All Rek'Sai skins
Take a look at the best Rek'Sai skins in League of Legends. Other than counters for Rek'Sai a skin is only for the aesthetics. Therefore keep learning how to build Rek'Sai.
An apex predator, Rek’Sai is a merciless Void-spawn that tunnels beneath the ground to ambush and devour unsuspecting prey. Her insatiable hunger has laid waste to entire regions of the once-great empire of Shurima—merchants, traders, even armed caravans, will go hundreds of miles out of their way to avoid her and her offspring’s hunting grounds. All know that once Rek’Sai is seen on the horizon, death from below is all but guaranteed.This is the default Rek'Sai skin and is free of charge. The champion Rek'Sai costs 880 Riot Points.
Eternum Rek'Sai
Somewhere, beneath the soil, you hear the scraping of metal. Suddenly, there comes a screech… A cry of hunger… Then, nothing.The price for the Eternum Rek'Sai skin is 1350 Riot Points. Eternum Rek'Sai is part of the theme Eternum. Other skins of the theme set:
- Eternum Nocturne
- Eternum Cassiopeia
Pool Party Rek'Sai
We're gonna need a bigger inflatable raft…The price for the Pool Party Rek'Sai skin is 1350 Riot Points. Pool Party Rek'Sai is part of the theme Pool Party. Other skins of the theme set:
- Pool Party Miss Fortune
- Surfer Singed
- Pool Party Mundo
- Pool Party Gangplank
- Pool Party Taric
- Pool Party Caitlyn
- Pool Party Renekton
- Pool Party Jarvan IV
- Pool Party Orianna
- Pool Party Lee Sin
- Pool Party Heimerdinger
- Pool Party Leona
- Pool Party Graves
- Pool Party Fiora
- Pool Party Ziggs
- Pool Party Lulu
- Pool Party Draven
- Pool Party Syndra
- Pool Party Zoe
- Pool Party Zac
- Pool Party Taliyah
- Pool Party Braum
- Pool Party Sett
Blackfrost Rek'Sai
When the Ice Witch looked to the great glaciers of True Ice towering over the far north, she saw an army in the making. Among the first to be sculpted was Rek'Sai, a vessel of chilling savagery befitting a queen's power. Now, granted sentience by the will of the Watchers, she terrorizes domains with the brutal instincts of an apex predator.The price for the Blackfrost Rek'Sai skin is 1350 Riot Points. Blackfrost Rek'Sai is part of the theme Blackfrost. Other skins of the theme set:
- Blackfrost Alistar
- Blackfrost Sion
- Blackfrost Anivia
- Blackfrost Renekton
- Ice Drake Shyvana
- Blackfrost Vel'Koz
Elderwood Rek'Sai
Spore-fiends stalk the deepest reaches of the forest, and Rek'sai is the broodmother from which all others spring. Those who see her hulking form of bloom and bark swimming through the trees rarely live long enough to tell the tale.The price for the Elderwood Rek'Sai skin is 1350 Riot Points. Elderwood Rek'Sai is part of the theme Elderwood. Other skins of the theme set:
- Elderwood LeBlanc
- Dryad Soraka
- Emerald Taric
- Elderwood Veigar
- Elderwood Ahri
- Elderwood Hecarim
- Elderwood Gnar
- Elderwood Azir
- Elderwood Bard
- Elderwood Rakan
- Elderwood Xayah
- Elderwood Ornn
- Elderwood Karthus
- Elderwood Wukong
FAQ on Rek'Sai skins
How many skins does Rek'Sai have?
Rek'Sai has 5 skins in patch 14.12.
What is the best Rek'Sai skin?
The best Rek'Sai skin is Eternum Rek'Sai.