A Guide to League of Legends Level Borders
Have you ever noticed the unique border around each player’s icon in League of Legends? It’s not just for show; it tells a story about the player’s progress in the game. These are known as level borders.
Think of level borders as a kind of badge of honor, a sign of a player’s commitment to LoL. As players level up, they receive new borders to reflect their progress. It’s one of the many exciting aspects of the game that keep players engaged and eager to level up.
In the next few chapters, we’ll delve into the nitty-gritty of these League of Legends Level Borders. From their designs to how you can achieve them, we’ve got you covered.
Understanding and Unlocking Level Borders in LoL
So, what exactly are these Level Borders in League of Legends? They’re colorful frames that appear around your summoner icon. These borders change as you progress through different levels in the game. There are 21 distinct themes for borders, from the tech-themed Piltover at Level 1 to the grand Eternus at Level 500.
# | Level | Theme |
1 | 1 | Piltover |
2 | 30 | Zaun |
3 | 50 | Hextech |
4 | 75 | Fire |
5 | 100 | Archlight |
6 | 125 | Infused |
7 | 150 | Shadow Isles |
8 | 175 | Shurima |
9 | 200 | Lunari |
10 | 225 | Warring Kingdoms |
11 | 250 | Freljord |
12 | 275 | Battlecast |
13 | 300 | Ionia |
14 | 325 | Bilgewater |
15 | 350 | Runic |
16 | 375 | Noxus |
17 | 400 | Celestial |
18 | 425 | Elderwood |
19 | 450 | The Void |
20 | 475 | Blood Moon |
21 | 500 | Eternus |
But, you might be wondering, how do you unlock these Level Borders? Well, the key is XP, or Experience Points. XP is like the fuel that powers your journey through the game. The more you play, and the more you win, the more XP you earn. And more XP means unlocking new level borders!
Custom games or regular matches that finish in under 7 minutes don’t count. So, patience and persistence are crucial to earning enough XP and unlocking all the level borders in LoL.
The Revamp of Level Border Designs
Just as the gameplay of League of Legends continually evolves, so too do the design elements of the game. In particular, the level borders got a significant revamp on April 13, 2022. This update marked the first time Riot Games had changed the designs in four years. The new designs are cleaner, more detailed, and minimalist compared to the previous versions.
Changes in Border Designs
Some of the borders, like the level 100 border and level 150 border, have received minor modifications. These changes maintained the old design’s theme and structure, simply refreshing them for the modern aesthetic of the game. However, some borders have seen more dramatic alterations. For instance, the level 125 border and the level 200 border have significantly changed in design.
Keeping Your Favorite Borders
Despite these updates, players are not forced to adopt the new designs. You can freely choose to keep a preferred level border if you like the old designs better. Whether you’re a fan of the Shurima border, the Freljord border, or the iconic LoL level 275 border, your choice will be respected. It’s just another way that League of Legends allows players to personalize their gaming experience.
Player Reactions and the Future of Level Borders
I appreciate the modern look of the new designs, but I feel the level 500 border doesn’t fully capture the sense of achievement. Hopefully, Riot will take our feedback into account for future updates.
As you can imagine, the revamp of League of Legends level borders has sparked quite a bit of chatter among players. Responses to the new designs have been mixed. While many players appreciate the refreshed look of the new League borders, some have raised issues, particularly about the level 500 border.

These players argue that the new design doesn’t fully capture the prestige and achievement of reaching such a high level. It’s a great reminder of how deeply invested players are in every aspect of the game, including its aesthetics.
Looking ahead, Riot Games has not yet announced plans for adding more level borders beyond Level 500. However, given the company’s track record of listening to player feedback and continually improving the game, it’s likely we’ll see more developments in the future. For now, players can continue to unlock and enjoy the full range of League borders up to Level 500.
Frequently Asked Questions
At what levels do you get borders in League of Legends?
In League of Legends, players receive new level borders at every level. There are 21 different themed borders ranging from the Piltover theme at Level 1 to the Eternus theme at Level 500.
Can you change your level border in League of Legends?
Yes, players can change their level border in League of Legends. If players have a preferred level border, they can choose to keep it instead of updating it to the one corresponding to their current level.
How to turn on border League of Legends?
Level borders in League of Legends are automatically displayed as you level up. You don’t need to do anything to ‘turn on’ your border – it will update automatically as you reach new levels, unless you choose to keep a specific border.
How to customize border in League of Legends?
While players can’t customize the design of level borders in League of Legends, they can choose to keep a preferred level border instead of having it update to match their current level. This allows some degree of personalization.