Unleashing the Power of League of Legends Eternals

If you’re new to this game or just need a quick refresher, you’ve come to the right place. We will guide you through everything you need to know about League of Legends Eternals in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

Now, you might be asking yourself, what exactly are these Eternals? To put it simply, Eternals are a unique feature in the game League of Legends. They serve as a personal achievement system, letting you track and showcase your triumphs with your favorite champions.

Whether you’re a seasoned player or a rookie, the Eternals League of Legends system offers an exciting opportunity. It allows you to see your progress, challenge yourself, and display your mastery to your friends.

What are Eternals?

So, let’s answer the question: what are Eternals in League of Legends? Eternals is a champion mastery system. This might sound complex, but it’s actually quite simple. It’s a way for you to show off your personal achievements with your favorite champions.

It works like this: as you play games with your chosen champion, the Eternals system tracks your progress. The system records your accomplishments and milestones. The more you play, the more your Eternals profile grows. This means you can visually showcase your journey and growth as a player.

But that’s not all! Eternals aren’t just about numbers and statistics. In the game’s lore, Eternals are physical tributes of forgotten deities from the history of Runeterra, the world where League of Legends takes place.

So, every time you use Eternals, you’re not just showcasing your skills, but you’re also celebrating the rich lore of the game. So, are you excited to explore LoL Eternals yet?

How do Eternals work?

Now that you know what Eternals are, let’s understand how they work. First of all, they track your lifetime stats. This means they record your achievements throughout your journey in League of Legends. You might wonder, what kind of achievements? Well, that depends on the type of Eternals you have.

There are two main types of Eternal sets. The first type is the Common Sets. These sets track your broadly-applicable feats. In simpler words, these are achievements that any champion can accomplish. The second type is the Unique Sets. These track champion-specific feats or things that only certain champions can do.

Eternals are active and can be earned in all matchmade games. This includes Ranked, Normal, ARAM, and even Co-op vs. AI games. However, Eternals do not track in custom games.

What’s great about Eternals is that they’re always visible. During a game, they showcase your progress to your teammates and opponents.

Plus, they can be viewed on your chosen champion’s page. It’s like having a trophy case that everyone can admire. So, the next time you ask, What are Eternals LoL? remember, they’re your personal in-game highlight reel!

Purchasing Eternals

So, you’re excited about Eternals and want to get your hands on them. But how do you acquire them? Well, it’s actually quite simple. Eternals are available for purchase in the League of Legends in-game store.

Purchase Eternals in LoL

Each Eternal set is tied to a specific champion. This means that you can unlock Eternals for any champion you like. Best of all, you can do this even if you don’t own that particular champion. For example, if you love the playstyle of a certain hero but haven’t unlocked them yet, you can still buy their Eternal set. This way, once you do get the champion, you’ll already have their Eternals ready to showcase your skills.

Eternals Series

When it comes to Eternals, they’re not all bundled into one pack. Instead, they’re divided into sets known as Eternals Series. The three main sets are Starter Series, Series 1, and Series 2. Each series comes with its unique set of milestones.

Starter Series Eternal225 RP / 2500 BE
Series 1 Eternal600 RP
Series 2 Eternal600 RP
Eternal Series Costs

Eternal Pass

Additionally, you can opt for an Eternal Pass that unlocks all Eternal Series for all champions.

Starter Series Eternal Pass1350 RP / 14750 BE
Series 1 Eternal Pass5850 RP
Series 2 Eternal Pass6400 RP
Eternal Pass Costs

Eternal Capsules

Besides buying, Eternals can also be earned through gameplay. This is done via Eternal Capsules. These capsules give players set shards for RP-only Eternal sets. It’s a nice bonus for simply playing the game.

Types of Eternals

Remember how we said that each Eternal is linked to a specific champion class? That’s because there are six different types of Eternals in League of Legends. These types align with the different champion classes in the game.

EmpressSuperior demonstration of skill in the heat of the battle
GuideFollowing the path to victory, or opening one for allies
ProtectorKeeping yourself and allies in the fight
TricksterDeceitful mind games or premeditated chaos
WardenControlling enemies and the flow of battle
WarriorCrushing foes mercilessly on the battlefield
Eternal Types

The six types of Eternals make it easier to track your progress with each champion. Whether you prefer the powerful burst damage of assassins, the tenacity of fighters, or the protective abilities of tanks, there’s an Eternal type that suits your play style.

LoL Eternal Types

As you play and improve, your Eternals will reflect your growth. They serve as a record of your personal feats and accomplishments in the game. It’s all about showcasing your unique skills and achievements on the battlefield of League of Legends.

Display and Tracking of Eternals

After you get an Eternal, you might wonder where you can see your progress. Good news is, there are several places. One is the Player Showcase. Another is the loading screen, right next to the mastery. The last one is a place no opponent likes to see – their death screen. Yes, when you defeat them, they get to see your achievements!

Want to see your Eternals? No problem. Just head to the Progression tab for your chosen champion after you buy an Eternal. You’ll find them there, tracking your amazing feats.

LoL Eternal Progression

You can choose how your Eternals milestones are displayed. The options are: All On, Self, Team Only, or None. So, you have the power to decide who gets to see your League of Legends triumphs.

Eternals and Mastery Emote

Eternals are not just for show. They can also help you level up your Mastery Emote. How? For starters, when you hit five milestones on an Eternal, you get something cool. It’s called a Personal Best. It tracks the all-time, single-match best for that particular Eternal. It’s like a high score in a video game!

But the fun doesn’t stop there. If you keep playing and hit 15 milestones across one of the Eternal sets, something amazing happens. Your Mastery Emote gets a fiery effect that is exclusive to Eternals. So not only do you get to show off your skills, but you also get a pretty cool visual effect to go with it.

In a nutshell, Eternals are a fun way to track your progress and level up your Mastery Emote. So why wait? Start earning your Eternals today and get that fiery Mastery Emote you’ve always wanted!

Frequently Asked Questions

How are Eternals displayed and tracked?

Progress with Eternals is displayed in the Player Showcase, on the loading screen next to mastery, and on opponents’ death screens. After purchase, Eternals can be found under the Progression tab for the chosen champion. They can also be configured to display in different ways: All On, Self, Team Only, or None.

How do Eternals affect the Mastery Emote?

Reaching five milestones on an Eternal unlocks Personal Best which tracks the all-time, single-match best for that particular Eternal. When 15 milestones across one of the Eternal sets are hit, the Mastery Emote upgrades to have an Eternal-exclusive fiery effect.

What is an Eternal Shard?

Eternal Shards are an item type in League of Legends. They are part of the Eternals system and can be used to craft specific Eternal Sets for champions, allowing players to track and display their champion mastery.

What are Eternal Capsules and how do I earn them?

Eternal Capsules can be earned through gameplay and they enable players to receive Set Shards for RP-only Eternal sets.

Can I see the Eternals progress of other players?

Yes, the progress of Eternals can be seen by others during the loading screen and in the post-game lobby. However, you can configure your Eternals milestones to display in different ways, such as All On, Self, Team Only, or None.

Do Eternals offer any in-game advantages?

Eternals do not provide any in-game advantages or impact gameplay balance. They are purely cosmetic and serve as a way for players to track and showcase their personal achievements with specific champions.

What does ‘rekindling’ an Eternal mean?

‘Rekindling’ an Eternal allows you to start tracking a new Personal Best for that Eternal within a match, after it has been completed. This gives you a new challenge even after completing an Eternal.