Abilities of Nami
Spell skill priority is an important winning factor for Nami. Understanding the abilities of Nami in League of Legends is another. Below you can find all the relevant information on Nami abilities. In order for item builds you should check the build for Nami.
Passive: Surging Tides
When Nami's Abilities hit allied champions they gain Move Speed for a short duration.
Aqua Prison
Sends a bubble to a target area, dealing damage and stunning all enemies on impact.
Nami hurls a bubble, Stunning for e2
seconds and dealing totaldamagett
magic damage.
Ebb and Flow
Unleashes a stream of water that bounces back and forth between allied and enemy champions, healing allies and damaging enemies.
Nami unleashes a stream of water that bounces between allied and enemy champions. Each champion can only be hit once, and it hits up to maxtargets
Health to allies and will bounce to a nearby enemy champion. totaldamage
magic damage to enemies and will bounce to a nearby allied champion.The damage and healing value is modified by
each bounce.
Tidecaller's Blessing
Empowers an allied champion for a short duration. The ally's basic attacks and spells deal bonus magic damage and slow the target.
Nami empowers an allied champion's next hitcount
Attacks and Abilities for buffduration
seconds, causing them to Slow their targets by totalslow
for slowduration
s and deal an additional totaldamage
magic damage.
Tidal Wave
Summons a massive Tidal Wave that knocks up, slows, and damages enemies. Allies hit gain double the effect of Surging Tides.
Nami summons a tidal wave, Knocking Up for 0.5 seconds, Slowing by e4
%, and dealing totaldamagetooltip
magic damage. The duration of the Slow increases based on distance the wave traveled, up to e5
Allies hit by the wave gain double the effect of Surging Tides.
FAQ on Nami
What do you max first on Nami?
Most Nami pros max out Ebb and Flow first.