Kalista Skins

Kalista Skins

Martial Poise
Fate's Call
Pick Rate
Ban Rate
#Skin Name
Riot Points880
Blood Moon Kalista
Blood Moon
Riot Points975
Worlds 2015 Kalista
World Championship
Riot Points975
SKT T1 Kalista
World Champions: 2015
Riot Points975
Marauder Kalista
Riot Points1350
Faerie Court Kalista
Faerie Court
Riot Points1350

All Kalista skins

Take a look at the best Kalista skins in League of Legends. Other than counters for Kalista a skin is only for the aesthetics. Therefore keep learning how to build Kalista.



A specter of wrath and retribution, Kalista is the undying spirit of vengeance, an armored nightmare summoned from the Shadow Isles to hunt deceivers and traitors. The betrayed may cry out in blood to be avenged, but Kalista only answers those willing to pay with their very souls. Those who become the focus of Kalista’s wrath should make their final peace, for any pact sealed with this grim hunter can only end with the cold, piercing fire of her soul-spears.
This is the default Kalista skin and is free of charge. The champion Kalista costs 880 Riot Points.

Blood Moon Kalista

Blood Moon Kalista

A demon of vengeance summoned on the night of the Blood Moon, Kalista's singular obsession with 'betrayers' knows no limits—any deception, no matter how trivial, will be met with death. Her victims are left hanging from the walls of their homes, a warning to those who remain.
The price for the Blood Moon Kalista skin is 975 Riot Points. Blood Moon Kalista is part of the theme Blood Moon. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Blood Moon Twisted Fate
  • Blood Moon Master Yi
  • Blood Moon Sivir
  • Blood Moon Tryndamere
  • Blood Moon Zilean
  • Blood Moon Evelynn
  • Blood Moon Katarina
  • Blood Moon Elise
  • Blood Moon Akali
  • Blood Moon Kennen
  • Blood Moon Talon
  • Blood Moon Shen
  • Blood Moon Diana
  • Blood Moon Yasuo
  • Blood Moon Jhin
  • Prestige Blood Moon Aatrox
  • Blood Moon Aatrox
  • Blood Moon Thresh
  • Blood Moon Pyke
  • Prestige Blood Moon Aatrox (2022)
  • Blood Moon Fiddlesticks
  • Blood Moon Zyra
  • Blood Moon Zed

Worlds 2015 Kalista

Worlds 2015 Kalista

Celebrating Worlds 2015 in Europe.
The price for the Worlds 2015 Kalista skin is 975 Riot Points. Worlds 2015 Kalista is part of the theme World Championship. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Worlds 2020 LeBlanc
  • Worlds 2019 Ryze
  • Worlds 2017 Ashe
  • Worlds 2021 Jarvan IV
  • Reignited Worlds 2012 Riven
  • Worlds 2012 Riven
  • Worlds 2014 Shyvana
  • Worlds 2018 Kha'Zix
  • Worlds 2016 Zed
  • Worlds 2013 Thresh
  • Worlds 2022 Azir
  • Worlds 2023 Renekton

SKT T1 Kalista

SKT T1 Kalista

Honoring Bang's winning performance as Kalista during the 2015 World Championship.
The price for the SKT T1 Kalista skin is 975 Riot Points. SKT T1 Kalista is part of the theme World Champions: 2015. Other skins of the theme set:

  • SKT T1 Alistar
  • SKT T1 Ryze
  • SKT T1 Renekton
  • SKT T1 Elise
  • SKT T1 Azir

Marauder Kalista

Marauder Kalista

The Magelords… furious, brutal, and glorious in their conquest—a sect of warriors long lost to the sands of time. Until now. Resurrected by the current Marauder leaders, Kalista's desire for vengeance has only festered over the millenia. Now she returns, more powerful than ever, to eradicate the Wardens and everything they've built.
The price for the Marauder Kalista skin is 1350 Riot Points. Marauder Kalista is part of the theme Marauder. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Marauder Olaf
  • Marauder Xin Zhao
  • Marauder Alistar
  • Marauder Warwick
  • Marauder Ashe
  • Marauder Kled

Faerie Court Kalista

Faerie Court Kalista

As captain of Her Majesty's royal guard, Kalista is dedicated to keeping her queen safe above all else. Though some grumble that Kalista was only elevated to her station because she is Karma's dearest friend, she has proven time and time again that her title is well earned. Anyone who thinks otherwise is welcome to duel her and learn firsthand.
The price for the Faerie Court Kalista skin is 1350 Riot Points. Faerie Court Kalista is part of the theme Faerie Court. Other skins of the theme set:

  • Faerie Queen Karma
  • Prestige Faerie Court Katarina
  • Faerie Court Katarina
  • Faerie Court Ezreal
  • Faerie Court Fiora
  • Faerie Court Seraphine
  • Faerie Court Milio
  • Faerie Court Soraka
  • Faerie Court Tristana
  • Faerie Court Lux
  • Faerie Court Lillia

FAQ on Kalista skins

How many skins does Kalista have?

Kalista has 6 skins in patch 14.10.

What is the best Kalista skin?

The best Kalista skin is Marauder Kalista.