League of Legends Victorious Skins: Chasing Glory

Imagine earning a skin that tells everyone about your hard-earned victories. That’s what Victorious Skins do! They’re exclusive rewards you can’t just buy in the game’s shop.

Every year, the creators of League of Legends roll out a new Victorious Skin. The release of these skins marks the end of a season. The players who performed well during the season receive them as a reward. In the next chapters, we’ll dive deeper into the history, design, and significance of these coveted Victorious Skins. So, stay tuned!

Historical Overview of Victorious Skins

Victorious skins are not just about aesthetics, they are badges of honor, tokens of hard-earned success, a symbol of dedication in the League of Legends universe.

Let’s delve into the history of Victorious Skins. They started back in 2011. That’s when the first Victorious Skin, Victorious Jarvan IV, was released. This skin was a reward for players who climbed their way to the Gold rank or higher that season.

From then on, every season was marked by a new Victorious Skin. In 2012, players were rewarded with Victorious Janna. 2013 saw the release of Victorious Elise, and in 2014, Victorious Morgana was introduced.

In 2015, Victorious Sivir made her mark on the battlefield. Following her were Victorious Maokai in 2016, and Victorious Graves in 2017. Each new skin, like a badge of honor, celebrated the player’s achievement in reaching a significant rank.

As the game evolved, so did the Victorious Skins. Victorious Orianna graced the arena in 2018, and Victorious Aatrox did so in 2019. In 2020, it was Victorious Lucian’s turn to shine.

The series continued with Victorious Blitzcrank in 2021 and Victorious Sejuani in 2022. And finally, in the first split of 2023, Victorious Anivia was introduced. These skins were not just rewards, they were a symbol of skill and dedication.

Victorious Jarvan IV2011
Victorious Janna2012
Victorious Elise2013
Victorious Morgana2014
Victorious Sivir2015
Victorious Maokai2016
Victorious Graves2017
Victorious Orianna2018
Victorious Aatrox2019
Victorious Lucian2020
Victorious Blitzcrank2021
Victorious Sejuani2022
Victorious Anivia2023 Split 1
Victorious Skin Reward by Season

Design Elements and Special Features of Victorious Skins

One key feature is the golden trim that adorns each skin. These touches of gold symbolize the champion’s victory and status. And then there’s more. Many skins showcase crystalline staffs, a nod to the magical power of the champions.

The design elements go even further, with deep purple robes draped on some champions. This regal color signifies power and prestige. And let’s not forget the flashy recalls. These special animations add a touch of drama when champions return to base.

Some champions even wear winged crowns or have vine decorations as part of their design. These unique features add depth to each skin’s narrative, showcasing the champions’ greatness.

Now, let’s discuss something called chromas. A chroma is like a color variant for a skin. Victorious Graves was the first to receive chromas. The type of chroma you got was based on the ranked queues you reached Gold or higher in.

Victorious Graves (Base)
Victorious Graves (Base)
Victorious Graves (Flex)
Victorious Graves (Flex)
Victorious Graves (Solo/Duo)
Victorious Graves (Solo/Duo)

This chroma system was also used for Victorious Orianna and Victorious Aatrox. But it evolved later on. Now, rank chromas are based on a player’s peak rank in either Ranked Solo/Duo or the Ranked Flex queue.

Victorious Orianna Chromas
Victorious Orianna Chromas

Evolution of the Victorious Skins Rewards and Their Future

The Victorious Skins rewards have experienced changes over the years. Starting in 2018, players no longer received Victorious Ward rewards. Instead, they began to receive Honor Wards. These new rewards are based on a player’s Honor rank, not their competitive rank.

These changes aren’t only limited to the main game. In Wild Rift, the mobile version of League of Legends, there’s a twist. The Victorious skin line doesn’t exist there. It’s replaced by the Glorious skin line. These are the ranked rewards for Wild Rift players.

The evolution of Victorious Skins didn’t stop there. Starting from Season 13, a major change happened. Now, two Victorious Skins are offered for each split. A split is like a season within the competitive year. This means players have two opportunities to earn these skins.

The best part? Players of any rank can earn these skins. You just need to meet the Split Points requirement. This change makes the Victorious Skins more accessible to players. You don’t have to reach Gold rank or higher anymore.

These changes show the evolution of the Victorious Skins rewards. They also hint at what the future may hold. As League of Legends continues to evolve, we can only imagine how the Victorious Skins will change with it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Victorious Skin in League of Legends?

A Victorious Skin is a special type of skin in League of Legends awarded to players who reach a certain rank (usually Gold or higher) in a given season. These skins are unique to each season and represent a champion’s pinnacle of achievements. They feature intricate design elements like golden trim, flashy recalls, and more.

What is the 2023 Victorious skin?

The 2023 Victorious skin in League of Legends is Victorious Anivia, awarded for Split 1 of the season. An additional skin is expected for the second split of 2023.

How do you earn Victorious Skins in League of Legends?

Victorious Skins are usually awarded to players who reach Gold rank or higher in a season. However, starting from Season 13, these skins can be obtained by players of any rank, as long as you earn enough Split Points.

What is the rarest Victorious Skin?

The rarity of a Victorious Skin is determined by the number of players who reach the required rank in the season it was released. Therefore, the rarest Victorious Skin is likely the Victorious Jarvan IV, as it was the first ever released in 2011, when the player base was smaller.

Do Victorious Skins ever come back?

No, Victorious Skins are exclusive to the season they were released in and are not made available again. This exclusivity is part of what makes these skins a prestigious reward for players.