Vel'Koz Skins

Vel'Koz Skins

Organic Deconstruction
Plasma Fission
Void Rift
Tectonic Disruption
Life Form Disintegration Ray
Pick Rate
Ban Rate
#Skin Name
Riot Points880
Battlecast Vel'Koz
Riot Points1350
Arclight Vel'Koz
Riot Points1350
Definitely Not Vel'Koz
Definitely Not
Riot Points750
Infernal Vel'Koz
Riot Points1350
Blackfrost Vel'Koz
Riot Points1350
Riot Points1350

All Vel'Koz skins

Take a look at the best Vel'Koz skins in League of Legends. Other than counters for Vel'Koz a skin is only for the aesthetics. Therefore keep learning how to build Vel'Koz.



It is unclear if Vel’Koz was the first Voidborn to emerge on Runeterra, but there has certainly never been another to match his level of cruel, calculating sentience. While his kin devour or defile everything around them, he seeks instead to scrutinize and study the physical realm—and the strange, warlike beings that dwell there—for any weakness the Void might exploit. But Vel’Koz is far from a passive observer, striking back at threats with deadly plasma, or by disrupting the very fabric of the world itself.
This is the default Vel'Koz skin and is free of charge. The champion Vel'Koz costs 880 Riot Points.

Battlecast Vel'Koz

Battlecast Vel'Koz

An airborne data collection unit based on the now-extinct Vel'Koz lifeform, these Battlecast monstrosities sweep their concentrated energy beams over heavily populated areas. Survey data from the lifeless wreckage automatically calibrates the entire fleets' weapons systems, making the units a deadlier threat with every skirmish.
The price for the Battlecast Vel'Koz skin is 1350 Riot Points. Battlecast Vel'Koz is part of the theme Battlecast. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Battlecast Urgot
  • Resistance Singed
  • Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath
  • Resistance Caitlyn
  • Battlecast Alpha Skarner
  • Battlecast Nasus
  • Resistance Yorick
  • Battlecast Kog'Maw
  • Battlecast Xerath
  • Creator Viktor
  • Resistance Jayce
  • Battlecast Zac
  • Resistance Illaoi

Arclight Vel'Koz

Arclight Vel'Koz

A sublime being of living energy, Vel'Koz is the subject of legend, myth, and worship. Once every millenium he descends to the mortal plane, choosing those worthy enough to carry out his inscrutable will, and transforming them into creatures of transcendent power—the Arclight.
The price for the Arclight Vel'Koz skin is 1350 Riot Points. Arclight Vel'Koz is part of the theme Arclight. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Arclight Brand
  • Arclight Vayne
  • Arclight Yorick
  • Arclight Varus

Definitely Not Vel'Koz

Definitely Not Vel'Koz

I'm not a laser squid, I'm a man!
The price for the Definitely Not Vel'Koz skin is 750 Riot Points. Definitely Not Vel'Koz is part of the theme Definitely Not. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot
  • Pengu Cosplay Tristana
  • Furyhorn Cosplay Veigar
  • Definitely Not Blitzcrank
  • Definitely Not Udyr
  • Overlord Malzahar
  • Draven Draven

Infernal Vel'Koz

Infernal Vel'Koz

Scarce is known of Vel'Koz, owing to the fact that most who witness him combust at his mere presence. What is known, however, is that this cataclysmic titan can level entire civilizations with his incinerating gaze, leaving only smouldering ruin. Woe be to those fixed in the behemoth's infernal gaze, for there will be no remains left to bury.
The price for the Infernal Vel'Koz skin is 1350 Riot Points. Infernal Vel'Koz is part of the theme Infernal. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Infernal Galio
  • Infernal Alistar
  • Firefang Warwick
  • Infernal Karthus
  • Infernal Amumu
  • Molten Rammus
  • Obsidian Malphite
  • Charred Maokai
  • Scorched Earth Renekton
  • Volcanic Wukong
  • Infernal Nasus
  • Infernal Mordekaiser
  • Infernal Akali
  • Infernal Kennen
  • Infernal Shen
  • Scorched Earth Xerath
  • Foxfire Ahri
  • Infernal Varus
  • Infernal Diana
  • Ashen Lord Aurelion Sol
  • Wildfire Zyra
  • Shadowfire Kindred

Blackfrost Vel'Koz

Blackfrost Vel'Koz

Beneath the ice they slumber, trapped as two worlds pass them by. Watching, waiting, for the day they will rise again, and all will be buried in ice.
The price for the Blackfrost Vel'Koz skin is 1350 Riot Points. Blackfrost Vel'Koz is part of the theme Blackfrost. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Blackfrost Alistar
  • Blackfrost Sion
  • Blackfrost Anivia
  • Blackfrost Renekton
  • Ice Drake Shyvana
  • Blackfrost Rek'Sai



Controllable tentacles made out of honey? That's bee-nius!
The price for the Bee'Koz skin is 1350 Riot Points. Bee'Koz is part of the theme Bees!. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Beemo
  • Nunu & Beelump
  • Beekeeper Singed
  • Orbeeanna
  • Heimerstinger
  • Beezahar
  • Bee'Maw
  • BZZZiggs
  • Yuubee
  • King Beegar
  • Beezcrank

FAQ on Vel'Koz skins

How many skins does Vel'Koz have?

Vel'Koz has 7 skins in patch 14.10.

What is the best Vel'Koz skin?

The best Vel'Koz skin is Battlecast Vel'Koz.