Veigar Skins

Veigar Skins

Phenomenal Evil Power
Baleful Strike
Dark Matter
Event Horizon
Primordial Burst
Pick Rate
Ban Rate
#Skin Name
Riot Points585
White Mage Veigar
Riot Points390
Curling Veigar
Winter Sports
Riot Points520
Veigar Greybeard
Rift Quest
Riot Points750
Leprechaun Veigar
Riot Points520
Baron Von Veigar
Road Warrior
Riot Points975
Superb Villain Veigar
Silver Age
Riot Points975
Bad Santa Veigar
Snowdown Showdown
Riot Points975
Final Boss Veigar
Arcade: Battle Bosses
Riot Points1820
Omega Squad Veigar
Omega Squad
Riot Points1350

All Veigar skins

Take a look at the best Veigar skins in League of Legends. Other than counters for Veigar a skin is only for the aesthetics. Therefore keep learning how to build Veigar.



An enthusiastic master of dark sorcery, Veigar has embraced powers that few mortals dare approach. As a free-spirited inhabitant of Bandle City, he longed to push beyond the limitations of yordle magic, and turned instead to arcane texts that had been hidden away for thousands of years. Now a stubborn creature with an endless fascination for the mysteries of the universe, Veigar is often underestimated by others—but even though he believes himself truly evil, he possesses an inner morality that leads some to question his deeper motivations.
This is the default Veigar skin and is free of charge. The champion Veigar costs 585 Riot Points.

White Mage Veigar

White Mage Veigar

A master of healing magic residing within an ancient cathedral, Veigar self-identifies as a dastardly archvillain rather than the pious cleric he clearly is. His magic has cured ailments and dispelled curses from across the land, much to his chagrin.
The price for the White Mage Veigar skin is 390 Riot Points. White Mage Veigar is part of the theme Medieval. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Queen Ashe
  • King Tryndamere
  • Medieval Twitch
  • Little Knight Amumu
  • Blacksmith Poppy
  • Sorceress Lux
  • Sir Kled

Curling Veigar

Curling Veigar

Curling is a sport where players slide stones across the ice with a stick. Veigar is an evil yordle obsessed with annihilating the great cities of Valoran. It just makes sense.
The price for the Curling Veigar skin is 520 Riot Points. Curling Veigar is part of the theme Winter Sports. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Union Jack Fiddlesticks
  • The Mighty Jax
  • Whistler Village Twitch
  • Vancouver Amumu
  • Team Spirit Anivia
  • Festival Kassadin
  • Ice Toboggan Corki

Veigar Greybeard

Veigar Greybeard

A suspiciously helpful wizard the party meets early in their adventure, Veigar Greybeard holds a dastardly secret—he's the true villain of Riftquest! Of course, this is obvious to anyone who played the starter campaign, but you still shouldn't spoil it for newcomers.
The price for the Veigar Greybeard skin is 750 Riot Points. Veigar Greybeard is part of the theme Rift Quest. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Ryze Whitebeard
  • Barbarian Sion
  • Celestine Soraka
  • Demolisher Nunu & Willump
  • Twitch Shadowfoot
  • Karthus Lightsbane
  • Rageborn Mundo
  • Taric Luminshield
  • Gragas Caskbreaker
  • Lord Mordekaiser
  • Rugged Garen
  • Talon Blackwood
  • Varus Swiftbolt
  • Sejuani Dawnchaser
  • Lord Darius
  • Jayce Brighthammer
  • Braum Lionheart
  • Bard Bard

Leprechaun Veigar

Leprechaun Veigar

Contrary to popular belief, Veigar won't grant three wishes, isn't a fairy, and doesn't hide gold coins at the end of a rainbow. He will, however, kill you. Which is none of the things you want out of a magic leprechaun.
The price for the Leprechaun Veigar skin is 520 Riot Points. Leprechaun Veigar is part of the theme Fables. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Musketeer Twisted Fate
  • Sasquatch Nunu & Willump
  • Ghost Bride Morgana
  • Loch Ness Cho'Gath
  • Muse Sona
  • Mythic Cassiopeia
  • Siren Cassiopeia
  • Perseus Pantheon
  • Valkyrie Leona
  • Djinn Malzahar
  • Royal Guard Fiora
  • Dark Valkyrie Diana
  • River Spirit Nami

Baron Von Veigar

Baron Von Veigar

Ruler of the New Bandle Republic, Veigar considers himself the ultimate dark power of the wasteland—an evil so great that no man, woman, or creature would ever dare challenge his authority. Recently, he fixed up a water purifier and an electric grid for the city, too. An electric grid… OF EVIL!
The price for the Baron Von Veigar skin is 975 Riot Points. Baron Von Veigar is part of the theme Road Warrior. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Hyena Warwick
  • Road Warrior Miss Fortune
  • Junkyard Trundle
  • Apocalyptic Brand
  • Badlands Baron Rumble
  • Blast Zone Heimerdinger
  • Ruthless Pantheon

Superb Villain Veigar

Superb Villain Veigar

The villainous Veigar is at it again! Reigning from the top floor of the Veigar Company skyscraper, the criminal mastermind hatches the vilest plans New Valoran has ever seen! Yet even when his schemes are foiled, he always escapes punishment, biding his time until his next chance to strike!
The price for the Superb Villain Veigar skin is 975 Riot Points. Superb Villain Veigar is part of the theme Silver Age. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Super Teemo
  • Rocket Girl Tristana
  • Feral Warwick
  • Chemtech Tryndamere
  • Augmented Singed
  • Toxic Dr. Mundo
  • Infiltrator Irelia
  • Ravager Nocturne
  • Cryocore Brand
  • Deadly Kennen
  • Super Kennen
  • Bioforge Darius
  • Phoenix Quinn

Bad Santa Veigar

Bad Santa Veigar

Most Santas wish to bring joy and enchantment to children everywhere, but Veigar wants no such thing. His dark ambitions have grown beyond simply thwarting Snowdown—he schemes to throw the world into chaos, blotting out the holidays with his evil forever.
The price for the Bad Santa Veigar skin is 975 Riot Points. Bad Santa Veigar is part of the theme Snowdown Showdown. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Mistletoe LeBlanc
  • Happy Elf Teemo
  • Earnest Elf Tristana
  • Workshop Nunu & Willump
  • Candy Cane Miss Fortune
  • Old Saint Zilean
  • Re-Gifted Amumu
  • Nutcracko
  • Silent Night Sona
  • Slay Belle Katarina
  • Festive Maokai
  • Snowmerdinger
  • Snow Bunny Nidalee
  • Santa Gragas
  • Reindeer Kog'Maw
  • Santa Draven
  • Santa Braum
  • Ambitious Elf Jinx

Final Boss Veigar

Final Boss Veigar

Once merely a mini-boss with a Napoleon complex, Veigar has ripped into the code of Arcade World to summon hundreds of other bosses to his side. Together they'll stop at nothing to reach his ultimate goal: take the world for himself, and give the heroes a final Game Over.
The price for the Final Boss Veigar skin is 1820 Riot Points. Final Boss Veigar is part of the theme Arcade: Battle Bosses. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Battle Boss Blitzcrank
  • Battle Boss Brand
  • Battle Boss Malzahar
  • Battle Boss Ziggs
  • Battle Boss Yasuo
  • Battle Boss Bel'Veth
  • Battle Boss Qiyana

Omega Squad Veigar

Omega Squad Veigar

A heavy artillery specialist with a serious chip on his shoulder, Veigar has a troubling habit of calling down huge amounts of explosive ordnance for even the most mundane problems. He thinks of it as “a fun quirk.”
The price for the Omega Squad Veigar skin is 1350 Riot Points. Omega Squad Veigar is part of the theme Omega Squad. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Omega Squad Teemo
  • Omega Squad Tristana
  • Omega Squad Twitch
  • Omega Squad Fizz

Elderwood Veigar

Elderwood Veigar

A small number of the Elderwood's children remain largely unaffected by the growing influence of the Coven, to the relief of scholars and storytellers alike. Unfortunately, those particular children are some of the most whimsical and dangerous, including among their number the insane goblin Veigar and his cursed, hallucinogenic toadstools.
The price for the Elderwood Veigar skin is 1350 Riot Points. Elderwood Veigar is part of the theme Elderwood. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Elderwood LeBlanc
  • Dryad Soraka
  • Emerald Taric
  • Elderwood Ahri
  • Elderwood Hecarim
  • Elderwood Gnar
  • Elderwood Azir
  • Elderwood Rek'Sai
  • Elderwood Bard
  • Elderwood Rakan
  • Elderwood Xayah
  • Elderwood Ornn
  • Elderwood Karthus
  • Elderwood Wukong

Furyhorn Cosplay Veigar

Furyhorn Cosplay Veigar

50% fury, 50% horn,100% evil.
The price for the Furyhorn Cosplay Veigar skin is 1350 Riot Points. Furyhorn Cosplay Veigar is part of the theme Definitely Not. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot
  • Pengu Cosplay Tristana
  • Definitely Not Blitzcrank
  • Definitely Not Udyr
  • Overlord Malzahar
  • Draven Draven
  • Definitely Not Vel'Koz

Astronaut Veigar

Astronaut Veigar

A scientist conducting research on alien energy sources, Veigar ventured too far into empty space... but the Veigar that came back was different from the one that was set adrift. No one is sure why, but something about him is more… evil? And purple.
The price for the Astronaut Veigar skin is 1350 Riot Points. Astronaut Veigar is part of the theme Astronauts. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Astronaut Teemo
  • Astronaut Rammus
  • Astronaut Corki
  • Astronaut Maokai
  • Astronaut Poppy
  • AstroNautilus
  • Astronaut Gnar
  • Astronaut Bard
  • Astronaut Singed
  • Astronaut Kennen
  • Astronaut Xerath
  • Astronaut Fizz
  • Astronaut Ivern

Monster Tamer Veigar

Monster Tamer Veigar

Veigar has big plans. BIG. First, he'll amass an army of monsters, preferably from the darkest, scariest corners of the land. Then he'll use the CORE to create a bond with said monsters and amplify their power. Then he'll take over the world!! Hmm... he might have missed a step.
The price for the Monster Tamer Veigar skin is 1350 Riot Points. Monster Tamer Veigar is part of the theme Monster Tamers. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Zap'Maw
  • Monster Tamer Lulu

King Beegar

King Beegar

Beegar's waited a whole 10 days (that's a long time in bee-years) for his moment to strike. It's finally here, and the Queen Bee's crown is in his sights. Long live the Bee-sistance!
The price for the King Beegar skin is 1350 Riot Points. King Beegar is part of the theme Bees!. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Beemo
  • Nunu & Beelump
  • Beekeeper Singed
  • Orbeeanna
  • Heimerstinger
  • Beezahar
  • Bee'Maw
  • BZZZiggs
  • Yuubee
  • Beezcrank
  • Bee'Koz

FAQ on Veigar skins

How many skins does Veigar have?

Veigar has 15 skins in patch 14.9.

What is the best Veigar skin?

The best Veigar skin is Final Boss Veigar.