All Ivern skins
Take a look at the best Ivern skins in League of Legends. Other than counters for Ivern a skin is only for the aesthetics. Therefore keep learning how to build Ivern.
Ivern Bramblefoot, known to many as the Green Father, is a peculiar half man, half tree who roams Runeterra’s forests, cultivating life everywhere he goes. He knows the secrets of the natural world, and holds deep friendships with all things that grow, fly, and scuttle. Ivern wanders the wilderness, imparting strange wisdom to any he meets, enriching the forests, and occasionally entrusting loose-lipped butterflies with his secrets.This is the default Ivern skin and is free of charge. The champion Ivern costs 975 Riot Points.
Candy King Ivern
The resplendent ruler of the Candy Kingdom, Ivern is beloved by subjects far and wide. Yet there are those who have seen the monster lurking beneath his jolly frame—and his gnawing hunger for candy flesh that can never be satisfied.The price for the Candy King Ivern skin is 1350 Riot Points. Candy King Ivern is part of the theme Sugar Rush. Other skins of the theme set:
- Dark Candy Fiddlesticks
- Sugar Rush Zilean
- Sugar Rush Evelynn
- Lollipoppy
- Sugar Rush Ziggs
- Bittersweet Lulu
- Sugar Rush Braum
Dunkmaster Ivern
Daisy and Ivern first started as a basketball doubles pair on the mean streets of Kumungu jungle—but then a chance encounter with then-NBA commissioner John Brambleback pushed them both into the national spotlight. They've been tearing up the court on the professional circuit ever since.The price for the Dunkmaster Ivern skin is 1350 Riot Points. Dunkmaster Ivern is part of the theme Dunkmaster. Other skins of the theme set:
- Dunkmaster Darius
Old God Ivern
A nightmarish totem forged of witchcraft and forbidden incantations, Ivern stood among the Old Gods in the days before their destruction. Left inert for hundreds of years, he has risen along with his brethren to annihilate the paltry works of man.The price for the Old God Ivern skin is 1350 Riot Points. Old God Ivern is part of the theme Coven, Elderwood. Other skins of the theme set:
- Old God Warwick
- Old God Malphite
- Old God Nocturne
Astronaut Ivern
Ivern's nurturing nature created a safe haven for the meeps under his care. However, an explosion caused by Xerath destroyed his ship and left him aimlessly floating in space. After a chance encounter with Fizz, who saved him by accidentally crashing into him, Ivern joined their ranks to search for any wanderers in need of his protection.The price for the Astronaut Ivern skin is 1350 Riot Points. Astronaut Ivern is part of the theme Astronauts. Other skins of the theme set:
- Astronaut Teemo
- Astronaut Rammus
- Astronaut Corki
- Astronaut Veigar
- Astronaut Maokai
- Astronaut Poppy
- AstroNautilus
- Astronaut Gnar
- Astronaut Bard
- Astronaut Singed
- Astronaut Kennen
- Astronaut Xerath
- Astronaut Fizz
FAQ on Ivern skins
How many skins does Ivern have?
Ivern has 5 skins in patch 14.22.
What is the best Ivern skin?
The best Ivern skin is Candy King Ivern.