Abilities of Ivern
Spell skill priority is an important winning factor for Ivern. Understanding the abilities of Ivern in League of Legends is another. Below you can find all the relevant information on Ivern abilities. In order for item builds you should check the build for Ivern.
Passive: Friend of the Forest
Ivern cannot attack or be attacked by non-epic monsters. Ivern can create magical groves on jungle camps which grow over time. When the grove is fully grown, Ivern may free the monsters to receive gold and experience.
Ivern conjures a vine, dealing damage and rooting enemy targets hit. Ivern's allies can dash to the rooted target.
Ivern conjures a vine dealing totaldamage
magic damage and Rooting the first enemy hit for rootduration
seconds. Allies that Attack a Rooted enemy dash into Attack Range.
Recast: Ivern dashes directly onto the Rooted enemy.
Hitting non-epic monsters reduces Rootcaller's cooldown by 50%.
In brush, Ivern and his nearby allies attacks deal bonus magic damage. Ivern can activate this ability to create a patch of brush.
Passive: While in brush and for buffduration
seconds after leaving, Ivern's Attacks deal an additional totaldamage
magic damage. Nearby allies will gain this effect for allybuffduration
seconds and deal totalallydamage
magic damage.
Active: Ivern grows a patch of Brush, revealing the area for revealduration
seconds. The Brush persists until Ivern's team loses vision within it, or up to maxbrushduration
Ivern places a shield on an ally which explodes after a short duration slowing and damaging enemies. The shield refreshes if it hits no enemies.
Ivern grants totalshield
Shield to an ally champion or Daisy. After shieldduration
seconds, it bursts, dealing totaldamage
magic damage and Slowing enemies by slowamount*100
% for slowduration
If Triggerseed detonates and no enemy champions are hit while the shield still persists, the ally will be shielded for totalshield
for shieldduration
Ivern summons his Sentinel friend Daisy to fight with him. Re-cast command Daisy to attack or move.
Ivern summons his sentinel friend Daisy to leap into the fray for daisyduration
Daisy, Slam!: Daisy's 3rd consecutive Attack on the same champion or epic monster will launch a shockwave, dealing totalshockwavedamage
magic damage to all enemies hit as well as Knocking Up for shockwaveccduration
second. This effect can only occur once every shockwavecd
Recast: Instruct Daisy to Attack or move.
FAQ on Ivern
What do you max first on Ivern?
Most Ivern pros max out Triggerseed first.