Who is Ekko in Arcane: The Little Man Who Shattered Time

Welcome to the fascinating world of Arcane, where we dive into the captivating story of Ekko, a key character from the League of Legends universe.

We’ll explore Ekko’s background and lore, his role in the Arcane series, and how he captured the hearts of fans worldwide. So, whether you’re a die-hard League of Legends fan or a curious newcomer, get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey!

NicknameLittle Man
AbilitiesTime manipulation, Time-rewind (Chronobreak)
WeaponZ-Drive (Modified pocket watch)
AppearanceYoung boy with white hair and a street style outfit
Profile of Ekko in Arcane

Ekko’s Background and Lore

I don’t need to run. I can always rewind.

— Ekko

Ekko, also known as the Boy Who Shattered Time, is a brilliant inventor from the undercity of Zaun in the League of Legends universe. As a child prodigy, he has always been passionate about creating innovative gadgets and devices to help his fellow citizens. His signature invention, the Zero-Drive, allows him to manipulate time, granting him the ability to rewind and alter events to his advantage.

Arcane Ekko
Two inventors meeting

The Connection to Vi and Jinx

Growing up in Zaun, Ekko formed strong bonds with two other prominent characters in the League of Legends universe: Vi and Jinx. The trio shared a deep friendship and often relied on each other for support in their harsh environment. As they grew older, however, their paths diverged. Vi chose to become a protector of the undercity, while Jinx spiraled into a life of crime and chaos. Despite their differences, Ekko still cares for both of his friends and hopes to help them find a better future.

Arcane Ekko
Ekko and Vi

Ekko’s Unique Abilities

Ekko’s powers stem from his ability to manipulate time, which he gained through his invention, the Zero-Drive. This extraordinary device allows him to rewind time, giving him a second chance at any situation. In the world of Arcane, Ekko’s time manipulation abilities are visually stunning and play a vital role in shaping his character’s story arc. His skills, combined with his resourcefulness and determination, make him a formidable force within the series.

A Look at Ekko’s Role in Arcane

Time’s not a straight line. It’s all… bumpy-wumpy. There’s a rhythm to it, you know?

— Ekko

In the Arcane series, Ekko is initially introduced as a mysterious character known as the Little Man. As the story unfolds, his true identity is revealed, and viewers come to understand his significance within the narrative. As a prominent figure in Zaun, Ekko is determined to make a difference in the lives of his fellow citizens and to fight against the injustices they face.

Arcane Ekko Caitlyn
Ekko and Caitlyn on their way

The Hoverboard and Graffiti

One of the most iconic elements of Ekko’s character in Arcane is his hoverboard, which he uses to navigate the treacherous streets of Zaun with ease. The hoverboard is a testament to his resourcefulness and inventiveness, showcasing his ability to create unique gadgets that enhance his abilities. Additionally, Ekko uses graffiti as a form of expression and rebellion, leaving his mark throughout the city as a reminder of his presence and determination to fight for a better future.

Ekko’s Design and Fan Art

Ekko’s striking visual design in Arcane is the result of a collaboration between the creators of the series and the artists at Riot Games. His appearance is a blend of futuristic elements and a gritty, urban aesthetic that reflects the harsh environment of Zaun. Ekko’s unique look has inspired numerous fans to create their own interpretations of the character through various forms of fan art. From digital illustrations to traditional sketches, the Arcane community has embraced Ekko’s design and contributed to the growing collection of artwork that celebrates his role in the series.

The world’s not gonna change itself, you know? Gotta go out there and change it ourselves.

— Ekko


In conclusion, Ekko’s character in Arcane is a testament to the power of perseverance, friendship, and creativity. From his humble beginnings in the undercity of Zaun to his time-bending adventures, Ekko’s story is one of triumph over adversity and a relentless pursuit of a better future. We hope this blog post has deepened your appreciation for Ekko and the world of Arcane. So, next time you watch the series or play a round of League of Legends, remember the inspiring journey of the Boy Who Shattered Time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the voice actor behind Ekko?

Théodore Pellerin is the talented voice actor who brings the character of Ekko to life in the Arcane series.

Does Ekko die in the Arcane series?

Without giving away any spoilers, Ekko’s resilience and resourcefulness play a significant role in his survival, keeping fans on the edge of their seats as they follow his journey in the Arcane series.

What is the timeskip in Arcane, and how does it affect Ekko?

The timeskip in Arcane allows the creators to explore how the characters have developed and matured. For Ekko, the timeskip offers an opportunity to showcase his growth as a leader, an inventor, and a friend, as well as to delve deeper into his motivations and the consequences of his actions.

What are some of Ekko’s inventions?

Some of Ekko’s key inventions include the Zero-Drive, a device that allows him to manipulate time, his hoverboard for fast transportation, and a time-manipulating watch.

How does Ekko’s background tie in with the League of Legends universe?

Ekko’s background and lore in Arcane are connected to the larger League of Legends universe. He is a champion in the game, and his story in the series provides fans with a deeper understanding of his character and his motivations.

How old is Ekko in Arcane?

While Ekko’s exact age is not explicitly stated in the Arcane series. He is portrayed as a young teenager during the first act and estimated to be 13 years old. As a young adult after the timeskip he is estimated to be 20 years old.

How has Ekko’s character been received by fans?

Ekko has been well-received by fans of both the League of Legends game and the Arcane series. His resourcefulness, intelligence, and determination, along with his visually stunning time manipulation abilities, have made him a fan favorite.

Who is ‘Little Man’ in Arcane?

Little Man is a nickname used by some characters in the Arcane series to refer to Ekko, highlighting his youth and stature in the early part of the series.

What is the significance of Ekko’s graffiti in Arcane?

Ekko’s graffiti in Arcane serves as a form of artistic expression and a way to leave his mark on the city of Zaun. His unique style and the messages in his art provide a glimpse into his thoughts and emotions throughout the series.