- Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao
- Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere
- Warring Kingdoms Katarina
- Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV
- Warring Kingdoms Nidalee
- Warring Kingdoms Garen
- Dragonblade Talon
- Dragonblade Riven
- Warring Kingdoms Azir

Street-smart, brash, and always bluntly honest, Vi is a Central detective working to keep law and order in the neon city. Toughened from her days as a lower sector enforcer, Vi keeps the peace with a pair ATLAS gauntlets, and a mean right hook.The price for the PROJECT: Vi skin is 1350 Riot Points. PROJECT: Vi is part of the theme PROJECT. Other skins of the theme set:
- PROJECT: Warwick
- Prestige PROJECT: Irelia
- PROJECT: Irelia
- PROJECT: Katarina
- PROJECT: Renekton
- PROJECT: Vayne
- PROJECT: Mordekaiser
- PROJECT: Akali
- PROJECT: Leona
- PROJECT: Varus
- PROJECT: Sejuani
- PROJECT: Fiora
- PROJECT: Yasuo
- PROJECT: Senna
- PROJECT: Lucian
- Prestige PROJECT: Zed
- Prestige PROJECT: Sylas
- PROJECT: Sylas
- PROJECT: Gangplank
- PROJECT: Naafiri
Heartbreaker Vi

Vi plays fast and loose with the rules of love, leaving a long trail of broken hearts (and, sometimes, bodies) in her wake. After many years, she's finally encountered a new rival worthy of her strength… almost too worthy.The price for the Heartbreaker Vi skin is 1350 Riot Points. Heartbreaker Vi is part of the theme Heartbreakers. Other skins of the theme set:
- Sweetheart Annie
- Heartseeker Ashe
- Sweetheart Sona
- Heartseeker Orianna
- Heartseeker Vayne
- Heartseeker Varus
- Heartpiercer Fiora
- Heartseeker Quinn
- Heartseeker Jinx
- Heartseeker Lucian
- Heartseeker Yuumi
- Sweetheart Rakan
- Sweetheart Xayah
PsyOps Vi

A hand-to-hand combat specialist trained in psychically enhancing her blows with her mind, Vi takes care of “hard targets” for the rest of the PsyOps crew… generally by rushing ahead and punching them apart. She will fight anything and everything, including the old bipedal winter mechs from the Arctic Ops event 40 years prior.The price for the PsyOps Vi skin is 1350 Riot Points. PsyOps Vi is part of the theme PsyOps. Other skins of the theme set:
- PsyOps Master Yi
- PsyOps Sona
- PsyOps Ezreal
- Prestige PsyOps Ezreal
- PsyOps Shen
Arcane Vi

Celebrating the RiotX Arcane event.The price for the Arcane Vi skin is 975 Riot Points. Arcane Vi is part of the theme Arcane. Other skins of the theme set:
- Arcane Caitlyn
- Arcane Jayce
- Arcane Jinx
- Firelight Ekko
Heartache Vi

Shall I compare you to a rose? Your spikes like thorns against my side.The price for the Heartache Vi skin is 1350 Riot Points. Heartache Vi is part of the theme Heartthrobs and Heartaches. Other skins of the theme set:
- Heartache Amumu
- Heartthrob Caitlyn
Primal Ambush Vi

Respected throughout the land for her strength, Vi is known to all as the leader of the Favorclaw. Although many envy her status, she stands above her competitors, unphased and eager for any challengers worthy of her furious fists. Until then, she searches the world for a mythical Wildstripe said to transcend a Favorclaw's power to unfathomable heights.The price for the Primal Ambush Vi skin is 1350 Riot Points. Primal Ambush Vi is part of the theme Primal Ambush. Other skins of the theme set:
- Primal Ambush Sivir
- Primal Ambush Talon
- Primal Ambush Riven
FAQ on Vi skins
How many skins does Vi have?
Vi has 12 skins in patch 14.12.
What is the best Vi skin?
The best Vi skin is Demon Vi.