How to Download and Install League of Legends: A Comprehensive Guide

League of Legends (LoL) is a highly popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed by Riot Games. This guide will walk you through the League of Legends download and installation process step by step, so you can start playing and enjoying the game in no time. Let’s find out how to download League of Legends!

System Requirements for League of Legends

Before downloading League of Legends, it is essential to ensure that your computer meets the minimum system requirements for smooth gameplay. The game can run on a wide range of systems, but here are the minimum and recommended specifications you should be aware of:

CPUIntel: Core i3-530
AMD: A6-3650
ARM: Not supported
Intel: Core i5-3300
AMD: Ryzen 3 1200
ARM: Not supported
CPU FeaturesSSE3SSE4
GPUNVidia: GeForce 9600GT
AMD: HD 6570
Intel: Intel HD 4600 Integrated Graphics
NVidia: GeForce 560
AMD: Radeon HD 6950
Intel: Intel UHD 630 Integrated Graphics
GPU FeaturesDX10-Level HardwareDX11-Level Hardware
Free Storage Space16GB HDD16GB SSD
OS VersionsWin 7, 8, 10Win 10
OS Architecturex64x64
Recommended GFX SettingLowHigh
Recommended Resolution1024×7681920×1080
System Requirements for League of Legends

Support for 32-bit Windows OS was deprecated on April 4, 2023. After this date a 64 bit version of Windows is required to play League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics.

Creating a Riot Games Account

In order to play League of Legends, you’ll first need to create a Riot Games account. To do this, simply visit the official account creation page and follow the instructions provided. You will need a valid email address to register.

League of Legends Signup

Downloading the Game Client

Once you have a Riot Games account and have confirmed that your system meets the requirements, you can proceed to download the game client. The process varies slightly depending on your operating system.

Downloading for Windows

For Windows users, follow these simple steps to download the League of Legends installer:

  1. Visit the official League of Legends website.
  2. Click on the Play Now button.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to download the installer.

Downloading for macOS

Mac users can also enjoy League of Legends by following these instructions for downloading the game client:

  1. Visit the official League of Legends website.
  2. Click on the Play Now button.
  3. Select macOS from the dropdown menu and follow the on-screen instructions to download the installer.

Installing League of Legends

After downloading the installer, follow these steps to successfully install the game on your computer:

  1. Locate and run the downloaded installer file.
  2. Choose the installation location, and then click Next or Install to begin the installation process.
  3. Wait for the installation to complete. This may take some time depending on your internet connection and computer’s performance.
  4. Once the installation is finished, the game launcher will open automatically.

Launching the Game and Logging In

With the game installed, you can now launch League of Legends and log in using your Riot Games account credentials. To do this, simply follow these steps:

  1. Double-click on the League of Legends icon on your desktop or in your applications folder.
  2. Wait for the game launcher to update and load.
  3. Enter your Riot Games account username and password, and click Log In.

As a new player, it’s important to understand the basics of League of Legends and complete the in-game tutorial before diving into matches. The tutorial will introduce you to the game’s mechanics, controls, and objectives, helping you become more familiar with how the game is played.

Tips for New Players

To help you get started on your League of Legends journey, here are some helpful tips and tricks for new players:

  • Take your time to learn the different League of Legends champions and their abilities.
  • Experiment with various roles (such as top, mid, jungle, support, and adc) to find the one that suits you best.
  • Communicate with your teammates and work together to achieve victory.
  • Always stay positive, even when matches don’t go as planned.
  • Keep practicing and learning from your mistakes to improve your skills.
  • Learn from Pros by visiting our Probuilds section.
League of Legends Download and Install


With this guide, you should now have League of Legends downloaded, installed, and be ready to embark on your exciting gaming adventure. Remember to have fun, stay positive, and enjoy the thrilling battles that await you on the Fields of Justice. Good luck, and see you on the Rift!

Frequently Asked Questions

How big is League of Legends download file?

The initial download size for League of Legends is around 8.2 GB. However, the game will continue to download additional files and updates in the background, which might increase the total size to 22 GB.

How long does it take to download and install League of Legends?

The download and installation time may vary depending on your internet connection speed and computer performance. On average, it can take anywhere between 30 minutes to a few hours.

Can I pause the League of Legends download and resume it later?

Yes, you can pause the League of Legends download and resume it later. The League of Legends installer will automatically continue the download from where it was paused.

Is League of Legends free to play?

Yes, League of Legends is completely free to play. However, there are optional in-game purchases, such as skins and champions, that you can buy with real money or in-game currency.

Can I play League of Legends on my Mac?

Absolutely! League of Legends is available for both Windows and macOS systems. Simply follow the download instructions provided in this guide for your specific operating system.

How often does League of Legends release new champions?

Riot Games typically releases new champions every few months. This keeps the game fresh and exciting, offering players new strategies and gameplay options.

What is the best way to learn and improve in League of Legends?

The best way to learn and improve is by playing the game regularly and practicing with different champions and roles. Additionally, watching professional players’ streams and learning their pro builds can also be helpful.