Kog'Maw Skins

Kog'Maw Skins

Icathian Surprise
Caustic Spittle
Bio-Arcane Barrage
Void Ooze
Living Artillery
Pick Rate
Ban Rate
#Skin Name
Riot Points880
Caterpillar Kog'Maw
Riot Points520
Sonoran Kog'Maw
High Noon
Riot Points520
Monarch Kog'Maw
Riot Points520
Reindeer Kog'Maw
Snowdown Showdown
Riot Points975
Lion Dance Kog'Maw
Lunar Revel: Firecracker
Riot Points1350
Deep Sea Kog'Maw
Forgotten Depths
Riot Points975
Jurassic Kog'Maw
Day Job
Riot Points975
Battlecast Kog'Maw
Riot Points1350
Toy Box
Riot Points975

All Kog'Maw skins

Take a look at the best Kog'Maw skins in League of Legends. Other than counters for Kog'Maw a skin is only for the aesthetics. Therefore keep learning how to build Kog'Maw.



Belched forth from a rotting Void incursion deep in the wastelands of Icathia, Kog’Maw is an inquisitive yet putrid creature with a caustic, gaping mouth. This particular Void-spawn needs to gnaw and drool on anything within reach to truly understand it. Though not inherently evil, Kog’Maw’s beguiling naiveté is dangerous, as it often precedes a feeding frenzy—not for sustenance, but to satisfy its unending curiosity.
This is the default Kog'Maw skin and is free of charge. The champion Kog'Maw costs 880 Riot Points.

Caterpillar Kog'Maw

Caterpillar Kog'Maw

Kog'Maw, ever lost in thought, sat upon his toadstool until he was famished. “Wonderland is full of such delights,” he mused, gulping down the toadstool entirely. “It would be a shame not to devour them all.”
The price for the Caterpillar Kog'Maw skin is 520 Riot Points. Caterpillar Kog'Maw is part of the theme Storybook. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Annie in Wonderland
  • Red Riding Annie
  • Count Vladimir
  • Big Bad Warwick
  • Mad Hatter Shaco

Sonoran Kog'Maw

Sonoran Kog'Maw

Long considered a pest by frontier settlers, Kog'Maw critters have been growing in number as more dangerous beasts are pushed to the brink of extinction. And they are very, very hungry.
The price for the Sonoran Kog'Maw skin is 520 Riot Points. Sonoran Kog'Maw is part of the theme High Noon. Other skins of the theme set:

  • High Noon Twisted Fate
  • High Noon Urgot
  • Bandito Fiddlesticks
  • Longhorn Alistar
  • High Noon Sion
  • Cowgirl Miss Fortune
  • High Noon Ashe
  • High Noon Twitch
  • High Noon Irelia
  • Sheriff Caitlyn
  • High Noon Katarina
  • Desperada Cassiopeia
  • Sandscourge Skarner
  • High Noon Mordekaiser
  • High Noon Leona
  • Prestige High Noon Talon
  • High Noon Talon
  • High Noon Varus
  • High Noon Viktor
  • High Noon Hecarim
  • High Noon Darius
  • High Noon Yasuo
  • High Noon Jhin
  • High Noon Tahm Kench
  • High Noon Senna
  • High Noon Lucian
  • High Noon Samira
  • High Noon Thresh
  • High Noon Evelynn
  • Prestige High Noon Evelynn
  • High Noon Gragas
  • High Noon Rell
  • Peacemaker High Noon Yone
  • High Noon Yone

Monarch Kog'Maw

Monarch Kog'Maw

The price for the Monarch Kog'Maw skin is 520 Riot Points. Monarch Kog'Maw is part of the theme Legacy. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Reverse Annie
  • Forsaken Olaf
  • Enchanted Galio
  • The Magnificent Twisted Fate
  • Imperial Xin Zhao
  • Wicked LeBlanc
  • Judgment Kayle
  • Ionia Master Yi
  • Assassin Master Yi
  • Samurai Yi
  • Chosen Master Yi
  • Golden Alistar
  • Warmonger Sion
  • Spectacular Sivir
  • Bandit Sivir
  • Warrior Princess Sivir
  • Badger Teemo
  • Recon Teemo
  • Waterloo Miss Fortune
  • Amethyst Ashe
  • Highland Tryndamere
  • Nemesis Jax
  • Jaximus
  • Temple Jax
  • Masquerade Evelynn
  • Phantom Karthus
  • Nightmare Cho'Gath
  • Ninja Rammus
  • Chrome Rammus
  • Noxus Hunter Anivia
  • Asylum Shaco
  • Royal Shaco
  • Workshop Shaco
  • Mr. Mundoverse
  • Harbinger Kassadin
  • Nightblade Irelia
  • Tempest Janna
  • Minuteman Gangplank
  • Red Baron Corki
  • Sakura Karma
  • Safari Caitlyn
  • Rusty Blitzcrank
  • Marble Malphite
  • Mercenary Katarina
  • Totemic Maokai
  • Darkforge Jarvan IV
  • Bladecraft Orianna
  • General Wukong
  • Rumble in the Jungle
  • Earthrune Skarner
  • Leopard Nidalee
  • Battle Regalia Poppy
  • Hillbilly Gragas
  • Explorer Ezreal
  • Silverfang Akali
  • Swamp Master Kennen
  • Karate Kennen
  • Sanguine Garen
  • Desert Trooper Garen
  • Defender Leona
  • Iron Solari Leona
  • Shadow Prince Malzahar
  • Renegade Talon
  • Yellow Jacket Shen
  • Warlord Shen
  • Imperial Lux
  • Runeborn Xerath
  • Ironscale Shyvana
  • Darkflame Shyvana
  • Midnight Ahri
  • Jailbreak Graves
  • Tundra Fizz
  • Night Hunter Rengar
  • Blight Crystal Varus
  • Subterranean Nautilus
  • Major Ziggs
  • Gladiator Draven
  • Forsaken Jayce
  • Special Weapon Zac
  • Hired Gun Lucian
  • Koi Nami

Reindeer Kog'Maw

Reindeer Kog'Maw

It is rumored that Kog'Maw stole his glowing nose and deer antlers from a particularly adorable creature he devoured. Whether or not the theory is true, Kog'Maw is now the most famous reindeer of all.
The price for the Reindeer Kog'Maw skin is 975 Riot Points. Reindeer Kog'Maw is part of the theme Snowdown Showdown. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Mistletoe LeBlanc
  • Happy Elf Teemo
  • Earnest Elf Tristana
  • Workshop Nunu & Willump
  • Candy Cane Miss Fortune
  • Old Saint Zilean
  • Re-Gifted Amumu
  • Nutcracko
  • Silent Night Sona
  • Bad Santa Veigar
  • Slay Belle Katarina
  • Festive Maokai
  • Snowmerdinger
  • Snow Bunny Nidalee
  • Santa Gragas
  • Santa Draven
  • Santa Braum
  • Ambitious Elf Jinx

Lion Dance Kog'Maw

Lion Dance Kog'Maw

It is unclear if Kog'Maw even understands what Lunar Revel is, but someone seems to have painted him for it. That person has presumably been eaten and digested, but Kog'Maw does look very festive.
The price for the Lion Dance Kog'Maw skin is 1350 Riot Points. Lion Dance Kog'Maw is part of the theme Lunar Revel: Firecracker. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Panda Annie
  • Firecracker Xin Zhao
  • Firecracker Teemo
  • Firecracker Tristana
  • Dragonwing Corki
  • Firecracker Vayne
  • Prestige Firecracker Vayne
  • Firecracker Sejuani
  • Firecracker Diana
  • Firecracker Jinx
  • Firecracker Sett
  • Prestige Firecracker Vayne (2022)

Deep Sea Kog'Maw

Deep Sea Kog'Maw

“Perhaps my old mind was deceived by the fury of the storm. Yet as we sank, I glimpsed a field of lights beneath the waves, a thousand eyes of wicked alabaster… they were dark things tearing into the flesh of our crew as if all they ever knew was hunger.”
The price for the Deep Sea Kog'Maw skin is 975 Riot Points. Deep Sea Kog'Maw is part of the theme Forgotten Depths. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Deep One Kassadin
  • Coral Reef Malphite
  • Atlantean Fizz
  • Abyssal Nautilus
  • Atlantean Syndra
  • Deep Sea Nami
  • Deep Terror Thresh

Jurassic Kog'Maw

Jurassic Kog'Maw

The price for the Jurassic Kog'Maw skin is 975 Riot Points. Jurassic Kog'Maw is part of the theme Day Job. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Prom Queen Annie
  • Brolaf
  • Prestigious LeBlanc
  • Matador Alistar
  • Lumberjack Sion
  • Firefighter Tristana
  • Angler Jax
  • Groovy Zilean
  • Jurassic Cho'Gath
  • Almost-Prom King Amumu
  • Corporate Mundo
  • Aviator Irelia
  • Forecast Janna
  • Sailor Gangplank
  • Lil' Slugger Trundle
  • Boom Boom Blitzcrank
  • Hazmat Heimerdinger
  • French Maid Nidalee
  • Black Belt Udyr
  • Scuba Gragas
  • Battle Bunny Riven
  • Fisherman Fizz
  • Primetime Draven

Battlecast Kog'Maw

Battlecast Kog'Maw

Mass-produced artillery units based on the now-extinct Kog'Maw organism, Viktor has invented an ingenious shell delivery system best appreciated from about a hundred miles away—the latest design's maximum range.
The price for the Battlecast Kog'Maw skin is 1350 Riot Points. Battlecast Kog'Maw is part of the theme Battlecast. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Battlecast Urgot
  • Resistance Singed
  • Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath
  • Resistance Caitlyn
  • Battlecast Alpha Skarner
  • Battlecast Nasus
  • Resistance Yorick
  • Battlecast Xerath
  • Creator Viktor
  • Resistance Jayce
  • Battlecast Zac
  • Battlecast Vel'Koz
  • Resistance Illaoi



Pug'Maw is a nine month old purebred pug with a sweet disposition and possibly some sort of salivary problem. Great with children and pets. Highly food motivated. Has eaten three action figures and one doll, approach with extreme caution.
The price for the Pug'Maw skin is 975 Riot Points. Pug'Maw is part of the theme Toy Box. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Moo Cow Alistar
  • Grungy Nunu & Willump
  • Toy Soldier Gangplank
  • Renektoy
  • Sewn Chaos Orianna
  • Ragdoll Poppy
  • Dino Gnar
  • Toy Terror Cho'Gath
  • Choo-Choo Ornn

Hextech Kog'Maw

Hextech Kog'Maw

A newer Hextech innovation, Kog'Maw constructs are available as pets for wealthy families, delighting Piltover's upper crust with their friendly demeanor and intricately complex design. Though living things, they are viewed among the well-to-do as little more than status symbols.
The price for the Hextech Kog'Maw skin is 125 Mythic Essences. Hextech Kog'Maw is part of the theme Hextech. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Hextech Annie
  • Hextech Galio
  • Hextech Alistar
  • Hextech Sion
  • Hextech Tristana
  • Hextech Singed
  • Hextech Amumu
  • Hextech Rammus
  • Hextech Anivia
  • Hextech Kassadin
  • Hextech Janna
  • Hextech Swain
  • Hextech Nocturne
  • Hextech Renekton
  • Hextech Jarvan IV
  • Hextech Poppy
  • Hextech Malzahar
  • Hextech Sejuani
  • Hextech Ziggs

Arcanist Kog'Maw

Arcanist Kog'Maw

The diminutive familiar of a famed sorcerer, Kog'Maw was mistreated and neglected for years as his master pursued the arcane arts. Thanks to a chance meeting with Zoe, he was released from servitude to travel the land with her… ultimately enrolling in the same school Zoe technically attends.
The price for the Arcanist Kog'Maw skin is 1350 Riot Points. Arcanist Kog'Maw is part of the theme Arcanists. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Arcanist Shaco
  • Spellthief Lux
  • Master Arcanist Ziggs
  • Prestige Arcanist Zoe
  • Arcanist Zoe



Snowballing lane won't bring back your precious honey!
The price for the Bee'Maw skin is 1350 Riot Points. Bee'Maw is part of the theme Bees!. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Beemo
  • Nunu & Beelump
  • Beekeeper Singed
  • Orbeeanna
  • Heimerstinger
  • Beezahar
  • BZZZiggs
  • Yuubee
  • King Beegar
  • Beezcrank
  • Bee'Koz



The Zap'Maw is a curious monster that baffles even the most experienced of Tamers. Sightings are limited to abandoned ruins that only the bravest dare enter. But taming one is an even more challenging task. Only one Tamer has succeeded so far, their bond—and the Zap'Maw's lightning attacks—growing stronger each day.
The price for the Zap'Maw skin is 1350 Riot Points. Zap'Maw is part of the theme Monster Tamers. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Monster Tamer Veigar
  • Monster Tamer Lulu

Shan Hai Scrolls Kog'Maw

Shan Hai Scrolls Kog'Maw

In defiance of the maelstrom's power, the beast Kog'Maw safely rides along its currents thanks to its nigh-unbreakable shell. Perpetually at odds with itself, its tail is addicted to feeding on the maelstrom's energy, while its head simply wants to devour everything in sight. Can anything within the Scrolls sate its growing hunger?
The price for the Shan Hai Scrolls Kog'Maw skin is 1350 Riot Points. Shan Hai Scrolls Kog'Maw is part of the theme Shan Hai Scrolls. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Shan Hai Scrolls Cho'Gath
  • Shan Hai Scrolls Nautilus
  • Shan Hai Scrolls Jhin
  • Shan Hai Scrolls Neeko
  • Shan Hai Scrolls Tahm Kench
  • Shan Hai Scrolls Bard
  • Shan Hai Scrolls Lillia

FAQ on Kog'Maw skins

How many skins does Kog'Maw have?

Kog'Maw has 15 skins in patch 14.9.

What is the best Kog'Maw skin?

The best Kog'Maw skin is Battlecast Kog'Maw.