Abilities of Evelynn
Spell skill priority is an important winning factor for Evelynn. Understanding the abilities of Evelynn in League of Legends is another. Below you can find all the relevant information on Evelynn abilities. In order for item builds you should check the build for Evelynn.
Passive: Demon Shade
When out of combat, Evelynn enters Demon Shade. Demon Shade heals Evelynn when she is low on health and grants Camouflage after level 6.
Hate Spike
Evelynn strikes out with her Lasher, dealing damage to the first unit hit. Then, Evelynn can shoot a line of spikes at nearby foes up to 3 times.
Evelynn strikes with her Lasher, dealing missiledamagetooltip
magic damage to the first enemy hit and causing Evelynn's next 3 Attacks or Abilities on that unit to deal an additional totalbonusdamagetooltip
magic damage. Evelynn can Recast this Ability up to 3 times.
Recast: Evelynn fires spikes through the nearest enemy, dealing missiledamagetooltip
magic damage to all enemies hit.
Evelynn curses her target, causing her next attack or spell after a delay to charm her target and reduce their magic resist.
Evelynn marks a champion or monster for 5 seconds. If Evelynn hits the target with an Attack or Ability, she will expunge the mark, refund its cost, and Slow the target by slowamount*100
% for slowduration
If the mark lasts at least 2.5 seconds, expunging it has extra effects:
second(s) and removes mrshred*100
% Magic Resist for shredduration
seconds and deals monsterdamagetotaltooltip
magic damage.
Evelynn whips her target with her Lasher, dealing damage. She then gains Move Speed for a short duration.
Evelynn whips an enemy, dealing basedamage
plus percenthealthbasetooltip
max Health magic damage. Evelynn gains speedamount*100
% Move Speed for speedduration
Entering Demon Shade refreshes this Ability's cooldown and empowers it. When this Ability is empowered, Evelynn dashes to the target and deals empowereddamage
plus percenthealthempoweredtooltip
max Health magic damage to her target and everyone she passes through instead.
Last Caress
Evelynn briefly goes untargetable and decimates the area in front of her before warping backwards a long distance.
Evelynn unleashes her demonic energy, dealing heavy damage, becoming Untargetable and teleporting backwards. She deals damage
magic damage, increased to critdamage
against enemies below 30% Health. Upon cast, set Demon Shade to a 1.25 second cooldown.
FAQ on Evelynn
What do you max first on Evelynn?
Most Evelynn pros max out Hate Spike first.